New Wi-Fi ‘SSID Confusion’ Attack Let Attackers connecting To Malicious Network

New Wi-Fi ‘SSID Confusion’ Attack Let Attackers Connect To Malicious Network

A design flaw in the IEEE 802.11 standard allows for SSID spoofing in WPA2 and WPA3 networks. While authentication protocols prevent unauthorized access points, they don't guarantee that the SSID displayed on the client...
Best Automatic WiFi Security Providers

10 Best Automatic WiFi Security Providers – 2024

When looking for the best automatic WiFi security providers in 2024, it's essential to focus on services that offer robust encryption, reliability, and a range of security features to protect against the myriad threats...
What is WarXing in Cyber Security? What are the Benefits?

What is WarXing in Cyber Security? What are the Benefits?

You might have heard about WarXing; here you will get detailed information about that. WarXing is always searching for Wi-Fi networks because in this hyper-connected world, users need to have a stable internet connection....
Wi-Fi Alliance Announces Wi-Fi 7 to Boost performance

Wi-Fi Alliance Announces Wi-Fi 7 to Boost performance

Wi-Fi Alliance unleashes the next generation of connectivity with Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 7™. This revolutionary technology promises to turbocharge wireless connectivity, pushing the boundaries of speed, reliability, and efficiency. Imagine downloading movies in seconds, seamlessly streaming immersive...
Flipper Zero – Now You Install 3rd-Party Apps With The Pentesting Device

Flipper Zero – Now You Install 3rd-Party Apps With The Penetrating Testing Device

The Flipper Zero team has announced the official launch of "Flipper Apps," a new app store enabling mobile users to download third-party apps and expand the capabilities of the well-known wireless pen-testing tool. Flipper Zero is...
Wi-Fi MITM Attack

New Wi-Fi MITM Attack That Can Evade WPA3 Security Mechanisms

NPU's wireless frame forwarding procedure allows attackers to launch Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks on Wi-Fi networks without requiring rogue APs.
MITM Attack on Wi-Fi Networks

New MITM Attack on Wi-Fi Networks Let Attackers Stealthily Hijack the Traffic

Recently, access to public Wi-Fi networks is easily feasible due to their availability in most common public places. The nature of Wi-Fi networks is such that supplicants, or end hosts, can come from all corners...
French Dad Takes nearby Town Internet Down to Prevent his Kids Going Online

French Dad Takes nearby Town Internet Down to Prevent his Kids Going Online

A hefty fine has been imposed recently by ANFR on a French dad due to which he faced jail time. In this event, the alleged dad used a signal jammer to stop his kids...
New Bugs that Affect Billions of WiFi Chips Let Attackers Extract Passwords & Manipulate Traffic

New Bugs that Affect Billions of WiFi Chips Let Attackers Extract Passwords & Manipulate...

A new series of threat attacks has been detected by the security experts from the University of Darmstadt, Brescia, CNIT, and the Secure Mobile Networking Lab.  These new bugs affect billions of WiFi Chips that...
Wireshark 3.4.10

Wireshark 3.4.10 Released With New Features and Several Bug Fixes

With all-new features, protocols, and several bug fixes, Wireshark has released recently a new version of its free and open-source packet analyzer, that is Wireshark 3.4.10. Wireshark is utilized for several purposes, as it is...

Managed WAF


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