types Malware Attack

Introduction :

Today’s topic is basically about types of malware, yes, it’s malicious software that is basically designated to damage, impair, or exploit computers or computer systems.

Thus we can say that it is a term that most of us have heard and become well-known in the digital age because of its high attendance and uncertain consequences.


Moreover, we can say that Malware is a warning to your company both from a commercial and a productivity prospect.

Furthermore, it negotiates your protected data and takes your business to a screeching end.

However, it’s essential to arrange your malware analysis reliably because understanding how different types of malware spread is vital for including and removing them.

Developing efforts of malware cyberattacks add avoidance and obfuscation methods mainly intended to fool users of various security officials and anti-malware commodities.

Although, ways to evade can quickly help you to protect the source IP address and add polymorphic malware, which turns its code to evade exposure from signature-based exposure tools.

There is another example that is lifeless malware that only survives in a system’s RAM to evade being exposed.

According to the Fortinet Threat report, 40 different malware families in Q1 2019, and the Emotet malware is the one with a higher number of infections.

Hence, in this article, we have clearly discussed the top 10 different types of malware attacks and not only that even we have also provided information about its cure or how to avoid them.

Table of Contents

10 Different Types of Malware
1.Trojan Horses
5. Botnets
10. Spyware
10 Different Types of Malware Features
Final verdict

10 Different Types of Malware

  • Trojan Horses
  • Worms
  • Adware
  • Cryptojacking
  • Botnets
  • Ransomware
  • Malvertising
  • Backdoor
  • Rootkits
  • Spyware

10 Different Types of Malware Features

10 Different Types of MalwareAttack Method
1. Trojan Horses1. Deceptive appearance
2. Unauthorized access and control
3. Payload delivery
4. Persistence and concealment
2. Worms1. Self-replication
2. Network-based propagation
3. Rapid spreading
4. Exploitation of vulnerabilities
3. Adware 1. Self-replication
2. Network-based propagation
3. Rapid spreading
4. Exploitation of vulnerabilities
4. Cryptojacking 1. Stealthy execution
2. Resource consumption
3. Crypto-mining payload
4. In-browser mining
5. Botnets1. Distributed network
2. Remote control
3. Command-and-control (C&C) infrastructure
4. Bot herders
6. Ransomware 1. Encryption of files or device lockdown
2. Ransom demand
3. Time-limited ransom
4. Threats and intimidation
7. Malvertising 1. Camouflaged appearance
2. The exploitation of ad networks
3. Drive-by download
4. Redirects to malicious websites
8. Backdoor 1. Unauthorized access
2. Concealed or hidden entry points
3. Remote access and control
4. Persistence and autostart mechanisms
9. Rootkits 1. Stealth and concealment
2. Privilege escalation
3. Kernel-level functionality
4. Persistence and autostart mechanisms
10. Spyware 1. Covert installation
2. Information gathering
3. Stealth and persistence
4. Unauthorized remote access

1. Trojan Horses

Trojan Horses

The most common kind of malware is Trojan horses, therefore let’s talk about them first.

In this tactic, cybercriminals disguise malware as a useful tool, like a special deal or gift, in order to sneak it into a system undetected.

Trojan Horse malware is particularly problematic since it frequently shares features with other forms of malware, such as spyware and adware, which further complicates matters for users.

After infecting your system, this virus can crash your device, steal sensitive data, and steal personal information such as payment card details.

Most notably, it disables your antivirus software, which in turn slows down your computer and causes it to malfunction.

For that reason, safeguarding your computer from this spyware is crucial.


  • A Trojan Horse can only enter a system with user consent.
  • It applies fake download information during the agreement part.
  • Therefore, use caution to prevent unintentional downloading, which could damage your machine.

Attack Vector

  • Trojan horses often masquerade as legitimate apps or files to deceive users.
  • Trojan horses gain illegal access to a victim’s system when executed.
  • It is often connected with external servers or attackers via covert channels.
  • Trojans often steal sensitive data from affected systems.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better ?
Remote accessUnauthorized access and control
Information gatheringMalicious intent
Law enforcement and investigationLegal and ethical concerns

Trojan HorsesTrial / Demo

2. Worms


An Insect It mimics the behavior of a virus in that it can infect other computers.

In contrast to viruses, which require human intervention to infiltrate a file, attachment, or website link, worms can attach to files autonomously and multiply without any external application or prodding.

Worms can diminish bandwidth, install undesired programs or backdoors, and “eat up” data files and operational systems until the disk is empty.

Worms are exceptionally difficult to prevent and eliminate from computer systems because, as we learned in the previous paragraph, they do not require any intervention from the user to be issued or announced.


Even though it’s difficult to completely eliminate, one simple thing you can do to make your computer safe is to turn on your firewall. This will drastically cut down on network traffic, especially from unauthorized users.

Attack Vector

  • Unlike viruses and Trojan horses, worms may self-replicate and spread without human intervention.
  • Programmable worms propagate swiftly over computer networks.
  • They can scan for vulnerable systems or targets using preloaded IP address lists.
  • Worms often leverage software flaws like unpatched security holes or weak passwords to infect target systems.
  • Worms reproduce in several ways.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better ?
Worms burrow to improve soil aeration and water and air penetration.Worms can sometimes attract pests or illnesses.
Their castings promote soil fertility by adding nutrients.Rapid reproduction may cause worm overpopulation, affecting soil structure.
Worms decompose organic waste.
Their presence indicates healthy soils.

WormsTrial / Demo

3. Adware


Now let’s talk about adware, a kind of spyware that tricks users into clicking on ads in order to generate revenue for the creator.

The majority of spyware installations also include adware.

Ads that appear in the program’s interface or those that appear in a user’s browser window can therefore facilitate this.

On top of that, it can display a number of advertising to users and gather personal data and information through spyware.

As a result, this spyware compromises users’ privacy and hinders the performance of their computers.


Unknown websites are adware’s general territory, so keeping an eye on where they’re downloading the details will help you prevent this parasite.

Attack Vector

  • Adware uses pop-up windows, banners, in-text advertisements, and full-screen ads.
  • It often tracks users’ surfing, search, and demographic data.
  • It is often packaged with free or cheap online software.
  • Adware is sometimes incorporated with free or cheap Internet software.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better ?
Adware creators can profit from advertising.Adware may track user behavior and collect personal data without consent, violating privacy.
Adware often makes paid software free.Ads can interfere with program use and reduce user satisfaction.

AdwareTrial / Demo

4. Cryptojacking


After that, there’s cryptojacking, a sort of virus that steals cryptocurrency by exploiting a victim’s computer.

It follows that cryptojacking is the unlawful practice of exploiting another person’s computer system in order to mine cryptocurrency. Attacks on coin mining malware have increased by 29%.

The two main ways hackers accomplish this are by poisoning websites or online ads with JavaScript code that auto-executes once stored in the victim’s browser or by convincing the victim to click on a malicious link in an email that installs crypto mining code on the computer.


Ad-blocking or anti-crypto mining browser addons can prevent Cryptojacking.

Endpoint security that can identify crypto miners, updated web filtering devices, and browser expansions are also important.

Attack Vector

  • Cryptojacking involves secretly mining cryptocurrency on a victim’s device.
  • It can result from malicious email attachments, hacked websites, drive-by downloads, malvertising, or compromised software.
  • It seeks to go undetected.
  • Mining software often runs with low CPU or GPU usage to avoid suspicion.
  • Coinhive was a popular JavaScript program that let website owners mine Monero with user browsers.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better ?
No real benefits exist from cryptojacking.Cryptojacking is unethical and unlawful since it uses computer resources without permission.
Mining cryptocurrency on someone else’s computer without permission is prohibited.It can drastically slow device performance, causing the owner inconvenience.

Cryptojacking Trial / Demo

5. Bots and Botnets

Bots and Botnets

Now we can move on to bots and botnets; in essence, a bot is a compromised machine that an attacker may remotely control.

The bot might join other bots in a botnet or be utilized to perform more cyberattacks.

As a result, botnets are a common tool for distributed denial of service (DDoS) assaults, expanding ransomware, keylogging, and other forms of malware.


There are several things to consider such as Anti-Botnet tools, Software patches, Network monitoring, and user awareness.

Attack Vector

  • Malicious email attachments, drive-by downloads, social engineering, and software flaws infect bots.
  • Attacker C&C servers control bots.
  • It allow attackers to coordinate attacks by controlling many hijacked devices.
  • Spam bots can send lots of mails.

Bots and BotnetsTrial / Demo

6. Ransomware


Following that, we will go over ransomware, a sort of software that, if not paid, can delete or spread data, block people from accessing the system, or both.

This means that users can’t add encrypted files.

However, please bear with me while I explain something crucial: if you believe that paying the ransom will unlock your PC, you would be completely mistaken. There is no assurance that paying the money will recover your system and data.

Ransomware increases by 118% in 2019 as per the study from McAfee Labs.

Ransomware assaults are always changing.

Most ransomware today falls under two categories:-

Although malware is continuously growing, there are simple stretches of ransomware that have been recognized and classified, including Cerber, CTB-Locker, TeslaCrypt, and CryptoWall.


A system that is harmed can’t talk about data that has been backed up offline.

Users who are hit by ransomware will have a full copy of their files that has not been damaged, so they will not have to pay the ransom to get to their data.

Attack Vector

  • Ransomware strongly encrypts the victim’s files, making them unusable without the decryption key.
  • After encrypting files, ransomware displays a ransom letter or pop-up window alerting the user and demands a price to unlock.
  • It are usually demanded in Bitcoin or Monero.
  • Ransomware often limits victims’ ransom payment time.

Ransomware Trial / Demo

7. Malvertising


Malvertising, a subset of harmful advertising, refers to the practice of using advertisements to create malware.

Ads that include malware or other harmful code are typically implanted into legitimate advertising networks and websites.

Since a lot of work goes into ads to make them appealing for users to sell or advertise commodities, it follows that advertising is a fantastic means for malware to spread.

Malvertising, like prominent and popular news websites, benefits financially from the trustworthiness of the sites on which it appears.


You can prevent this malware by Security researchers because it advises installing antivirus tools so that you can keep all software updated from time to time, consisting of the operating system, browsers, Java, and Adobe Flash.

Moreover, you can achieve more effective protection just by avoiding the use of Flash and Java collectively.


  • False internet ads are often displayed on legitimate websites or ad networks.
  • malvertisements are fake ads on reputable websites or ad networks.
  • It exploits software weaknesses including outdated browsers, plugins, and operating systems.
  • While visiting a hacked website hosting a malicious advertisement, a user may experience “drive-by downloads,” which automatically download and execute malware on their device.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better ?
Potential for wide distributionMalware delivery
Exploiting trusted platformsEndangering user privacy and security

Malvertising Trial / Demo

8. Backdoor


In the next section, we will discuss backdoors, which are covert ways to bypass common encryption and authentication measures used by computer systems, embedded devices, and other computer components.

Common uses for backdoors include remote access to computers and decryption of files.

Nevertheless, it can be used to steal, alter, or divulge private information.

Backdoors are well-known because they can manifest as a hidden component of your application, such as a trojan horse, a single program, or even code embedded in firmware and operational systems.


To stop this malware, you need to run a strong antivirus program that can find and stop malware, as well as a firewall and a network monitoring tool.

Attack Vector

  • Backdoors bypass authentication mechanisms like usernames, passwords, and encryption to let attackers in.
  • These are designed to elude users and security mechanisms.
  • It often used to connect compromised machines to the attacker’s command-and-control server.
  • Backdoors enable continuous access by persisting on compromised systems.

Backdoor Trial / Demo

9. Rootkits


Next, we’ll go over rootkits, which are a kind of malware that typically hides its own or other programs’ existence while simultaneously gaining unauthorized access to a computer or its software.

In addition, the adversary can automate the Rootkit installation process or provide official access to further its advancement.

Because rootkits in the kernel make relocation difficult, if not impossible, firmware rootkits may necessitate new hardware or specialized tools.


That’s right—the best way to stop Rootkits is to not let them get installed in the first place.

Attack Vector

  • Rootkits are made to take over a machine and become the root or administrator.
  • Rootkits hide themselves and the damage they do in different ways.
  • A lot of rootkits work at the kernel level, which is an important part of an operating system.
  • Rootkits try to stay on a system that has been hacked so that they can keep controlling and accessing it.

RootkitsTrial / Demo

10. Spyware


Our list continues with spyware.

It does exactly what you would expect malware of this kind to do: spy on the user and gather information about them.

In addition, it is possible to track and monitor online activities, discover and extract sensitive data, and record keystrokes.

In this way, a hacker can obtain all of the information, including financial details and company profiles, if spyware infects your system.

This newly-found freedom of action and data might be traded or used against the victim.


  • Accepting a pop-up window link or unintentionally installing spyware might install spyware on the computer.
  • These links can be removed to prevent unintentional downloads.

Attack Vector

  • Spyware collects many types of data from compromised systems.
  • To hide, spyware works in the background.
  • It operates quietly and hides from users and security software.
  • Email attachments, software bundling, rogue websites, drive-by downloads, and software weaknesses can let spyware in.

Spyware Trial / Demo

Final verdict

Basically, all organizations will encounter the harmful effects of malware without protective measures.

As per the information, cybercrime costs are predicted to overtake $2 trillion by 2019.

Among all the growing cybercrime landscapes, the organization must prepare for any possible danger, including cyber-attacks.

Thus to decrease the increasing risks, we tried our best to guide you with a proper strategy to prevent your business from avoiding to become another victim of malware attacks.

Hope the types of malware article is beneficial for you and if you liked this, then simply do not forget to share this post with your friends and on your social profiles.

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