Penetration Testing Companies

Penetration testing companies have expertise in evaluating and improving the security of computer systems, networks, and applications. These companies perform controlled cyber attacks, called penetration tests, to discover weaknesses in an organization’s IT infrastructure.

Penetration testing, sometimes known as pen testing, simulates a cyber attack on a computer system or network to detect vulnerabilities and potential security issues.


Penetration testing companies aim to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization’s security measures and identify areas for improvement.

A trained security professional, known as a penetration tester or ethical hacker, employs manual and automated approaches to identify vulnerabilities in the target system during a penetration test.

These vulnerabilities may include outdated software, weak passwords, misconfigured security settings, or other weaknesses that attackers could exploit.

Once vulnerabilities are identified, the penetration tester will attempt to exploit them to gain unauthorized access to the system or network. This is done to demonstrate the potential impact of an actual cyber attack and to provide recommendations for improving security.

Penetration testing can be conducted on various systems, including web applications, databases, networks, and wireless systems. It is essential to an organization’s overall security strategy and can help identify and mitigate potential security risks before malicious actors can exploit them.

Types of Penetration Testing

There are mainly three types of penetration testing, each with its own focus and objectives. Here are three common types of penetration testing:

1. Black Box Testing:

  • This type of testing involves a penetration tester attempting to gain access to a system or application without prior knowledge or access to the system.
  • This approach simulates the perspective of an external attacker with no inside knowledge of the target system.

2. White Box Testing:

  • White box testing involves a penetration tester who has full access and knowledge of the target system or application.
  • This approach simulates the perspective of an insider or someone with authorized access to the system.

3. Grey Box Testing:

  • This type of testing is a hybrid between black box and white box testing. The tester has some knowledge about the target system but does not have full access to it.
  • This method simulates an attacker’s perspective with some knowledge of the target system or an insider with limited access.

What are Penetration Testing Companies Do?

Penetration testing companies are specialized organizations offering various security testing services to help businesses identify and address vulnerabilities in their computer systems, networks, and applications.

Some of the key services offered by these companies include:

1. Penetration testing:

  • Penetration testing companies typically provide comprehensive testing services designed to simulate a real-world cyber attack on a client’s systems.
  • This includes testing for vulnerabilities, exploiting them to gain unauthorized access, and providing recommendations for improving security.

2. Vulnerability assessments:

  • Some companies offer vulnerability assessments, which are less comprehensive than full penetration tests but can still provide valuable insights into potential security risks.
  • These assessments typically involve automated client systems scans to identify common vulnerabilities.

3. Web application testing:

  • Web application testing is a specialized penetration testing focused specifically on identifying vulnerabilities in web applications.
  • This includes testing for common web application vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and authentication bypass.

4. Wireless network testing:

  • Wireless network testing is a specialized type of testing focused on identifying vulnerabilities in wireless networks, such as those used for Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
  • This includes testing for weak encryption protocols, unauthorized access points, and other security weaknesses.

5. Social engineering testing:

  • Some companies also offer social engineering testing services designed to test an organization’s security posture against targeted attacks such as phishing, pretexting, or baiting.

Difference between Penetration Testing and Bug Bounty

Penetration testing and bug bounty programs are both approaches to identifying vulnerabilities in computer systems.

Still, there are some key differences between the two:

1. Scope:

  • Penetration testing typically involves comprehensively evaluating a target system to identify as many vulnerabilities as possible.
  • On the other hand, Bug bounty programs are usually focused on specific applications or features and reward individuals who can find and report specific vulnerabilities.

2. Approach:

  • A professional security team or individual typically conducts penetration testing, while bug bounty programs are open to anyone who wants to participate.
  • Bug bounty programs can potentially leverage a much larger pool of security researchers but may not have the same level of expertise as a dedicated penetration testing team.

3. Reward Structure:

  • Penetration testing is typically a paid service, with a fixed fee for the evaluation.
  • Bug bounty programs, on the other hand, typically offer rewards for individual vulnerabilities, with the reward varying depending on the severity of the exposure.

4. Relationship with the Target Organization:

  • Penetration testing is usually conducted with the target organization’s cooperation and permission, allowing for a more comprehensive system evaluation.
  • Bug bounty programs are also conducted with the permission of the target organization but are typically run independently of the organization’s security team.

What is the Salary for Penetration Testing?

The salary for penetration testing can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and the specific employer.

However, according to various sources, including PayScale, Glassdoor, and Indeed, the average salary for a penetration tester in the United States is around $100,000 to $120,000 annually.

Entry-level positions in penetration testing typically start at around $60,000 to $80,000 per year, while senior-level positions with significant experience and expertise earn upwards of $150,000 or more per year.

In addition to base salary, many penetration testers also receive bonuses, profit sharing, or other forms of compensation.

Why Should You Hire Penetration Testing Services?

It would be best if you considered hiring penetration testing services for several reasons:

1. Identify Vulnerabilities:

  • Penetration testing can help identify vulnerabilities in your organization’s systems, networks, and applications.
  • A penetration testing team can provide valuable insights into potential security vulnerabilities and recommend solutions to help fix them by simulating an attack by a malicious actor.

2. Ensure Compliance:

  • Many industries and regulatory bodies require regular security assessments, including penetration testing, to ensure compliance with security standards and regulations.
  • Hiring a penetration testing team can help ensure that your organization meets these requirements and avoids potential penalties or fines.

3. Improve Security Posture:

  • By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, penetration testing can help improve an organization’s overall security posture.
  • This can reduce the risk of a successful cyber attack and help protect sensitive data and assets.

4. Validate Security Controls:

  • Penetration testing can also help validate an organization’s security controls’ effectiveness.
  • By attempting to bypass these controls, a penetration testing team can help identify any weaknesses or gaps in the organization’s defenses.

5. Gain Customer Trust:

  • Demonstrating a commitment to security and regular testing can help build trust with customers and stakeholders.
  • This can be especially important for organizations that handle sensitive data or operate in highly regulated industries.

Things to be Considered While Hiring a Penetration Testing Company

When hiring a penetration testing company, it’s essential to consider various factors to ensure you’re selecting a reputable and effective provider.

Here are some things to consider:

1. Experience and Expertise:

  • Seek a company with a solid history of penetration testing knowledge and skill.
  • Examine aspects such as the size of their team, the expertise of their testers, and the types of clients with which they have worked.

2. Testing Methodologies:

  • Ensure the company uses recognized and reputable testing methodologies, such as those outlined by NIST, OWASP, or other industry standards.
  • Ask the company to provide detailed information about their testing approach, including their tools and techniques.

3. Reputation and References:

  • Research the company’s reputation and seek out references from past clients. Look for reviews or testimonials from other organizations, and ask the company to provide references that you can contact directly.

4. Cost and Budget:

  • Penetration testing can be expensive, so it’s essential to consider the cost and budget when selecting a company.
  • Be sure to get detailed information about the company’s pricing model and any additional costs, such as travel or report writing.

5. Reporting and Communication:

  • Look for a company that provides clear and comprehensive reporting, including detailed findings and recommendations for addressing vulnerabilities.
  • Additionally, ensure the company communicates effectively and promptly responds to questions or concerns.

6. Industry-Specific Expertise:

  • Consider whether the company has expertise in your specific industry or sector.
  • For example, if you work in healthcare or finance, look for a company that has experience working with similar clients and understands the unique security challenges of those industries.

Top 50 Penetration Testing Companies List 2024

  1. Secureworks: Known for Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and comprehensive threat intelligence.
  2. Rapid7: Specializes in vulnerability management and incident detection and response.
  3. Acunetix: The industry leader in web application security scanning.
  4. Trellix: Provides advanced threat detection and response solutions.
  5. Crowdstrike: Famous for its Falcon platform, offering NGAV and EDR.
  6. Offensive Security: Known for hands-on cybersecurity training and OSCP certification.
  7. Invicti: Delivers automated web vulnerability scanning solutions.
  8. Cipher Security LLC: Offers incident response and tailored cybersecurity solutions.
  9. Cobalt: Uses a crowd-based approach for penetration testing.
  10. Underdefense: Specializes in threat hunting and incident response.
  11. Hexway Hive: Provides threat detection, response, and vulnerability management.
  12. Securus Global: Known for penetration testing and security assessments.
  13. SecureLayer7: Focuses on application and network security testing.
  14. Veracode: Leading provider of application security testing solutions.
  15. Intruder: Offers automated vulnerability scanning and compliance reporting.
  16. Detectify: Provides automated web application security scanning and monitoring.
  17. Sciencesoft: Known for custom software development and IT consulting.
  18. NetSPI: Specializes in penetration testing and vulnerability management.
  19. BreachLock: Pioneers Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS).
  20. ThreatSpike Labs: Known for penetration testing and digital forensics.
  21. Rhino Security Labs: Offers penetration testing and red teaming services.
  22. Onsecurity: Provides real-time penetration testing and vulnerability assessment.
  23. Offers free and customizable penetration testing tools.
  24. Indusface: Known for its web application firewall and DDoS protection.
  25. Software Secured: Specializes in application security testing and secure code review.
  26. Pantera: Focuses on threat intelligence and incident response.
  27. Pynt: Provides automated API security testing for CI/CD pipelines.
  28. Astra: Offers automated security testing and continuous monitoring.
  29. Suma Soft: Provides custom software development and cybersecurity solutions.
  30. CoreSecurity: Known for vulnerability management and penetration testing.
  31. Redbotsecurity: Provides comprehensive penetration testing and assessments.
  32. QA Mentor: Offers software testing and quality assurance services.
  33. Wesecureapp: Specializes in application, network, and cloud security testing.
  34. X Force Red Penetration Testing Services: Comprehensive penetration testing services.
  35. Redscan: Provides MDR, penetration testing, and threat hunting.
  36. eSec Forte®: Offers penetration testing and managed security services.
  37. Xiarch: Specializes in penetration testing and cybersecurity training.
  38. Cystack: Provides cloud and application security solutions.
  39. Bridewell: Known for cybersecurity assessments and digital forensics.
  40. Optiv: Delivers comprehensive cybersecurity advisory and managed services.
  41. RSI security: Focuses on compliance services and risk management.
  42. Synopsys: Provides software security and quality solutions.
  43. Pratum: Offers cybersecurity consulting and incident response.
  44. Halock: Known for comprehensive cybersecurity assessments and risk management.
  45. Guidepointsecurity: Specializes in cybersecurity consulting and managed services.
  46. Gtisec (GTIS): Provides managed security services and threat detection.
  47. Dataart: Offers custom software development and data analytics.
  48. Nettitude: Known for penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.
  49. Cybri: Provides a penetration testing services platform and compliance consulting.
  50. nixu: Specializes in cybersecurity consulting and identity management.

Best Penetration Testing Companies Features

1. Secureworks1. Managed Detection and Response
2. Threat Intelligence
Vulnerability Management
Penetration Testing
 Compliance Consulting
Incident Response
1. Managed Detection and Response
Threat Intelligence
Vulnerability Management
Penetration Testing
Compliance Consulting
Incident Response
Consulting Services
2. Rapid71. Vulnerability Management
User Behavior Analytics
3. Incident Detection and Response
4. Managed Services
5. Professional Services
Training and Certification
1. Vulnerability Management
Incident Detection and Response
Application Security
Cloud Security
Compliance Management
Penetration Testing
3. Acunetix1. Web Application Scanner
Network Scanner
Integration with CI/CD pipelines
Vulnerability Management
Penetration Testing
1. Web Application Scanning
 Network Scanning
 Penetration Testing
Vulnerability Management
5. Malware Detection
6. Compliance Testing
7. Secure Code Review
4. Trellix1. Advanced Threat Detection
Multi-Vector Protection
Threat Intelligence
Incident Response
 Managed Services
Consulting Services
1. Network Security
Endpoint Security
Email Security
 Cloud Security
Threat Intelligence
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
5. Crowdstrike1. Next-generation antivirus (NGAV)
2. Endpoint detection and response (EDR)
3. Threat intelligence
4. Falcon OverWatch
5. Falcon Complete
6. Falcon Horizon
7. Falcon X
1. Endpoint protection
2. Incident response
3. Threat intelligence
4. Penetration testing
5. Managed services
6. Compliance
7. Vulnerability management
8. Threat hunting
6. Offensive Security1. Focus on offensive security
2. Real-world scenarios
3. Hands-on training
4. Community support
5. OffSec Labs
6. Exploit Database
1. Community resources
2. Research and development
3. Exploit Development
4. Security Training and Certification
5. Vulnerability Assessment
6. Application Security Testing
7. Wireless Security Assessment
7. Invicti1. Web vulnerability scanning
2. Network scanning
3. Automated scanning
4. Reporting and remediation
1. Web application security testing
2. Web application firewall (WAF) management
3. Penetration testing
4. Compliance testing
8. Cipher Security LLC1. Incident response
Customized solutions
Compliance support
Training and education
 Security consulting
1. Penetration Testing
Vulnerability Assessments
Threat Intelligence
Web Application Security
 Cloud Security
 Network Security
9. Cobalt1. Comprehensive Testing
Crowd-based Security Testing
 AI-powered Platform
Actionable Insights
Flexible Engagement Models
1. Penetration Testing
 Vulnerability Scanning
Managed Security Services
Application Security Consulting
5. Social Engineering Testing
6. Mobile Application Security Testing
10. Underdefense1. Threat Hunting
 Incident Response
Penetration Testing
Vulnerability Assessments
5. IT Security Reporting
Web Security
1. Compliance Consulting
 Security Awareness Training
Managed Security Services
4. Threat Hunting
5. Security Assessments and Audits
6. Cloud Security Monitoring
7. Security Architecture and Design
11. Hexway Hive1. Threat Detection and Response
Vulnerability Management
 Compliance Management
Asset Management
Threat Intelligence
1. Security Analytics
2. Threat Intelligence
3. User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
4. Vulnerability Management
5. Risk Management
6. Incident Response
12. Securus Global1. Penetration Testing
Vulnerability Assessments
Security Architecture Reviews
Security Awareness Training
Incident Response Planning
 Compliance and Governance
 Managed Security Services
Securus Guard
5. Social Engineering Testing
6. Mobile Application Security Testing
7. Wireless Security Assessments
13. SecureLayer71. Application Security
 Cloud Security
Network Security
Mobile Security
Managed Security Services
Cybersecurity Training
1. AppTrana
6. Threat Intelligence
7. Security Consulting
8. Incident Response.
14. Veracode1. Static Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
Software Composition Analysis
 Penetration Testing
Developer Training
1. Veracode Static Analysis
Veracode Dynamic Analysis
 Veracode Software Composition Analysis
 Veracode Greenlight
Veracode Developer Training
Veracode Manual Penetration Testing
15. Intruder1. Automated vulnerability scanning
 Prioritization and remediation
Manual penetration testing
Compliance reporting
1. Vulnerability Scanning
2. Penetration Testing
3. Security Assessment
4. API Security Testing
5. Phishing Simulations
6. Compliance Audits
16. Detectify1. Automated vulnerability scanning
 Continuous monitoring
Integration with development workflows
 Prioritization and remediation
 Compliance reporting
1. DNS Zone Transfers
2. Web Application Firewall (WAF) Testing
3. Content Security Policy (CSP) Testing
4. HTTP Security Headers Analysis
5. SSL/TLS Configuration Analysis
6. Continuous Security Monitoring.
17. Sciencesoft1. Custom software development
Mobile app development
 CRM and ERP system implementation
 IT consulting
Data analytics and business intelligence
1. Quality Assurance and Testing
2. IT Consulting
3. Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
4. IT Infrastructure Services
5. CRM and ERP Solutions
6. E-commerce Solutions
7. Cloud Computing Services.
18. NetSPI1. Penetration testing
Vulnerability management
Compliance and regulatory services
Risk assessment
Incident response
Security training
7. Reporting and analytics
1. Resolve
NetSPI Labs
NetSPI Academy
5. Application Security Testing
6. Network Security Testing
7. Mobile Security Testing
19. BreachLock1. Vulnerability Assessment
 Penetration Testing
Web Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing
Social Engineering Testing
AI-Powered Testing
7. Remediation Services
1. BreachLock SaaS Platform
 BreachLock Pentest as a Service (BPaaS)
BreachLock Vulnerability Assessment as a Service (VAaaS)
BreachLock Web Application Testing as a Service (WATaaS)
BreachLock Mobile Application Testing as a Service (MATaaS)
 BreachLock Social Engineering Testing as a Service (SETaaS)
20. ThreatSpike Labs1. Penetration Testing
Incident Response
Security Operations Center (SOC)
. Security Assessments and Audits
5. Professional Security Consulting
6. Digital Forensics expertise
7. Security Training and Awareness programs.
1. ThreatSpike Dome
Threat Intelligence
 Security Consulting
4. Security Assessments and Audits
5. Security Consulting
6. Digital Forensics
7. Security Training and Awareness.
21. Rhino Security Labs1. Penetration Testing
 Web Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing
 Cloud Security
 Red Teaming
6. Threat Hunting
7. Security Training and Workshops
1. Cloud Security Assessments
2. Penetration Testing
3. Red Team Assessments
4. Incident Response
5. Security Architecture Reviews
6. Secure Code Review
22. Onsecurity1. More cost-effective 
Real-time reporting 
 Continuous assessment
Vulnerability detection
IT Security Reporting
Web Security
7. Compliance testing
 Threat and attack intelligence
Red teaming, and Social engineering
1. Physical Penetration Testing
Cloud Penetration Testing
. Vulnerability Assessment and Management
4. Security Audits and Compliance
5. Security Awareness Training
6. Security Architecture Design
7. Forensic Investigation
8. Incident Simulation and Testing
23. Pentest. tools1. Free online tools
 Customizable tools
Tutorials and guides
News and updates
 Community forum
Mobile app
1. Network scanning tools
Web application testing tools
Password cracking tools
Vulnerability scanning tools
Reverse engineering tools
 Tutorials and guides
24. Indusface1. Web application firewall (WAF)
Application Scanning
Web application penetration testing
 DDoS protection
Compliance management
6. API Security Testing
7. DDoS Protection
1. AppTrana
IndusGuard DDoS
6. Incident Response and Forensics
7. Compliance Testing and Certification
25. Software Secured1. Application Security Testing
Secure Code Review
Software Security Consulting
Compliance and Regulatory Services
Training and Education
6. Security Tool Integration
7. Vulnerability Management
1. Application Security Testing
 Secure Code Review
Software Security Consulting
. Secure SDLC Consulting
5. Remediation Assistance
6. Vulnerability Scanning and Management
7. Security Tool Integration and Configuration
26. Pantera1. Threat Hunting and Intelligence
Vulnerability Management
 Incident Response
Managed Security Services
1. Pantera Threat Intelligence
Pantera Vulnerability Management
 Pantera Incident Response
Pantera Managed Security Services
27. Pynt1. Automated API Security testing
2. EXisting CI/CD pipelines and tools
3. Enabling effortless vulnerability discovery 
1. Create secure APIs
2.Address security vulnerabilities in the OWASP API top 10
28. Astra1. Automated Security Testing
Vulnerability Management
Integration with DevOps Tools
Continuous Monitoring
1. Compliance Testing
Penetration Testing
Security Consultation
29.  Suma Soft1. Custom Software Development
Managed Services
Cloud Computing
5. BPO 
6. IT Staffing Services
9. Data Analytics
Quality Assurance and Testing
1.Software Development
2.IT Help Desk Services
3.Cybersecurity Services
4.Quality Assurance and Testing
5.Customer Support Services
6.IT Infrastructure Management
7.Business Process Outsourcing
8.Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
30. CoreSecurity1. Vulnerability Management
Penetration Testing
 Threat Detection and Response
Compliance Management
Identity and Access Management
1. Core Impact
Core Vulnerability Insight
Core Network Insight
Core Access Insight
Core Compliance Insight
31. Redbotsecurity1. Vulnerability Assessments
 Penetration Testing
Incident Response
 Security Awareness Training
Compliance Management
1.Penetration Testing
2.Vulnerability Assessment
3.Security Consulting
4.Incident Response
5.Threat Hunting
6.Network Security
7.Application Security
8.Security Awareness Training
32. QA Mentor1. Software Testing Services
Automation Testing
Consulting Services
Training Services
Customized Testing Solutions
Dedicated Testing Teams
7. Quality Assurance
1. QACube
33. Wesecureapp1. Application Security Testing
 Network Security Testing
Cloud Security Testing
Mobile Application Security Testing
Security Consulting
Training Programs
1. WSA-SaaS
34. X Force Red Penetration Testing Services1. Application testing
 Network testing
Social engineering testing
 Red teaming
Penetration testing
 Vulnerability management
1. External Network Penetration Testing
2. Internal Network Penetration Testing
3. Web Application Penetration Testing
4. Mobile Application Penetration Testing
5. Wireless Network Penetration Testing
6. Social Engineering Penetration Testing
7. Red Team Assessments
8. Physical Security Assessments
35. Redscan1. Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
Penetration Testing
Vulnerability Scanning
Threat Hunting
Security Assessments
1. Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
2. Penetration Testing
3. Vulnerability Assessment
4. Threat Intelligence
5. Security Assessments
6. Red Team Operations
7. Cybersecurity Consultancy
8. Security Awareness Training
36. eSec Forte®1. Vulnerability Assessment
 Penetration Testing
Security Compliance
Managed Security Services
Cybersecurity Training
Cloud Security
7. Mobile Security
9. Cyber Threat Intelligence
1. Penetration Testing
2. Vulnerability Assessment
3. Web Application Security
4. Network Security
5. Mobile Application Security
6. Security Auditing
7. Cyber Forensics
8. Security Training and Education
37. Xiarch1. Penetration Testing
 Vulnerability Assessment
Web Application Security
Cloud Security
 Mobile Application Security
Compliance Management
7. Managed Security Services
8. Cybersecurity Training
1. Penetration Testing
2. Vulnerability Assessment
3. Web Application Security
4. Network Security
5. Mobile Application Security
6. Cloud Security
7. Security Auditing
8. Incident Response
38. Cystack1. Cloud Security
Application Security
Network Security
Identity and Access Management
 Cybersecurity Consulting
 Managed Security Services
7. Incident Response
1. Cystack Shield
Cystack Cloud Security Posture Management
 Cystack Application Security Testing
 Cystack Identity and Access Management
Cystack Network Security
39. Bridewell1. Cybersecurity Assessments and Audits
Penetration Testing
Incident Response
 Compliance Consulting
 Digital Forensics
 Risk Management
1. Bridewell Penetration Testing Platform
 BridewellCompliance Manager
Bridewell Incident Response Platform
Bridewell Vulnerability Management
40. Optiv1. Advisory services
 Implementation services
Managed security services
Training and education
1. Optiv Identity and Access Management (IAM) Solutions
Optiv Managed Security Services
Optiv Data Protection and Privacy Solutions
Optiv Cloud Security Solutions
41. RSI security1. Compliance Services
Risk Management Services
Penetration Testing
Incident Response
Security Consulting
1. Security Consulting
2. Risk Assessment
3. Security Audit
4. Security Policy Development
5. Security Training and Education
6. Incident Response
7. Digital Forensics
8. Penetration Testing
42. Synopsys1. EDA Software
 Semiconductor IP
Software Security
Design for Test (DFT)
Virtual Prototyping
 Automotive Solutions
7. Consulting and Training
1. Software Security Testing
2. Application Security Consulting
3. Threat Modeling
4. Security Code Review
5. Software Composition Analysis
6. Security Training and Education
7. Vulnerability Management
8. Penetration Testing
43. Pratum1. Cybersecurity Consulting
 Information Security Management
Incident Response and Forensics
Penetration Testing
Managed Security Services
 Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) Services
7. Security Awareness Training
1. Risk Assessment
2. Security Consulting
3. Penetration Testing
4. Incident Response
5. Security Awareness Training
6. Vulnerability Management
7. Compliance Services
8. Cybersecurity Program
9. Development
44. Halock1. Comprehensive Cybersecurity Assessments
 Risk Management
Compliance Consulting
Incident Response
Penetration Testing
 Security Architecture and Design
7. Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) Services
9. Managed Security Services
10. Security Awareness Training
1. Managed Security Services
2. Operations Center (SOC) as a
3. Service
4. Threat Intelligence
5. Incident Response
6. Vulnerability Management
7. Endpoint Security
8. Network Security
9. Cloud Security
45. Guidepointsecurity1. Cybersecurity Consulting
Managed Security Services
Penetration Testing
Incident Response
 Cloud Security
 Identity and Access Management
1. CrowdStrike
Palo Alto Networks
46. Gtisec (GTIS)1. Managed Security Service
Penetration Testing
Certification services
1. Managed Security Services
2. Threat Detection and Response
3. Security Monitoring
4. Vulnerability Management
5. Incident Response
6. Security Consulting
7. Cloud Security
8. Security Awareness Training
47. Dataart1. Custom Software Development
 Data Science and Analytics
Technology Consulting
Quality Assurance and Testing
5. UX/UI
 Blockchain Development
7. Cloud Computing
1. Software Development
2. Custom Software Solutions
3. Digital Transformation
4. Data Analytics and AI
5. Cloud Services
6. Quality Assurance and Testing
7. IT Consulting
8. User Experience (UX) Design
48. Nettitude1. Penetration Testing
Vulnerability Assessments
Managed Security Services
Incident Response
Compliance Services
 Cybersecurity Consulting
7. Security Awareness Training
Red Teaming
1. Penetration Testing
2. Vulnerability Assessments
3. Incident Response
4. Threat Intelligence
5. Managed Detection and Response
6. Red Teaming
7. Cybersecurity Consulting
8. Security Awareness Training11
49. Cybri1. CYBRI’s proprietary penetration testing services platform lets businesses and specialists stay on the same page about testing
security service
 security controls.
1. Penetration Testing
Incident Response
Compliance and Audit
Virtual CISO
 Red Team
50. nixu1. Cybersecurity Consulting
 Identity and Access Management
 Penetration Testing
Threat Intelligence
Incident Response
 Compliance Services
1. Nixu Identity Manager
Nixu Cyber Defense Center
Nixu Risk Management
Nixu Security Intelligence

Best Penetration Testing Companies in 2024

1. Secureworks

Company Background

HeadquartersAtlanta, Georgia, U.S.
Founded In 1998 by Michael Pearson and Joan Wilbanks.
Employees2,149 Employees
RevenueUS$463 million

Secureworks is a cybersecurity company that provides various cybersecurity solutions and services to organizations of all sizes, including managed security, threat intelligence, consulting, and incident response services.

Secureworks was originally a division of Dell Technologies but became an independent, publicly traded company in 2016.

The company’s services and solutions help organizations protect their critical assets, detect and respond to cyber threats, and comply with regulatory requirements. 


  • With the help of advanced analytics, threat intelligence, and human knowledge, Secureworks’ managed detection and response services help companies find and stop threats in real-time.
  • Threat intelligence services from Secureworks help companies keep up with the latest online threats and trends.
  • Businesses can use Secureworks’ vulnerability tracking services to find and rank weak spots in their systems and networks.
  • Secureworks helps companies find weak spots in their networks and apps by testing for vulnerabilities.


  • Secureworks provides managed detection and response services that help businesses find and stop threats in real time by using advanced analytics, threat intelligence, and human knowledge.
  • Secureworks provides threat intelligence services to help businesses stay current on the newest online threats and trends.
  • Secureworks provides services that help businesses find and rank network and system weaknesses.
  • Secureworks helps businesses find weak spots in their networks and applications by performing security tests.
  • Secureworks helps businesses follow rules set by regulators and industry standards by offering advice services.

Secureworks – Download / Trial

2. Rapid7

Company background

HeadquartersBoston, Massachusetts
FoundedIn 2000 by Alan Matthews, Tas Giakouminakis, and Chad Loder
Employees2,000 employees worldwide
Revenue$362.8 million

Rapid7 is a cybersecurity company that provides solutions and services to help organizations detect and respond to cyber threats.Rapid7 offers a range of solutions, including vulnerability management, user behavior analytics, and incident detection and response.

The company includes managed services, professional services, and training and certification.Organizations across various industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and technology, use Rapid7’s solutions and services.


  • These tools from Rapid7 let companies see what’s going on in their IT settings. This lets them find and rank vulnerabilities.
  • Rapid7’s user behavior analytics tools use machine learning and AI to spy on users and find odd habits that might be signs of a hack.
  • With Rapid7’s incident detection and reaction tools, businesses can see what’s happening in their clouds, networks, and endpoints right now.
  • With Rapid7’s controlled security services, businesses can make themselves safer.


  • Rapid7’s vulnerability management services help organizations identify and prioritize vulnerabilities in their networks and systems, guiding remediation strategies and tracking progress over time.
  • Rapid7 offers application security testing services to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in custom or third-party applications.
  • Rapid7 provides cloud security services to help organizations secure their cloud environments and protect cloud-based assets.
  • Rapid7 can help organizations meet compliance requirements such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR

Rapid7 – Download / Trial

3. Acunetix

Company background 


Acunetix is a penetration testing company that specializes in web application security. Acunetix’s flagship product is Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner.

The company provides a range of tools and services to help organizations identify and remediate vulnerabilities in their web applications, including network and web application scanners, vulnerability management software, and penetration testing services.

This web application scanner helps organizations identify vulnerabilities in their web applications, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other types of vulnerabilities.


  • There are vulnerabilities in web apps that Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner checks for.
  • You can use Acunetix’s network scanner to find vulnerabilities in routers, switches, firewalls, and other network gear.
  • Integration and deployment processes that work all the time (CI/CD) can be used with Acunetix to check web apps for vulnerabilities automatically before they go live.
  • In the cloud, Acunetix 360 is a vulnerability management tool that lets a business see from one place all of the weak spots in its web apps and networks.


  • Acunetix offers a web application scanner that can be used to identify vulnerabilities in web applications, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other types of vulnerabilities.
  • Acunetix also offers a network scanner that can be used to identify vulnerabilities in network infrastructure, including routers, switches, and firewalls.
  • Acunetix offers manual penetration testing services performed by experienced security professionals.
  • Acunetix 360 is a cloud-based vulnerability management platform that provides a centralized view of vulnerabilities across an organization’s web applications and networks.

Acunetix – Download / Trial

4. Trellix

Company background 

HeadquartersMilpitas, California
FoundedIn 2004 by Ashar Aziz
RevenueUS$940 million

Trellix is a cybersecurity company offering various products and services designed to protect organizations against cyber threats.

Trellix services and solutions are designed to help organizations detect, prevent, and respond to cyber attacks, including advanced persistent threats (APTs), malware, and other forms of cybercrime.


  • Some of the advanced threat tracking tools that Trellix solutions use to find and stop APTs, malware, and zero-day attacks are machine learning, behavioral analysis, and threat intelligence.
  • Some of the things that Trellix solutions protect are devices, networks, email, and the cloud. This means that they can stop all types of hacks.
  • A global network of monitors and advanced research and analysis are just a few of the threat intelligence tools that come with Trellix solutions. These tools help businesses stay ahead of new risks.
  • Threat hunting and forensics are two incident response tools that come with Trellix solutions that help companies find hacks, look into them, and stop them quickly.


  • Trellix network security solutions are designed to detect and respond to cyber threats at the network level.
  • Endpoint security solutions provide advanced protection against malware and other cyber threats at the endpoint level, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.
  • Email security solutions are designed to protect against email-based cyber attacks, such as phishing and malware delivered through email attachments or links.
  • Cloud security solutions are designed to protect organizations’ cloud-based infrastructure and applications, including public cloud environments like AWS and Azure.

FireEye – Download / Trial

5. Crowdstrike

Company background

HeadquartersSunnyvale, California, and has offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
FoundedIn 2011 by George Kurtz and Dmitri Alperovitch
Employees7,273 employees worldwide
RevenueUS$2.241 billion

CrowdStrike is a cybersecurity company providing organizations with cloud-based endpoint protection, threat intelligence, and incident response services.

Their platform uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify and prevent cyber attacks. CrowdStrike’s technology is designed to protect against various threats, including malware, ransomware, and advanced persistent threats.

The company’s services include endpoint security, threat intelligence, and incident response. They also offer various professional services, including assessments, incident response planning, and training.

CrowdStrike’s penetration testing services are designed to help organizations identify and mitigate security risks. Their team of experienced security professionals uses various techniques to simulate attacks and identify vulnerabilities.

They then provide detailed reports and recommendations for improving security.


  • CrowdStrike’s NGAV technology finds and stops both old and new threats by using machines to learn and study how people act.
  • You can see what’s going on at endpoints in real time with CrowdStrike’s EDR features. This makes it easy to find risks and fix them.
  • Customer of CrowdStrike can stay ahead of the changing threat scene with the help of threat intelligence, which gives them real-time information on the newest dangers and attack methods.
  • CrowdStrike’s service for monitoring and stopping threats helps find them and stop them before they do any harm.


  • CrowdStrike’s endpoint protection platform uses machine learning and behavioral analysis to detect and prevent known and unknown endpoint threats.
  • CrowdStrike’s incident response services provide customers with a team of experienced security professionals who can quickly respond to security incidents, investigate the incident’s root cause, and provide recommendations for improving security.
  • CrowdStrike’s threat intelligence services provide customers with real-time information on the latest threats and attack techniques, helping them to stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape.
  • CrowdStrike’s penetration testing services simulate cyber attacks to identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s network and systems and provide recommendations for improving security.

Crowdstrike – Download / Trial

6. Offensive Security

Company background

HeadquartersNew York City
FoundedIn 2006 Mati Aharoni, Devon Kearns
Revenue$48.6 million

Offensive Security is a cybersecurity company that provides training and certification programs focused on offensive security techniques, such as penetration testing and ethical hacking.

The company is best known for its flagship course and certification, known as the OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional), which is widely regarded as one of the most challenging and respected certifications in the cybersecurity industry.


  • When you talk about offensive security, you’re mostly talking about offensive security methods like ethical hacking and vulnerability testing.
  • The training and licensing programs at Offensive Security are designed to be like the problems and situations that security experts might face in the real world.
  • It is easy to learn and useful to do the training and certification classes at Offensive Security. They focus on real-life labs and drills that give students a chance to use and improve their skills right away.
  • There are a lot of students and certified experts in Offensive Security who use social networks and online forums to help, support, and teach each other.


  • Offensive Security maintains a large and active community of students, professionals, and experts in offensive security who provide support, guidance, and resources through online forums, social networks, and other channels.
  • Offensive Security is committed to advancing the offensive security field through ongoing research and development and contributing to open-source projects and initiatives.

Offensive Security – Download / Trial

7. Invicti

Company background

HeadquartersAustin, Texas, United States
FoundedInvicti was formerly known as NT OBJECTives, which was founded in 2004 and later rebranded to Invicti in 2018.
Revenue$625 M

Invicti Security is a cybersecurity company that provides web application security solutions for businesses and organizations of all sizes.Acunetix scans for vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other common web application attacks.

Invicti’s main product is called Acunetix, which is a web vulnerability scanner that helps businesses detect and address potential security issues in their web applications.


  • Web vulnerability checkers like Invicti help businesses find and fix vulnerabilities in their web apps.
  • Invicti also has network scanning features that let businesses look for vulnerabilities and wrong configurations in their network infrastructure.
  • That way, businesses can keep an eye out for possible security issues, since Invicti can be set up to scan web apps on its own.
  • When Invicti scans, it gives full reports on any vulnerabilities it finds, along with advice on how to fix them. A company can also see how much progress they’ve made over time in fixing problems.


  • Invicti provides web application security testing services using its Acunetix web vulnerability scanner. 
  • Invicti’s Indusface WAF service helps businesses protect their web applications against real-time attacks. 
  • Invicti provides penetration testing services to help businesses identify vulnerabilities in their IT infrastructure and web applications.
  • Invicti offers services to help businesses meet industry-specific regulations and standards such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR. 

Invicti – Download / Trial

8. Cipher Security LLC

Company background 

HeadquartersMiami, Florida, United States

Cipher Security LLC is a company that provides cybersecurity services and solutions to organizations.

The company specializes in threat intelligence, penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and security consulting.

The company aims to help organizations protect their assets, data, and reputation from cyber threats.

Cipher Security LLC has a team of experienced security professionals who work with clients to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and implement effective security solutions.


  • Companies can use Cipher Security LLC’s incident response services to help them handle security issues quickly and correctly.
  • The company offers options that are specially made to meet the needs and wants of each client.
  • Companies that work with Cipher Security LLC make sure they follow rules and regulations like PCI DSS, HIPAA, and NIST.
  • The company helps businesses teach their workers about best practices for safety through training and education.


  • Cipher Security LLC provides comprehensive penetration testing services to identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s network and applications.
  • The company conducts vulnerability assessments to identify weaknesses in an organization’s security posture.
  • It provides real-time threat intelligence to help organizations avoid the latest cyber threats.
  • It provides web application security services to help organizations secure their web applications.
  • The company offers cloud security services to help organizations secure their cloud environments.


  • CipherBox
  • CipherAssess
  • CipherComply
  • CipherSoc
  • CipherVigil


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Cipher Security LLC – Download / Trial

9. Cobalt

Company background 

HeadquartersSan Francisco, California, in the United States.
Revenue$29 million

Cobalt is a cybersecurity company that provides a platform for performing ethical hacking and penetration testing on web applications, mobile applications, and network infrastructure.

Cobalt’s platform leverages a global network of security researchers and combines it with an AI-powered system to provide comprehensive and continuous vulnerability testing for its clients


  • As part of Cobalt’s platform, web apps, mobile apps, and network infrastructure are constantly and thoroughly tested to find vulnerabilities.
  • Cobalt uses a worldwide group of security experts to help its clients with ethical hacking and penetration testing.
  • Cobalt’s platform uses AI to automate and streamline the testing process. This makes it faster and lowers the chance of getting false reports.
  • In order to help businesses improve their security, Cobalt gives its clients insights and suggestions they can use to fix known vulnerabilities.


  • Cobalt provides comprehensive penetration testing services to identify vulnerabilities in web applications, mobile applications, and network infrastructure. 
  • Cobalt offers vulnerability scanning services that use automated tools to identify potential vulnerabilities in applications and infrastructure. 
  • Cobalt offers managed security services that provide ongoing security testing and monitoring to help organizations maintain their security posture over time. 
  • Cobalt provides application security consulting services to help organizations build secure applications and infrastructure from the ground up. 


Cobalt does not have physical products but offers a cloud-based platform for ethical hacking and penetration testing. 

  • Cobalt Central
  • AI-Powered Testing
  • Global Penetration Testing


  • HubSpot
  • GoDaddy
  • Verifone
  • HERE Technologies
  • The Washington Post.


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Cobalt – Download / Trial

10. Under defense

Company background 

HeadquartersKyiv, Ukraine

UnderDefense is a cybersecurity company that provides various security services and solutions to businesses and organizations.

UnderDefense’s services include threat hunting, incident response, penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and compliance consulting.

The company also offers a range of managed security services, such as managed detection and response (MDR), managed firewall, and managed endpoint protection.

Features and Services

UnderDefense has many tools and options to help businesses defend themselves against online risks and boost their safety. Some of the most important things that UnderDefense does and offers are:

  • When cyber threats are aimed at a business, UnderDefense uses advanced threat data and analytics to find them and stop them before they happen.
  • If there is a security problem, UnderDefense responds quickly and effectively to lessen the damage and get things back to normal as soon as possible.
  • UnderDefense imitates real attacks to find weak spots in a company’s infrastructure, apps, and network.
  • UnderDefense offers full vulnerability audits that find and rank all of a company’s security risks in its systems and apps.


  • UnderDefense did not offer standalone products.


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underdefense – Download / Trial

11. Hexway Hive

Hexway Hive is a cybersecurity platform developed by Hexway, a cybersecurity company based in Ukraine.

Hexway is a self-hosted pentest solution for Red Teams called Hive, coupled with a customer portal called Apiary, designed to optimize each stage of your security testing workflow.

What Hexway Hive & Apiary got?

  1. Integrated Security Tools: Work with data from over 20+ of your favorite security tools. Nmap, Nessus, Metaslpoit — just import the file and start working.
  2. Faster Reporting: Automated reporting engine for you to focus on spotting security breaches. Enjoy custom docx reports, quick imports, checklists, and beautiful reports in the end.
  3. Customer Portal: Share vulnerabilities with clients in real-time with Apiary, an additional customer-portal workspace.
  4. Checklists & Methodologies: Follow your current methodologies using checklists and never miss a task!
  5. Collaborative Tools: All information is kept in one place inside your project, including chats, comments, notes, and tags. Work with fellow pentesters faster!

The platform is designed to help businesses improve their cybersecurity by providing advanced threat detection and response capabilities and actionable intelligence to help organizations stay ahead of emerging threats.

Features and Services 

  • Hexway Hive uses advanced machine learning and behavioral analysis methods to find and stop possible cyber threats in real time.
  • Hexway Hive helps businesses follow the rules by giving them the tools and processes they need to handle and keep track of jobs and activities that have to do with following the rules.
  • Hexway Hive helps businesses keep track of all their devices and systems by letting them keep a detailed inventory of them and control them.
  • Several threat intelligence sources are connected to Hexway Hive so that it can give companies useful information about new threats and weaknesses.


Hexway Hive is a RED TEAM AND BLUE TEAM platform developed by Hexway, and it provides a comprehensive set of services to help organizations improve their overall cybersecurity posture.

Hexway Hive does not have distinct products.


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Hexway Hive – Download / Trial

12. Securus Global

Securus Global is a cybersecurity consulting company that provides various security services to businesses and organizations.

Securus Global offers services such as penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, security architecture reviews, security awareness training, and incident response planning.

Their clients come from various industries, including finance, healthcare, government, and telecommunications.

The company has a reputation for being good at finding and fixing security holes in complex IT environments and for focusing on giving each client practical solutions that meet their needs.

Features and Services 

Businesses and groups can stay safe online with Securus Global’s many cybersecurity features and services.

  • As part of its services, Securus Global does vulnerability testing to find vulnerabilities in systems, networks, and applications.
  • The business provides vulnerability testing services to find possible flaws in IT systems and programs.
  • Securus Global offers security architecture review services to check how well an organization’s security system is working.
  • Staff members are taught about security at work so they know how important it is and how to spot and deal with online threats.


  • Web application firewall (WAF).
  • Securus Guard
  • SIEM


  • National Australia Bank
  • Telstra
  • Queensland Government
  • Ramsay Health Care
  • Foxtel.


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Securus Global – Download / Trial

13. SecureLayer7

SecureLayer7 is a cybersecurity consulting and solutions provider based in India.

SecureLayer7 offers various cybersecurity services, including application, cloud, network, and mobile security.

The company’s clients come from various industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and technology.

SecureLayer7 is known for its expertise in application security testing, including web application penetration testing, mobile application security testing, and API security testing. 

Features and Services 

  • SecureLayer7 provides a range of application security services, such as API security testing, web application attack testing, and mobile application security testing.
  • Businesses can use the company’s cloud security services to keep their cloud-based systems and apps safe. This includes multi-cloud security, cloud-native security, and security for moving to the cloud.
  • Businesses can use SecureLayer7’s network security services to keep their networks safe from cyber dangers.
  • Businesses can use the company’s mobile security services to keep their mobile apps and gadgets safe.


  • AppWall
  • EventTracker
  • HackFence
  • CodeVigilant


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SecureLayer7 – Download / Trial

14. Veracode

Veracode is a cloud-based application security testing platform that assists businesses in identifying and correcting security vulnerabilities in their software applications.

Among the approaches available for testing and analyzing platform-based applications are static analysis, dynamic analysis, and software composition analysis.

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing identifies Veracode as a Leader.

Veracode is now a leading vendor of application security testing solutions.

Features and Services 

  • The static analysis tool from Veracode looks through the source code of an application to find vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • With Veracode’s dynamic analysis tool, an app is tested in real time to find vulnerabilities that might not be visible with static analysis.
  • Veracode’s software composition analysis tool checks the third-party parts of an application for vulnerabilities and problems with license compliance.
  • As part of Veracode’s breach testing service, a group of skilled security experts can pretend to be real attackers on a company’s software.


  • This product provides a dynamic analysis tool that tests an application in a runtime environment to identify vulnerabilities that may not be detectable through static analysis.
  • This product provides a software composition analysis tool that analyzes an application’s third-party components to identify vulnerabilities and license compliance issues.
  • This product provides a lightweight static analysis tool that can be integrated into developers’ IDEs, allowing them to identify and fix security issues as they code.
  • This product provides a range of training resources designed to help developers build secure applications, including eLearning courses, interactive labs, and code review services.


  • IBM
  • Adobe
  • Dell Technologies
  • Symantec
  • Cisco Systems
  • Siemens
  • HP Inc.
  • State Farm Insurance
  • Fidelity Investments
  • Nationwide Insurance


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Veracode – Download / Trial

15. Intruder

Company background 

HeadquartersLondon, UK

An intruder is a cloud-based vulnerability scanner and management platform designed to help organizations identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in their internet-facing systems.

Intruder’s platform uses automated scanning tools to identify vulnerabilities in web applications, APIs, and other internet-facing systems.

The platform also provides an intuitive dashboard that allows users to view and manage their vulnerabilities and prioritize remediation efforts based on the severity of the vulnerabilities. 

Features and Services 

  • Intruder’s platform uses automated scanning tools to identify vulnerabilities in web applications, APIs, and other internet-facing systems.
  • Intruder’s platform includes an intuitive dashboard that allows users to view and manage their vulnerabilities.
  • In addition to its automated scanning tools, Intruder also offers manual penetration testing services.
  • Intruder’s platform includes reporting features that allow users to generate compliance reports for a range of regulations, including PCI DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR


  • Intruder only offers one product, which is its cloud-based vulnerability scanner and management platform.
  • The platform includes automated scanning tools, manual penetration testing services, an intuitive dashboard for prioritization and remediation, compliance reporting features, and integrations with popular development and DevOps tools.
  • Intruder serves a diverse range of clients, including startups, SMEs, and large enterprises across various industries such as financial services, healthcare, technology, and retail


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Intruder – Download / Trial

16. Detectify

Company background 

HeadquartersStockholm, Sweden.

Detectify is a web application security company that provides automated web vulnerability scanning services for businesses.

The company aims to secure the internet by helping organizations find and fix vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them. 

Features and Services 

  • Detectify’s platform includes an automated web vulnerability scanner that uses black-box and white-box testing techniques to identify vulnerabilities in web applications.
  • Detectify’s scanning service runs continuously, allowing businesses to receive real-time alerts when new vulnerabilities are discovered.
  • Detectify integrates with popular development and DevOps tools such as Jira, GitHub, and Slack, making it easy for businesses to incorporate vulnerability scanning into their existing workflows.
  • Detectify’s platform provides an intuitive dashboard that allows users to view and manage their vulnerabilities.


Detectify’s web application security platform does not have distinct products.


  • Trello
  • King
  • Trustpilot, and Tink


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Detectify – Download / Trial

17. Sciencesoft

Company background 

HeadquartersMcKinney, Texas, USA
Employees700 (2021)
Revenue$27 million USD (2020)

ScienceSoft is a multinational software development and IT consulting firm that offers various services to clients in various industries.

ScienceSoft specializes in delivering custom software development, mobile app development, IT consulting, CRM and ERP system implementation, data analytics and business intelligence solutions, cybersecurity, and more.

They serve clients across various industries, including healthcare, retail, banking and finance, and telecom.

Features and services 

  • ScienceSoft offers end-to-end custom software development services, including software design, development, testing, and maintenance.
  • ScienceSoft specializes in developing mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms.
  • ScienceSoft provides CRM and ERP system implementation services to businesses of all sizes.
  • ScienceSoft offers IT consulting services to help businesses optimize their IT infrastructure, streamline their business processes, and reduce IT costs.


ScienceSoft is primarily a services-based company with no standalone products.

However, the company offers custom software development services, which can create customized software solutions for their clients.

Additionally, they may integrate and customize third-party software products as part of their services.


  • IBM
  • eBay
  • Nestle
  • Walmart
  • Baxter International
  • T-Mobile
  • Leo Burnett


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Sciencesoft – Download / Trial

18. NetSPI

Company background 

HeadquartersMinneapolis, Minnesota
FoundedIn 2001 Aaron Shilts and Nick Percoco

NetSPI is a cybersecurity company specializing in penetration testing and vulnerability management services.

Penetration testing is a method of testing the security of computer systems and networks by simulating attacks from real-world threats.

NetSPI’s team of security experts uses advanced tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities in their clients’ systems and networks, then provide detailed reports on their findings and recommendations for remediation.

Features and Services 

  • NetSPI offers external and internal network penetration testing, web application testing, mobile application testing, social engineering testing, and cloud security testing to identify vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors in clients’ systems.
  • NetSPI provides ongoing vulnerability management services, including vulnerability assessments, patch management, and risk analysis, to help clients proactively identify and remediate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
  • NetSPI helps organizations comply with industry and government regulations and standards, including PCI DSS, HIPAA, and ISO 27001.
  • NetSPI conducts risk assessments to identify potential security risks and recommend solutions to mitigate those risks.


  • Resolve
  • NetSPI Labs
  • NetSPI Academy
  • PenTest360


  • Wells Fargo
  • UnitedHealth Group
  • Verizon
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • The State of Michigan


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NetSPI – Download / Trial

19. BreachLock

Company background 

HeadquartersCalifornia, USA
FoundedIn 2019 by Amol Kulkarni and Saurabh Sharma

BreachLock is a cybersecurity company that offers a cloud-based, AI-driven platform to provide comprehensive security testing services to organizations.

It offers various services, including vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, web application testing, mobile application testing, and social engineering testing.

BreachLock uses a unique approach to security testing that combines human expertise with AI-powered tools to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities.

The platform leverages the power of machine learning algorithms to scan the entire IT infrastructure and identify any security gaps that might exist.

Features and Services 

  • BreachLock offers a comprehensive vulnerability assessment service that scans an organization’s entire IT infrastructure to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  • BreachLock’s penetration testing service simulates real-world cyberattacks to identify vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors.
  • BreachLock’s web application testing service identifies vulnerabilities in web applications, including OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities.
  • BreachLock’s mobile application testing service identifies vulnerabilities in mobile applications for iOS and Android devices.


  • BreachLock SaaS Platformx
  • BreachLock Pentest as a Service (BPaaS)
  • BreachLock Vulnerability Assessment as a Service (VAaaS)
  • BreachLock Web Application Testing as a Service (WATaaS)
  • BreachLock Mobile Application Testing as a Service (MATaaS)
  • BreachLock Social Engineering Testing as a Service (SETaaS)


  • Uber
  • Mastercard
  • Siemens
  • Hitachi
  • Western Digital

Company background 

HeadquartersCalifornia, USA
FoundedIn 2019 by Amol Kulkarni and Saurabh Sharma


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BreachLock – Download / Trial

20. ThreatSpike Labs

Company background 

HeadquartersLondon, UK

ThreatSpike Labs is a cybersecurity company that provides threat intelligence and security operations center (SOC) services to businesses and organizations.

ThreatSpike Dome, a cloud-based SOC platform that employs artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect and respond to cyber attacks in real time, is ThreatSpike Labs’ flagship product.

ThreatSpike Dome combines network traffic analysis, endpoint detection and response, and threat intelligence to provide a comprehensive security solution.

Features and Services 

  • ThreatSpike Labs offers penetration testing services that help businesses and organizations identify vulnerabilities in their IT infrastructure.
  • ThreatSpike Labs provides incident response services that help businesses and organizations respond to cyber-attacks and minimize the impact of security breaches.
  • ThreatSpike Labs offers a cloud-based SOC platform called ThreatSpike Dome that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect and respond to cyber threats in real-time.
  • The platform combines network traffic analysis, endpoint detection and response, and threat intelligence to provide a comprehensive security solution.


  • ThreatSpike Dome
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Security Consulting


  • Hitachi Capital
  • Harrods
  • Arval
  • Eurotunnel
  • London Stock Exchange


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ThreatSpike Labs – Download / Trial

21. Rhino Security Labs

Company Background 

HeadquartersSeattle, Washington
FoundedIn 2014 by Benjamin Caudill and David Bitton

Rhino Security Labs is a cybersecurity company that specializes in penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and other security services.

It is a leading provider of cybersecurity services.

Their expertise in penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and other security services helps clients identify and mitigate security risks in their systems and networks.

Features and Services 

  • Rhino Security Labs performs comprehensive penetration tests to identify vulnerabilities in clients’ systems and networks.
  • Rhino Security Labs tests web applications for vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit.
  • Rhino Security Labs tests mobile applications for security vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit.
  • Rhino Security Labs helps clients to secure their cloud environments, including identifying security risks in cloud infrastructure, assessing access controls, and reviewing security configurations.


  • Pacu
  • CloudGoat
  • Rhino Security Labs Blog


  • Startups and Small Businesses: Rhino Security Labs works with startups and small businesses to help them identify and mitigate security risks in their systems and networks.
  • Mid-Size Companies: Rhino Security Labs works with mid-size companies to help them develop effective security strategies and identify vulnerabilities in their systems and networks.
  • Fortune 500 Companies: Rhino Security Labs works with Fortune 500 companies to help them improve their security posture and mitigate the risks associated with large-scale cyber attacks.
  • Government Agencies: Rhino Security Labs works with government agencies to help them secure their IT infrastructure and protect sensitive information.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Rhino Security Labs works with non-profit organizations to help them protect their data and prevent cyber attacks


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Rhino Security Labs – Download / Trial

22. Onsecurity

Company Background 

HeadquartersBristol, England

OnSecurity is a company founded by three experienced pentesters, which aims to enhance cyber security and safeguard businesses from criminal attacks.

However, it is important to note that cybercriminals are not the only threat that businesses face.

The physical security of a business is equally important to protect both the business and its employees.

OnSecurity offers a physical penetration testing service to address this issue.

Moreover, OnSecurity is recognized as a CREST-approved vendor, which means that its methodologies, processes, policies, and procedures have been externally reviewed by CREST to ensure that they meet the highest standards in the pentesting industry.


  • More cost effective 
  • Real-time reporting 
  • Continuous assessment
  • Vulnerability detection


  • Physical penetration testing is a simulated intrusion attempt that is designed to identify weaknesses in your business’ physical security.
  • This is different from the other types of testing as the target is not a cyber one, instead, it is your physical location.
  • The cloud penetration testing service consists of both ethical hacking from the Internet against the cloud exposure and a white box audit of the cloud services, which compares company platforms to widely established standards and best practices.
  • Cloud Penetration testing solution is intended to detect vulnerabilities in the cloud environment so they may be fixed before an attacker can exploit them.


  • Penetration testing tools


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Onsecurity – Download / Trial

23. Pentest tools

Company background 

HeadquartersUnited States
Founded2017 is a website offering free and open-source tools for penetration testing and ethical hacking.

The website features a comprehensive list of penetration testing tools that are organized by category, making it easy for security professionals to find the right tools for their specific needs. offers a wide range of tools, including network scanners, vulnerability scanners, password cracking tools, packet sniffers, web application scanners, and more.

A brief description accompanies each tool and, in some cases, a video tutorial to help users understand how to use the tool effectively.

Features and Services 

  • offer a range of free online tools that can be used for various security testing purposes.
  • These tools include network scanning, vulnerability scanning, password cracking, and SQL injection testing.
  • Some of the Pentest tools can be customized according to the user’s needs.
  • Pentest. tools provide various tutorials and guides to help users learn more about security testing and ethical hacking.


  • offer several network scanning tools that allow users to identify open ports, detect vulnerabilities, and map network topologies.
  • The website also provides several tools for testing web applications, including tools for SQL injection testing, cross-site scripting (XSS) testing, and directory traversal testing.
  • offers password cracking tools that allow users to test the strength of passwords and crack passwords using various techniques such as brute force, dictionary attacks, and rainbow table attacks.
  • The website provides tools for vulnerability scanning, which can help users identify vulnerabilities in systems and applications that attackers could exploit.


  • is a website that provides free online tools and resources for security professionals, ethical hackers, and penetration testers.
  • As such, the website does not have traditional clients in the sense of a business that pays for services or products. 


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here… – Download / Trial

24. Indusface

Company background 

HeadquartersBangalore, India

Indusface is a cybersecurity company that provides application security solutions to businesses and organizations.

Indusface offers a range of application security solutions, including web application firewalls (WAF), application scanning, and web application penetration testing services.

The company’s solutions are designed to help businesses protect their applications from common web attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

Features and Services 

  • Indusface’s WAF is designed to protect web applications from common web attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
  • Indusface’s application scanning service is designed to help businesses identify vulnerabilities in their web applications.
  • Indusface’s web application penetration testing service is designed to simulate real-world attacks on web applications.
  • Indusface’s DDoS protection service is designed to protect web applications from distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.


  • AppTrana
  • IndusGuard
  • IndusScan
  • IndusTrack
  • IndusGuard DDoS


  • HDFC Bank
  • State Bank of India
  • Apollo Hospitals
  • Swiggy
  • Government of India


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Indusface – Download / Trial

25. Software Secured

Company background 

HeadquartersUnited States

Software Secured is a cybersecurity company specializing in providing software security services to businesses.

The company offers various services, including application security testing, secure code review, and software security consulting.

Software Secured helps businesses identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in their software applications to minimize the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches. 

Features and Services 

  • Software Secured provides comprehensive application security testing services, including penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and security code review. 
  • Software Secured offers secure code review services to help businesses identify security vulnerabilities in their code early in the software development lifecycle.
  • Software Secured provides software security consulting services to help businesses develop and implement effective security strategies.
  • Software Secured offers compliance and regulatory services to help businesses meet industry-specific regulations such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR. 


  • Application Security Testing
  • Secure Code Review
  • Software Security Consulting


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Software Secured – Download / Trial

26. Pantera

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersPalo Alto, California

Pantera is a cybersecurity company that provides various services to help businesses protect their digital assets from cyber threats.

Pantera’s services are designed to help businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, identify and mitigate security risks across their digital infrastructure.

Pantera’s services are designed to help businesses protect their digital assets from cyber threats, including malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, and other types of cyber attacks.

The company’s services are delivered by experienced security professionals who use industry-leading tools and techniques to deliver high-quality results.

Features and Services 

  • Pantera provides threat hunting and intelligence services to help businesses identify and remediate security threats across their digital assets.
  • Pantera offers vulnerability management services to help businesses identify and remediate security vulnerabilities across their digital infrastructure.
  • Pantera provides incident response services to help businesses respond to and recover from security incidents.
  • Pantera offers managed security services to help businesses outsource their cybersecurity operations.


  • Pantera Threat Intelligence
  • Pantera Vulnerability Management
  • Pantera Incident Response
  • Pantera Managed Security Services


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Pantera – Download / Trial

27. Pynt

Penetration Testing Companies

Pynt’s objective is to provide developers and testers with API security.

Pynt’s API solution conducts automatic hacks of the APIs while they are being developed to identify the most important vulnerabilities and zero-day exploits in less than a few minutes without any configuration.

Features and Services

  • Pynt provides a simplified syntax for string formatting using placeholders.
  • Pynt allows you to add colors and styles to your console output.
  • Pynt includes features for creating formatted tables. You can generate tables with custom column widths, alignment, and separators.
  • Pynt offers various methods for manipulating strings, such as truncating, padding, wrapping, centering, and aligning text.
  • These functions help you format and align strings to meet specific requirements.


  • Python developers
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI) developers
  • Data analysts and scientists
  • Terminal applications
  • Text processing tasks
  • Education and learning


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Pynt – Download / Trial

28. Astra

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersBangalore, India
FoundedIn 2016 by Amrith Shanbhag 

Astra is a cloud-based cybersecurity platform that provides automated security testing and vulnerability management for web applications.

Astra helps businesses identify and fix security vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.

The platform is designed to be easy to use and does not require any technical expertise to operate.

Astra’s key features include


  • Astra uses automated scanning tools to test web applications for a wide range of security vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.
  • Astra provides businesses with a dashboard that displays all identified vulnerabilities, including severity levels and recommended fixes.
  • Astra integrates with popular DevOps tools such as Jira and Slack, allowing businesses to incorporate security testing into their existing development workflows seamlessly.
  • Astra provides ongoing monitoring of web applications to ensure that any newly introduced vulnerabilities are quickly identified and remediated.


  • Astra offers compliance testing services to help businesses ensure that their web applications meet industry-specific regulatory requirements such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and more.
  • Astra offers manual penetration testing services to help businesses identify and validate security vulnerabilities in their web applications.
  • The company’s team of security experts uses a combination of manual testing techniques and automated tools to identify vulnerabilities that may be missed by automated testing alone.
  • Astra offers security consulting services to help businesses improve their overall cybersecurity posture.


  • Astra Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Astra Malware Scanner
  • Astra Security Audit
  • Astra Pro Plugin
  • Astra API


  • Stanford University
  • The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
  • Bajaj Finance
  • Roposo
  • Niyuj Enterprises
  • Goodbox
  • Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
  • RentoMojo


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Astra – Download / Trial

29. Suma Soft

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersPune, India

Suma Soft is an IT services and solutions provider that offers a range of services, including software development, managed services, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and business process outsourcing (BPO).

The company’s software development services include custom application development, product engineering, and mobile application development.

Its managed services offerings include IT infrastructure management, application support and maintenance, and database administration.

Features and Services 

  • Suma Soft offers custom software development services, including application development, product engineering, and mobile application development.
  • The company provides managed services for IT infrastructure management, application support and maintenance, and database administration.
  • Suma Soft offers cloud computing services, including cloud migration, cloud-based infrastructure management, and cloud security.
  • The company provides cybersecurity services, including penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and compliance management.


  • Suma Soft offers its clients a range of IT services and solutions, but it does not have any specific products that it sells.


  • Microsoft
  • IBM
  • HP
  • Vodafone
  • State Bank of India
  • HDFC Bank
  • ICICI Bank
  • Pfizer
  • Siemens
  • Philips


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Suma Soft – Download / Trial

30. CoreSecurity

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersRoswell, Georgia, USA

CoreSecurity is a cybersecurity company that provides solutions to help organizations detect and prevent security threats.

CoreSecurity is a well-established cybersecurity company offering various solutions to help organizations protect against security threats.

The company’s focus on innovation and customer service has helped it establish a strong reputation in the cybersecurity industry.

Features and Services 

  • CoreSecurity’s vulnerability management solution helps organizations identify and prioritize vulnerabilities in their IT systems and provides tools to remediate them.
  • The company offers penetration testing services to help organizations identify vulnerabilities in their IT systems and networks and determine how attackers can exploit them.
  • CoreSecurity’s threat detection and response solutions use machine learning and behavioral analytics to identify potential security threats and provide real-time alerts and remediation recommendations.
  • The company offers compliance management solutions to help organizations meet regulatory requirements such as GDPR, PCI-DSS, and HIPAA.


  • Core Impact
  • Core Vulnerability Insight
  • Core Network Insight


  • AT&T
  • Bank of America
  • U.S. Department of Defense
  • Mayo Clinic
  • IBM


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CoreSecurity – Download / Trial

31. Redbotsecurity

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersHerndon, Virginia

Redbot Security is a cybersecurity consulting firm that provides various services to help organizations improve their security posture and protect against cyberattacks.

It specializes in vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and incident response.

The company’s focus on innovation and customer service has helped it establish a strong reputation in the cybersecurity industry.

Features and Services 

  • Redbot Security provides vulnerability assessments to help organizations identify vulnerabilities in their IT systems and networks.
  • Redbot Security offers penetration testing services to help organizations test the effectiveness of their security controls.
  • Redbot Security provides incident response services to help organizations respond to cybersecurity incidents.
  • The company’s incident response services include threat hunting, containment, remediation, post-incident analysis, and reporting.


  • Redbot Security is primarily a cybersecurity consulting firm and does not offer products in the traditional sense.
  • However, the company may use various tools and technologies while providing its services to clients, such as vulnerability scanners, penetration testing frameworks, and incident response platforms.


Redbot Security serves clients across various industries, including healthcare, finance, government, and technology. The company’s clients include small and large organizations based in the United States and internationally.


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Redbotsecurity – Download / Trial

32. QA Mentor

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersNew York, USA

QA Mentor is a global software testing and quality assurance consulting firm that provides various services to help organizations improve their software quality and ensure that their applications meet end-users needs.

QA Mentor’s services include functional testing, performance testing, security testing, mobile testing, automation testing, and cloud testing. 

Features and Services 

  • QA Mentor offers a range of software testing services, including functional testing, regression testing, usability testing, performance testing, security testing, mobile app testing, and more.
  • QA Mentor uses industry-standard tools and frameworks to perform automation testing of software products. This helps businesses save time and improve the efficiency of their testing processes.
  • QA Mentor provides consulting services to help businesses improve their testing processes and implement best practices.
  • QA Mentor offers training services to help businesses improve the skills of their testing teams.


  • QACube
  • TestLauncher
  • TestLaunche
  • TestingWhiz


  • CitiGroup
  • LG Electronics
  • Comcast
  • Xerox
  • IBM
  • Dell


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

QA Mentor – Download / Trial

33. Wesecureapp

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersMumbai, India

WeSecureApp is a cybersecurity company that provides a range of services to help businesses improve the security of their digital assets.

The company offers application security testing, network security testing, cloud security testing, and mobile application security testing services.

WeSecureApp uses a combination of automated and manual testing techniques to identify vulnerabilities in software applications, networks, and other digital assets.

Features and Services 

  • WeSecureApp offers application security testing services to identify vulnerabilities in web, mobile, and cloud-based applications.
  • WeSecureApp offers network security testing services to identify vulnerabilities in networks and infrastructure. 
  • WeSecureApp offers cloud security testing services to identify vulnerabilities in cloud-based infrastructure and applications. 
  • WeSecureApp offers mobile application security testing services to identify vulnerabilities in iOS and Android applications. 


  • WSA-SaaS
  • WSA-Mobile
  • WSA-Scanner
  • WSA-Framework


  • Microsoft
  • Wipro
  • Edelman Financial Engines
  • Lenskart
  • Ather Energy
  • Optimum Healthcare IT


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Wesecureapp – Download / Trial

34. X Force Red Penetration Testing Services

Company background 

HeadquartersCambridge, Massachusetts, USA

X-Force Red is a division of IBM Security that provides comprehensive penetration testing services to help organizations identify and address vulnerabilities in their digital assets.

X-Force Red’s penetration testing services are designed to simulate real-world attacks on an organization’s digital assets, helping to identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for remediation. 

Features and Services 

  • X-Force Red conducts both automated and manual testing of web and mobile applications to identify vulnerabilities such as injection flaws, cross-site scripting, and authentication issues.
  • X-Force Red uses various tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s network infrastructure, including port scanning, vulnerability scanning, and password cracking.
  • X-Force Red conducts social engineering tests to assess an organization’s human security controls, such as phishing campaigns and physical security assessments.
  • X-Force Red performs a comprehensive attack simulation against an organization, testing its people, processes, and technology to identify vulnerabilities that may be missed in traditional security testing.


X-Force Red, a division of IBM Security, does not offer standalone products. 


  • X-Force Red works with clients of all sizes, from mall businesses to large enterprises, to help them identify and address security vulnerabilities in their digital assets.
  • Some of the industries that X-Force Red serves include financial services, healthcare, retail, government, technology, and manufacturing 


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

X Force Red Penetration Testing Services – Trial / Demo

35. Redscan

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersUnited Kingdom

Redscan is a UK-based cybersecurity company that provides various security services to help organizations identify and address security risks and vulnerabilities in their digital assets.

The company’s services are designed to help organizations of all sizes improve their overall security posture and reduce the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches. 

Features and Services 

  • Redscan’s MDR service provides continuous monitoring and response to cyber threats.
  • Redscan offers penetration testing services to help organizations identify vulnerabilities in their networks, applications, and other digital assets
  • Redscan provides vulnerability scanning services to help organizations identify and assess vulnerabilities in their networks, systems, and applications.
  • Redscan’s threat-hunting service provides proactive threat detection and response.


  • Redscan primarily offers cybersecurity services rather than products.
  • However, the company offers a software product called Redscan ThreatDetect, a cloud-based threat detection and response platform.
  • Redscan ThreatDetect is meant to assist businesses in detecting and responding to cyber attacks in real-time.
  • The platform uses advanced threat detection technologies, including machine learning and behavioral analysis, to identify threats that traditional security technologies may miss.


  • CME Group
  • Avis
  • Trowers & Hamlins
  • Westminster City Council


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Redscan – Download / Trial

36. Esecforte (eSec Forte®)

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersNew Delhi, India

eSec Forte® is an information security company that provides a range of cybersecurity services and solutions to clients worldwide.

eSec Forte® offers a range of cybersecurity services, including penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, web application security, mobile application security, cloud security, network security, compliance management, managed security services, and cybersecurity training.

The company also offers a range of cybersecurity solutions, including firewall management, security information and event management (SIEM), intrusion detection and prevention, and endpoint security.

Features and Services 

  • eSec Forte®’s vulnerability assessment solutions help identify vulnerabilities and potential risks in IT infrastructure, web applications, and mobile applications.
  • eSec Forte®’s penetration testing services test the security posture of organizations by simulating real-world attacks on their IT infrastructure, web applications, and mobile applications.
  • eSec Forte®’s security compliance solutions help organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements such as PCI-DSS, ISO 27001HIPAA, GDPR, and others.
  • Managed Security Services: eSec Forte®’s managed security services include 24×7 security monitoring, security event management, security device management, and incident response.


eSec Forte® primarily offers cybersecurity services rather than products. 


  • HDFC Bank
  • Vodafone
  • BSNL
  • SAIL
  • State Bank of India
  • ICICI Bank
  • Axis Bank
  • Indian Oil Corporation
  • Nestle
  • Apollo Hospitals


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Esecforte (eSec Forte®) – Download / Trial

37. Xiarch

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersNoida, Uttar PradeshIndia

Xiarch Solutions is an information security company that provides various cybersecurity services to clients across multiple industries.

Xiarch Solutions provides various cybersecurity services, including penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, web application security, cloud security, mobile application security, compliance management, and cybersecurity training. 

Features and Services 

  • Xiarch Solutions offers manual and automated penetration testing services to identify network, web, and mobile application vulnerabilities.
  • Xiarch Solutions conducts vulnerability assessments to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities and provide actionable recommendations for remediation.
  • Xiarch Solutions offers a range of web application security services, including code review, web application scanning, and secure code development.
  • Xiarch Solutions helps organizations secure their cloud environments, including cloud architecture design, implementation, and security assessments.


Xiarch Solutions is primarily a services-based cybersecurity company and does not appear to offer any products as such.


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Xiarch – Download / Trial

38. Cystack

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersSeoul, South Korea

Cystack is a cybersecurity company that provides various services and solutions to help organizations protect their digital assets and stay secure in today’s threat landscape.

They offer various services, including cloud security, application security, network security, identity and access management, and more.

Features and Services 

  • Cystack offers cloud security solutions to protect organizations against data breaches and other cyber threats in the cloud. This includes secure cloud migration, cloud-native security, and compliance management.
  • They provide application security testing and code review services to help organizations identify and remediate vulnerabilities in their software.
  • Cystack offers network security services such as vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and firewall management to help organizations protect their networks from cyber threats.
  • They offer identity and access management solutions to assist businesses in managing user access to sensitive data and systems, ensuring that only authorized users have access.


  • Cystack Shield
  • Cystack Cloud Security Posture Management
  • Cystack Application Security Testing
  • Cystack Network Security
  • Cystack Identity and Access Management


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Cystack – Download / Trial

39. Bridewell

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersSeoul, South Korea

Bridewell Consulting is a UK-based cybersecurity company that provides a range of consulting, technical testing, and incident response services to clients across various industries.

Bridewell’s services include cybersecurity assessments and audits, penetration testing, vulnerability management, incident response, digital forensics, and compliance consulting.

Features and Services 

  • Bridewell provides comprehensive assessments and audits to help organizations identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their cybersecurity defenses. 
  • Bridewell’s penetration testing services simulate real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit. 
  • Bridewell’s incident response team helps organizations respond to and recover from cybersecurity incidents, including data breaches and cyber-attacks.
  • Bridewell helps organizations comply with various industry standards and regulations, including GDPR, ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, and more. 


  • Bridewell Penetration Testing Platform
  • Bridewell Compliance Manager
  • Bridewell Incident Response Platform
  • Bridewell Vulnerability Management


Bridewell’s clients include organizations in various industries, such as healthcare, financial services, technology, and government


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Bridewell – Download / Trial

40. Optiv

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersDenver, Colorado, USA

Optiv is a cybersecurity solutions provider offering various services and solutions to help organizations manage their cybersecurity risks.

The company provides a comprehensive suite of services, including advisory, implementation, managed security services, and training and education.

Optiv’s solutions cover areas such as cloud security, identity and access management, data protection, threat management, and compliance

Features and Services 

  • Optiv offers various advisory services to help organizations develop and implement effective cybersecurity strategies.
  • Optiv provides implementation services to help organizations deploy and configure cybersecurity solutions.
  • Optiv offers various managed security services to help organizations detect, respond to, and prevent cyber threats.
  • Optiv provides training and education services to help organizations improve their cybersecurity skills and knowledge.


  • Optiv Identity and Access Management (IAM) Solutions
  • Optiv Managed Security Services
  • Optiv Data Protection and Privacy Solutions
  • Optiv Cloud Security Solutions


Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, VMware, Cisco, and Del


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Optiv – Download / Trial

41. RSI security

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersSan Diego, California, USA

RSI Security is a company that provides a wide range of cybersecurity services, including compliance, risk management, penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and incident response.

RSI Security specializes in helping organizations meet compliance requirements for regulations such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, NIST, and ISO.

They also provide risk management services to help businesses identify and mitigate potential security risks and incident response services to help organizations respond to security incidents and data breaches.

Features and Services

  • RSI Security provides various services to help organizations meet compliance requirements for regulations such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, NIST, and ISO.
  • RSI Security offers risk management services to help organizations identify potential security risks and develop plans to mitigate those risks.
  • RSI Security provides penetration testing services to help organizations identify vulnerabilities in their systems and networks.
  • RSI Security offers incident response services to help organizations respond to security incidents and data breaches. Their incident response services include forensic analysis, breach investigation, and remediation planning.


RSI Security provides cybersecurity solutions and services to a wide range of businesses and organizations across various industries, including healthcare, financial services, government, education, and retail.


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

RSI security – Download / Trial

42. Synopsys

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersMountain View, California, USA

Synopsys is a software company that specializes in electronic design automation (EDA) software, semiconductor intellectual property (IP), and software security solutions.

Synopsys provides various solutions for designing and verifying complex digital systems, including integrated circuits, system-on-chips (SoCs), and software.

Engineers and designers use their EDA software tools to design and verify these systems’ functionality, performance, and power efficiency.

Features and Services 

  • Synopsys provides a suite of EDA software tools used by engineers and designers to design, verify, and optimize complex digital systems, including integrated circuits, system-on-chips (SoCs), and software.
  • Synopsys offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor IP, including processors, interfaces, and analog IP.
  • Synopsys provides various software security solutions to help organizations detect and remediate security vulnerabilities in their software.
  • Design for Test (DFT): Synopsys’ DFT solutions enable designers to incorporate testability features into their designs, allowing for the efficient testing and debugging of complex digital systems.


Synopsys offers a wide range of products in the areas of electronic design automation (EDA), semiconductor intellectual property (IP), and software security


  • Semiconductor Industry: Some of the largest semiconductor companies in the world, such as Intel, Samsung, TSMC, and Qualcomm, use Synopsys’ EDA software tools and semiconductor IP products.
  • Automotive Industry: Automotive companies, such as BMW, Daimler, and Volkswagen, use Synopsys’ automotive solutions to meet safety and security requirements for their advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving systems.
  • Aerospace and Defense Industry: Aerospace and defense companies, such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman, use Synopsys’ EDA software tools and semiconductor IP products for the design and verification of their advanced electronics systems.
  • Consumer Electronics Industry: Consumer electronics companies, such as Apple, Samsung, and Sony, use Synopsys’ EDA software tools and semiconductor IP products for the design and verification of their smartphones, tablets, and other devices.
  • Healthcare Industry: Healthcare companies, such as Philips and Siemens Healthineers, use Synopsys’ virtual prototyping solutions to design and develop their medical devices and imaging systems.


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Synopsys – Download / Trial

43. Pratum

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersAnkeny, Iowa, with additional offices in Nebraska and Minnesota.

Pratum is a cybersecurity and information technology (IT) consulting firm that provides various services to help organizations manage their cybersecurity risks and improve their overall security posture. 

Features and Services 

  • Pratum provides cybersecurity consulting services to help organizations identify and assess their cybersecurity risks, develop effective security strategies, and implement security controls to mitigate them.
  • Pratum helps organizations develop and implement information security management programs to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations, such as ISO 27001 and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
  • Pratum provides incident response and forensics services to help organizations respond to security incidents and conduct investigations to identify the incident’s root cause and prevent future occurrences.
  • Pratum offers penetration testing services to help organizations identify vulnerabilities in their systems, applications, and networks and provide recommendations for remediation.


  • Pratum is a cybersecurity and information technology (IT) consulting firm that provides services rather than products.
  • While Pratum does not offer any software or hardware products for sale, they provide a range of consulting services to help organizations manage their cybersecurity threats and overall security posture improvement.


  • Financial Services: Pratum provides cybersecurity consulting and managed security services to banks, credit unions, investment firms, and other financial services organizations.
  • Healthcare: Pratum provides healthcare organizations with cybersecurity consulting, incident response, and penetration testing services to help them protect patient data and comply with regulatory requirements such as HIPAA.
  • Technology: Pratum works with Penetration Testing Companies to help them manage their cybersecurity risks and implement effective security controls to protect their intellectual property and sensitive data.
  • Education: Pratum provides cybersecurity consulting and security awareness training to educational institutions such as universities, colleges, and K-12 schools.
  • Government: Pratum worked with federal, state, and local government agencies to provide cybersecurity consulting and managed security services to protect critical infrastructure and sensitive data.
  • Manufacturing: Pratum provides cybersecurity consulting and managed security services to manufacturing companies to protect their production processes and intellectual property.


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Pratum – Download / Trial

44. Halock

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background

HeadquartersSchaumburg, Illinois

Halock is a cybersecurity consulting firm that provides various services to help organizations manage their cybersecurity risks and protect their sensitive data.

Halock’s services are designed to help organizations of all sizes and industries develop effective cybersecurity strategies and implement security controls to protect their systems, applications, and data.

Features and Services 

  • Halock provides comprehensive cybersecurity assessments to help organizations identify and assess their cybersecurity risks and develop effective security strategies to mitigate them.
  • Halock helps organizations develop and implement risk management programs to identify, assess, and prioritize cybersecurity risks and implement effective security controls to mitigate those risks.
  • Halock provides compliance consulting services to help organizations comply with industry standards and regulations such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR.
  • Halock provides incident response services to help organizations respond to security incidents and minimize the impact of the incident on their business.


  • Halock Security Labs is primarily a cybersecurity consulting firm that does not offer proprietary products.
  • However, the company provides various cybersecurity services to help organizations manage their cybersecurity risks and protect their sensitive data.


  • Advocate Aurora Health
  • American Express
  • PNC Bank
  • Toshiba
  • Chicago Public Schools


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Halock – Download / Trial

45. Guidepointsecurity

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersHerndon, Virginia

GuidePoint Security is a cybersecurity company that provides various services to help organizations manage their cybersecurity risks and protect their sensitive data.

GuidePoint Security’s services are designed to help organizations manage their cybersecurity risks and protect their sensitive data from cyber threats.

Features and Services 

  • GuidePoint Security provides cybersecurity consulting services to help organizations identify and assess their cybersecurity risks, develop effective security strategies, and implement security controls to mitigate them.
  • GuidePoint Security offers managed security services to help organizations monitor and manage their security controls, detect and respond to security incidents, and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  • GuidePoint Security provides best penetration testing services to help organizations identify vulnerabilities in their systems, applications, and networks and provide recommendations for remediation.
  • GuidePoint Security provides incident response services to help organizations respond to security incidents and minimize the impact of the incident on their business.


GuidePoint Security is primarily a cybersecurity services company, and as such, it does not have a range of standalone products.

Some of the technology partners of GuidePoint Security include.

  • CrowdStrike
  • Palo Alto Networks
  • Okta
  • Splunk
  • Cisco


  • Capital One
  • U.S. Department of Defense
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Major U.S. Hospital Systems
  • Fortune 500 Companies


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Guidepointsecurity – Download / Trial

46. Gtisec (GTIS)

Penetration Testing Companies

Global Technology & Information Security (GTIS) is the industry leader in Compliance as a service (CaaS) and a provider of global IT solutions and managed security services.

GTIS is an inspection company that was founded in response to the expanding demand for specialized data security administrations in the business sector.

Being a PCI Council-recognized Qualified Security Assessor (QSA), the company is devoted to ensuring that our IT security personnel have experience with this type of testing to meet the customers’ unique requirements better.

Features and Services 

  • GTIS  offers managed security services to help organizations with cyber risk assessment, compliance as a service, SIEM (cloud and premises), enterprise risk management, and threat management. 
  • GTIS provides penetration testing services to help organizations identify vulnerabilities in their systems, applications, and networks and provide recommendations for remediation.
  • It provides network penetration testing (external. Internal, and enterprise penetration testing) and application penetration testing (web, mobile, web services, API penetrating, and vulnerability assessment).
  • It provides PCIDSS Assessment, GDPR Assessment, ISO certification, SOC(Service Organization Control), PCI Compliance for IATA, HIPPA / HITRUST, Consulting Services, and Training services.


  • Tata Communications
  • Trend Micro


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Gtisec (GTIS) – Download / Trial

47. Data art

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersHerndon, Virginia

DataArt is a global technology consultancy specializing in software development, data analytics, and IT consulting. DataArt’s services are designed to help clients leverage technology to improve their business operations, gain competitive advantages, and meet their strategic goals. 

Features and Services 

  • Custom Software Development: DataArt offers custom software development services for clients in various industries. They develop web, mobile, desktop, and cloud software applications.
  • Data Science and Analytics: DataArt provides data science and analytics services to help clients leverage their data to gain insights and make better decisions.
  • Technology Consulting: DataArt provides technology consulting services to help clients develop and implement effective IT strategies.
  • Quality Assurance and Testing: DataArt offers quality assurance and testing services to ensure that software applications are reliable, scalable, and secure.


  • DataArt is a technology consulting company offering various services to help clients achieve their business objectives.
  • While they do not have products in the traditional sense, they develop customized software applications and provide technology solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs.


  • Colgate-Palmolive
  • S&P Global
  • The New York Times


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Dataart – Download / Trial

48. Nettitude

Company background

HeadquartersUnited Kingdom, United States, and Australia

Nettitude is a global cybersecurity company that provides a wide range of cybersecurity services, including vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, managed security services, incident response, and compliance services.

Nettitude’s team of cybersecurity experts helps businesses to identify and mitigate security risks, protect their assets and data, and maintain compliance with relevant regulations. 

Features and Services 

  • Nettitude provides comprehensive penetration testing services that simulate real-world attacks on an organization’s network, systems, and applications to identify vulnerabilities and recommend remediation steps.
  • Nettitude performs thorough vulnerability assessments to identify security weaknesses and risks across an organization’s infrastructure, applications, and processes.
  • Nettitude offers managed security services to monitor an organization’s networks and systems 24/7 and respond to real-time threats.
  • x Nettitude’s incident response team helps businesses respond to and recover from cybersecurity incidents, including data breaches and cyber-attacks.


Nettitude is primarily a cybersecurity services company and does not offer specific products. 


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Nettitude – Download / Trial

49. Cybri

Penetration Testing Companies

Company background 

HeadquartersNew York, New York

CYBRI is a U.S.-based one of the leading penetration testing companies that assists organizations in detecting and remediating mission-critical vulnerabilities before they are exploited by hackers.

CYBRI offers state-of-the-art penetration testing as a service performed by the CYBRI Red Team (CRT) as well as virtual CISO (V CISO) services to assure that all businesses obtain the necessary level of security.


  • Blue Box is CYBRI’s proprietary penetration testing services platform that lets businesses and specialists stay on the same page about testing,, and security service security controls.


  • Penetration Testing, Incident Response, Compliance and Audit, Virtual CISO, Red Team, GDPR, HIPPA, HITRUST, FERPA, SOC1, and SOC2


  • Blue box penetration testing 


you can get a free demo and a personalized demo from here.

Cybri – Download / Trial

50. nixu

Company background

HeadquartersHelsinki, Finland

Nixu is one of the Penetration Testing Companies that provides cybersecurity consulting services and solutions to organizations worldwide. 

Features and Services 

  • Nixu provides expert cybersecurity consulting services to help organizations develop and implement effective security strategies and policies.
  • Nixu offers identity and access management solutions to help businesses manage user identities and access critical resources and systems.
  • Nixu performs comprehensive penetration testing services to identify vulnerabilities and recommend remediation steps.
  • Nixu provides businesses with up-to-date information on emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities to help them avoid potential attacks.


  • Nixu Identity Manager
  • Nixu Cyber Defense Center
  • Nixu Risk Management
  • Nixu Security Intelligence


You can get a free demo and a personalized demo here.

nixu – Download / Trial


Penetration testing is a critical method for assessing the security of software and websites and Penetration Testing Companies playing major role to defend the attacks.

It involves using various approaches to exploit system weaknesses, including those associated with operating systems, services, configuration errors, and user behavior.

PenTest methods can be either white-box or black-box, and they’re commonly used to improve Web Application Security and protect against cyberattacks.

However, many businesses struggle with the time and resources required for effective penetration testing.

As a result, outsourcing to a reputable supplier is often the best solution to ensure comprehensive testing is conducted.

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BALAJI is an Ex-Security Researcher (Threat Research Labs) at Comodo Cybersecurity. Editor-in-Chief & Co-Founder - Cyber Security News & GBHackers On Security.