Best Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) Tools in 2023

Companies are trying to secure digital resources in a rapidly changing cybersecurity scenario. Software-defined perimeter (SDP) technologies are a game-changer in network security.

Unlike traditional firewalls, SDP solutions do not assume any level of confidence for any internal or external entity in the network.


Using this method, which involves establishing dynamic, one-to-one network connections between users and the resources they need, we can reduce an attacker’s capacity to move laterally across a network.

Table of Contents

What is a Defined Perimeter?
Importance of Software Defined Perimeter Tools
How Do We Pick the Top 10 Best SDP Tools?
Best Software Defined Perimeter Tools List and Features

Best Software-Defined Perimeter Tools 2024
1.Perimeter 81 SDP
3.Twingate SDP
4.NetMotion SDP
5.Appgate SDP
6.Cisco Software-Defined Access (SDA)
7.Wandera SDP
8.Cloudflare Zero Trust
Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Defined Perimeter?

A Software Define perimeter (SDP) is a security architecture that uses a “zero-trust” model to manage who may access what resources.

SDP checks the identity and context of every user and device seeking to access the network, independent of their location. In contrast, traditional network security measures rely on an assumption of confidence based on the network’s physical location.

SDP renders the network infrastructure “invisible” by authenticating users on various levels and considering elements such as the state of the user’s device and the time of day they attempt to connect.

This drastically decreases the attack surface, minimizing the chances of security breaches and hacking attempts. SDP benefits the distributed teams and cloud services that are characteristics of today’s business models.

Importance of Software Defined Perimeter Tools

  • Enhanced Security – Utilizes a “zero trust” framework, which helps mitigate insider threats.
  • Reduced Attack Surface – Reduces exposure by making network resources invisible to unauthorized users.
  • Scalability – Flexible deployment options allow businesses to expand without investing in expensive IT upgrades.
  • Simplified Access Management – Permission management is centralized, simplifying administration and increasing safety.
  • Regulatory Compliance – Making adhering to privacy regulations, including GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS, easier.
  • Cost-Effectiveness – Saves money by replacing or supplementing expensive, outdated gear.
  • Remote Work Support – Connects distant workers to critical corporate resources securely.
  • Business Continuity – Supports critical resource access and resilient operations amid network disturbances.
  • Multi-Cloud Support – Standardizes protection measures for any cloud service or on-premises application.
  • Real-Time Monitoring – Offers insights for speedy detection of security issues and remediation of those problems.

How Do We Pick the Top 10 Best SDP Tools?

  • Check the encryption methods and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) choices.
  • Ensure you have a Zero Trust design to reduce vulnerabilities built on trust.
  • Check how well LDAP and AD can work together for identity control.
  • Look at the highest number of users simultaneously and the bandwidth.
  • Simulated network conditions can be used to test delay and speed.
  • Look for API support to connect SIEM and tracking tools you already have.
  • Make sure that the data loss prevention (DLP) and attack detection and prevention (IDS/IPS) tools work together.
  • Check the logging options, especially the detail level and the exporting choices.
  • Check for features like high availability and backup to ensure service doesn’t stop.
  • Compare the ROI and total cost of ownership (TCO) with the setup, upkeep, and license prices.

Best Software Defined Perimeter Tools List and Features

Best Software Defined Perimeter Tools ListFeatures
1. Perimeter 81 SDPMicro-segmentation helps control access in a precise way.
Zero Trust is a security model that improves safety.
Make sure that the public internet can’t see your network resources.
Access policies at the application level.
Access control is based on each person’s identity.
2. GoodAccessProtect access from the outside to internal resources.
For controlled access, a software-defined perimeter is used.
Multi-factor authentication is a strong way to check who a user is.
Role-based access control lets you set permissions in small steps.
Cloud management makes it easy to set up.
3. Twingate SDPSecure remote access so that the network is not exposed.
Access controls at the application level allow for fine-grained permissions.
There is no exposure to public IPs, and resources stay hidden.
Integration that works well with other identity providers.
Fine-grained access policies specify roles and permissions for specific applications and resources.
4. NetMotion SDPKeeping resources separate from networks that can’t be trusted.
User activity is constantly watched and checked.
Native architecture for the cloud for scalability.
Access is based on roles for fine-grained control.
Allows users to access multiple apps with a single credential, simplifying authentication.
5. Appgate SDPAccess controls at the application level give precise permissions.
Monitoring of user activity and data flows in real-time.
For flexibility and scalability, cloud-native deployment is used.
Managing policies from one place for consistent control
Wandera SDP may help organizations meet regulatory requirements with reporting and auditing.
6. Cisco Software-Defined Access (SDA)Using network segmentation to make the network safer.
For consistency, policy management should be centralized.
Access control based on identity for fine-grained permissions.
Changes and additions to networks can be made automatically.
Zero Trust is a security model that improves safety.
Making and running networks easier.
7. Wandera SDPFor complete security, a zero-trust architecture is used.
Identity-based access control lets you give particular permissions.
With dynamic micro-segmentation, resources can be kept separate.
Monitoring and policy enforcement happen all the time.
Cloud-based deployment gives you the ability to grow and change.
8. Cloudflare Zero TrustAccess to applications is protected without putting the network at risk.
Granular authentication of users and devices for solid verification.
Filtering web and internet traffic to keep it safe.
Identifying and stopping threats in real-time.
Strong authentication ensures that only authorized users and devices can access resources.
9. Zone ZeroUpgrades from a previous VPN
Streamlines access while boosting safety
Threats like lateral movement assaults on networks are less likely to succeed.
Zero-Trust Network Access Deployment Is Straightforward And Quick
Maintain compatibility with preexisting protocols and software deployed wherever
Simplify access security operations and save associated IT expenditures.
Enhancements to usability, connection, and output
10. ZscalerAccess to applications is protected without putting the network at risk.
Granular authentication of users and devices for solid verification.
Filtering web and internet traffic to keep it safe.
Identifying and stopping threats in real time.
Strong authentication ensures that only authorized users and devices can access resources.

Best Software-Defined Perimeter Tools 2024

  • Perimeter 81 SDP
  • GoodAccess
  • Twingate SDP
  • NetMotion SDP
  • Appgate SDP
  • Cisco Software-Defined Access (SDA)
  • Wandera SDP
  • Cloudflare Zero Trust
  • ZoneZero
  • Zscaler

1. Perimeter 81 SDP

Perimeter81 SDP

It is a network security platform that keeps track of an organization’s critical resources from a single dashboard of network usage and a cloud management console.

Integrating Hybrid Secure Web Gateway (SWG), malware protection, MFA, AES-256 encryption, user-to-app SSL connection, device posture check, web filtering, and DNS filtering into devices and the cloud ensures security against threats like viruses, rootkits, zero-day exploits, etc. 

It enables SSO, role-based access, and zero trust access across all iOS and Android devices on the network. 

It utilizes split tunneling to streamline the connection between cloud and on-premise environments. It builds PoPs (Points of Presence) where remote employees can have low-latency encrypted access to resources.


  • Ensuring the segregation of resources from untrusted networks.
  • User activity is continuously monitored and verified.
  • Integrates seamlessly with existing security tools.
  • The utilization of cloud technology simplifies the process of setting up and managing.
  • Policy adjustments that are contingent upon the severity of the threat and are rooted in risk assessment.
What Could Be Better?What Could Be Better?
Strong defense based on the idea of “zero trust.”
Perimeter 81 is a new technology, so it may have undiscovered security vulnerabilities.
Easy to use, manage, and access from afar.Setting up software-defined perimeters for the first time.
Precise control over who can access network resources.Reliance on Perimeter 81’s platform and infrastructure could lead to vendor lock-in, making it difficult to switch solutions.
Users and devices can be checked safely.Fees for ongoing subscriptions could add up.

Perimeter 81 SDP – Trial / Demo

2. GoodAccess


A cybersecurity platform that provides SaaS for enabling zero-trust access to your business network. Designed for SMB’s needs, it reduces risks associated with remote workplaces, BYOD, and IT resources.

To prevent unauthorized access, it uses network segmentation, POLP (Policy of least privilege), virtual access cards, MFA for admin login and user login to the GoodAccess app, and external providers SSO authentication like Okta, Active Directory/LDAP. 

It maintains a threat blocker, DNS blacklist, and monitors gateway access points to protect against phishing threats, C&C botnets, etc.

Clouds and private LANs are connected to its virtual infrastructure using inbuilt cloud and branch connectors. The user can set redundant IPsec or IKEv2 protocols for remote access to on-premises or cloud systems as a failsafe option. 


  • Tracking and monitoring of user activity is conducted.
  • A VPN is unnecessary as network architecture has been simplified for easier understanding.
  • The setup process is straightforward, and the user interface is designed for simplicity.
  • Supports a diverse array of devices and operating systems.
  • Real-time threat detection and response.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Users’ and devices’ rights are based on their roles.The zero-trust approach gives more protection.
Access internal resources from anywhere, and do it safely.Compatibility with existing systems and software is complex.
Network design has been made easier.

GoodAccess – Trial / Demo

3. Twingate SDP

Twingate SDP

It is a software-defined perimeter tool with a zero-trust orchestration layer that securely manages resource access.  

With no public subnets or port forwarding requirement, it provides remote access, can be deployed in the cloud, on-premises, or at home, and has announced its Twingate MSP Portal. 

Encryption of public DNS traffic, least privilege access, an admin console to monitor the customer’s network, identity provider and device management tools, and integration with tools already in use, or IdPs, MDM/EDRs, and SIEM providers enhance the security and compatibility of Twingate. 

The four components of Twingate: Controller, Clients, connectors, and relays—help with direct P2P connections to protected resources, which only authenticated users can access; after authorization, the resources can be accessed using an FQDN or IP address.


  • Deploying applications natively in the cloud allows for seamless scalability.
  • There is no requirement for a VPN, and creating a network is easier to handle.
  • Centralizing policy management is crucial for ensuring consistency.
  • Monitoring and documenting user activity is a standard practice.
  • Continuous monitoring and prompt response to potential threats.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
The Zero Trust model gives full protection.Users may need time to get used to new ways to get in.
Access to resources without exposing them to the network.Setting up software-defined perimeters for the first time.
Resources are kept separate on the fly.Twingate adds authentication and verification steps to improve remote access security, which may affect user experience.

Twingate SDP – Trial / Demo

4. NetMotion SDP

NetMotion SDP

This software-defined perimeter solution is a comprehensive network security platform with digital experience monitoring (DEM) exhibiting network details, app performance, device performance, and VPN functionality. 

It aims to improve the remote working experience, protect users and resources of the organization, and incorporate the ZTNA solution, where user security posture can be monitored through this single platform and client.

Its VPN connectivity supports visibility outside of the tunnel as well.


  • Implementing cloud-native deployment for enhanced scalability.
  • Dynamic policies that adapt to user actions.
  • Real-time threat detection and response.
  • There is no longer a requirement for traditional VPN architectures.
  • Seamless integration with existing identity providers and tools.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Information about how the network works and how people use it.It might take some effort to integrate tools not made by NetMotion.
Works with both wired and wireless networks.Scalability and performance may become difficult as organizations grow and remote users increase.
Permissions that depend on who the user is.The customization and flexibility of NetMotion SDP may not suit every organization.

NetMotion SDP – Trial / Demo

5. Appgate SDP

Appgate SDP

To get a modern and flexible solution, Appgate provides users with a fast, zero-trust, secure access connection. Their newest version of SDP is V6.0.

Appgate can be deployed in three ways: Remote, hybrid, and cloud-loud based. Appgate focuses primarily on Digital Threat Protection and risk-based authentication.

This tool helps people gain secure consumer access protection, comprehensive fraud protection, phishing protection, risk orchestration, and Mobile protection.


  • Real-time threat detection and response.
  • Dynamic policies that adapt to user actions and location.
  • Public access to IP addresses is restricted, ensuring that resources remain concealed.
  • The simplification of network architecture was achieved by eliminating conventional VPNs.
  • Seamless integration with existing identity and security tools.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Some features could need a lot of help.It could be hard to integrate with tools that aren’t from Appgate.
Permissions for users and resources that are very clearSetups that are tailored might take more work.
Separates resources from networks that can’t be trusted.Customer service experiences can be different.

Appgate SDP – Trial / Demo

6. Cisco Software-Defined Access (SDA)

Cisco Software-Defined Access (SDA)

Cisco SD-Access manages and secures access to IoT devices using endpoint trust analytics. The components of this software-defined perimeter solution ensure zero-trust security across all applications and network environments. 

The network automation is provided at the core of SD-Access by the Cisco DNA Center. Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) defines policies for segmentation and enforcement of access.

Tools needed in easy-to-consume licenses can be obtained from Cisco DNA Software subscriptions. Cisco Catalyst 9000 infrastructure optimizes the depth and breadth of access security using its switches and access points. 

Adhering to compliance, it identifies, verifies, and isolates those endpoints with suspicious behavior. To stop threat migration, it implements least-privilege access based on endpoint and user type and regular monitoring of endpoint behavior. 


  • Ensuring segmentation, from the edge to the cloud.
  • Enhanced visibility and monitoring of network traffic.
  • Seamless integration with security solutions and advanced identification systems.
  • Enhanced capacity to adapt and evolve alongside evolving needs.
  • Implementing micro-segmentation can effectively prevent unauthorized lateral movement within a network.
  • Both wired and wireless networks are attainable choices.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Separating things has made security better.SDA may need more skilled workers, training, and maintenance.
Insights into network traffic in real-time.Insights into network traffic in real time.
Fits networks of different sizes.Ensure the SDA architecture can scale to meet growing network demands.
Policies were changed based on the user’s situation.Needs to be updated and watched over all the time.

Cisco Software-Defined Access (SDA) – Trial / Demo

7. Wandera SDP

Wandera SDP

The world’s largest provider of cloud security for remote workers with 30+ data centers and 1 billion daily device signals. Wandera has joined with Jamf to secure the modern enterprise better.

With Wandera, you can manage and keep the devices safe with the help of features like Zero-touch deployment, Mobile device management, inventory management, identity and access management, Threat prevention and remediation, ZTNA, Content filtering, and many more.

Since Apple makes very secure platforms on the market, making Wandera a very safe solution, the use of Apple’s fast endpoint api helps release data support, real-time detection, and threat prevention across various platforms.


  • Utilizing dynamic micro-segmentation for network isolation.
  • Real-time threat detection and response.
  • Public access to IP addresses is restricted, ensuring that resources remain concealed.
  • Dynamic policies that adapt to user actions and location.
  • Seamless integration with existing security solutions and identity providers.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
A zero-trust model is used to provide strong network security.Helps meet regulatory requirements by putting strict controls on who can access what.
Customizes access controls for each user, which makes the system more secure.Depends on how often and how well the Wandera service works.
A zero-trust model is used to provide robust network security.Controls that are too strict could hurt the user experience.
Allows secure access to resources from a distance.Costs for licensing and subscriptions can add up over time.

Wandera SDP – Trial / Demo

8. Cloudflare Zero Trust

Cloudflare Zero Trust

A unified software-defined perimeter solution for network security-as-a-service, built natively into one of the world’s largest networks, providing fast, reliable global connectivity, cloud-based security, and better visibility with the help of a dashboard and API.

In a network that is spread across 270+ cities and 100 countries.

New features for Cloudflare One include sophisticated email security protection, data loss prevention tools, cloud access security broker (CASB), and private network discovery.

Other solutions that can help ensure a software-defined parameter include protection against WAF, DDoS, CDN, DNS, & more, SSO integration, and a developer platform for serverless deployment.


  • Seamless integration with existing identity providers and tools.
  • Public access to IP is restricted, ensuring the confidentiality of resources.
  • The simplification of network architecture was achieved by eliminating conventional VPNs.
  • Effective verification requires the authentication of both the user and the device.
  • Dynamic policies that adapt to the user’s specific circumstances and behavior.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Easy to expand as the number of users and devices grows.Zero-trust can be hard to set up and configure.
Offers secure access to apps without the need for VPNs.It is easy to expand as the number of users and devices grows.
Helps stop threats from moving from one part of the network to another.Changing traditional network models could mean making changes.
Optimizes how applications are delivered so that users have a better time.Security services and technologies may need to be purchased from third parties for zero-trust implementation.

Cloudflare Zero Trust – Trial / Demo

9. ZoneZero

It is a software-defined perimeter solution that allows organizations to achieve ZTNA and provide central management across all secure access technologies.

It improvised security using patented Reverse Access Technology. It is compatible with Non-web protocols like SMB, RDP, SSH, etc., supports deployment in cloud, on-premise, or existing applications/protocols, and works with existing VPN connections.

The combination of ZoneZero MFA, ZoneZero VPN, and ZoneZero SDP provides IDAM enforcement for internal and external applications.


  • An early pioneer in the realm of online taking pictures display.
  • Photography encompasses a diverse array of styles and themes.
  • Provides a comprehensive collection of articles, insights, and discussions focused on the subject of photography.
  • Connects with a global community of photographers and passionate individuals.
  • Regularly refreshed with the latest exhibitions and photographic pieces.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Reduced operational complexity Less information is available about pricing and how to integrate.
saves money on IT security costsSaves money on IT security costs

ZoneZero – Trial / Demo

10. Zscaler


Zscaler is a native cloud-based secure internet software-defined perimeter developed to accelerate the enterprise’s digital transformation. 

It strengthens IT security posture across multiple devices, users, corporate infrastructure, and locations with zero trust network access and simplified branch and cloud connectivity.

This zero-trust exchange is provided for both IoT and OT devices Holistic approaches like TLS/SSL inspection across the SSE platform and digital experience management

It are opted for Cyber threats and data protection. The lateral movement with ZTNA is prevented by connecting to apps instead of networks.


  • Detecting and mitigating potential risks in real-time.
  • Examining potentially malicious files by utilizing cloud-based sandboxing.
  • Incorporating data on potential risks is crucial for maintaining a proactive defense.
  • Seamless integration with various tools and identity providers.
  • Traditional VPNs are no longer necessary, resulting in a simplified network architecture.
  • In order to achieve optimal performance, it is imperative to have a global cloud infrastructure in position.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Offers security solutions for the web and applications that are based in the cloud.Organizations with complex network architectures may struggle to configure Zscaler with their infrastructure.
Through a global network of data centers, it helps with security and performance.Integration with systems that are already in place might take some work.
Protects against advanced threats and finds malware.Some applications might have trouble with latency.
Allows secure remote access without VPNs.For some applications, latency could be a problem.

Zscaler – Trial / Demo


In conclusion, Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) solutions provide a creative way of securing information networks by bridging the gaps between VPNs and firewalls.

In keeping with the principles of the ‘Zero Trust’ paradigm, SDP prevents devices and users from gaining access to network resources until they have been verified.

The final impact is better network security since malicious users can’t see any of the network’s resources. SDP technologies are crucial to current network infrastructures due to their adaptability and scalability in an era of rising telecommuting and cloud-based business.

However, obstacles such as compatibility problems and high setup costs still need to be solved. The need for robust and adaptive security solutions like SDP is expected to develop with the increasing sophistication of cyber threats.

It may be prudent to use SDP technologies today to protect your digital assets and data in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is SDP different from a traditional firewall or VPN?

Unlike firewalls and VPNs, which employ static rules and perimeters, SDP generates user-specific perimeters. It is more secure against internal and external attacks.

Is SDP compatible with cloud services?

One of the benefits of SDP is that it works well with cloud-based solutions out of the box. Its scalability and adaptability ensure it can secure a company’s network no matter where its components are physically located.

Do SDP tools require regular updates?

Like any other security technology, SDP solutions should get frequent upgrades to defend against emerging vulnerabilities and attacks. Make sure the solution you pick has reliable customer service and regular promotions.

Work done by a Team Of Security Experts from Cyber Writes ( - World’s First Dedicated Content-as-a-Service (CaaS) Platform for Cybersecurity. For Exclusive Cyber Security Contents, Reach at: [email protected]