GDPR Compliance Security

GDPR Compliance Security is designed to assist organizations in effectively managing and ensuring compliance with the rigorous standards outlined by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The regulation mandates businesses to safeguard individuals’ data and privacy from the European Union (EU) during transactions within EU member states.


With the help of this program, businesses may monitor their data handling procedures to ensure they comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.

Support for managing user permission, data discovery and mapping for locating and categorizing personal data, and assistance with Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) allowing individuals access to their data following GDPR are all essential.

Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) are essential for data processing activities that represent a high risk, and the software makes them easier to complete.

It helps with data breach responses by notifying authorities and affected persons promptly. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented on May 25, 2018.

Accelerate GDPR Compliance with Perimeter 81 to simpler GDPR security – Free Demo.

Table of Contents

What Do You Need For GDPR Compliance?
Things to Consider While Selecting A GDPR Software
Benefits of GDPR Compliance Software
Best GDPR  Compliance Management Software Features
10 Best GDPR  Compliance Management Software
1. Perimeter 81
2. LogicGate
3. Egnyte
4. Exterro
5. Transcend
6. StandardFusion
7. SolarWinds
8. Forcepoint DLP
9. TrustArc
10. Enactia

What Do You Need GDPR Compliance Security?

There are several critical aspects that companies must address to be GDPR-compliant. The first step for any company dealing with large amounts of personal data is to choose a Data Protection Officer (DPO).

The responsibilities of this role include ensuring compliance and monitoring data protection strategies. To be transparent and accessible, privacy policies should be updated to meet the standards set by GDPR.

The next step for organizations is to map their data thoroughly so they can see where, when, and how personal information is being used.

Another important aspect is authorization management, meaning businesses need strong systems to collect, document, and monitor user approvals for data processing.

In addition, they need to put measures in place so that people can access, correct, or delete personal data by their rights under GDPR.

Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) should be implemented for processing operations that pose a high risk to help identify and manage risks.

Additionally, it is crucial to have a detailed plan for responding to data breaches, and employees must be regularly trained on GDPR regulations.

Things to Consider While Choosing the Best GDPR Compliance Security

  • Scope of Compliance Features: Several critical GDPR functions, including data mapping, consent management, data subject access requests (DSARs), and breach notification protocols, should be fully supported by the software.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: To efficiently manage data across several platforms, it is essential that the software can interface with your current IT architecture.
  • Usability and User Interface: Software should be designed with ease of use in mind so that employees with different levels of technical knowledge may access and administer it with ease.
  • Scalability: As your business expands, the solution you choose should be able to keep up with the growing complexity and volume of data.
  • Customization Options: Find software that can be modified to fit your company’s unique procedures and needs.
  • Data Security and Encryption: Data encryption and other robust security measures are essential for software to meet the requirements of GDPR to prevent data breaches.
  • Vendor Reputation: Consider the software provider’s history, reputation, and the quality of their support and training.
  • Cost-effectiveness: A complete solution is excellent, but it must also be affordable and work with your organization’s budget.

checklist to ensure GDPR compliance in your software development

Benefits of GDPR Compliance Security

  • Enhanced Data Management: The program simplifies data handling by GDPR standards by streamlining the process of recognizing, organizing, and maintaining personal data.
  • Efficient Compliance Processes: Many operations connected to GDPR can be automated to save time and reduce the possibility of human mistakes. These jobs include authorization management, data subject access requests (DSARs), and breach notifications.
  • Risk Mitigation: The program assists in reducing the possibility of expensive fines that can result from noncompliance with GDPR by ensuring compliance with the regulation.
  • Improved Data Security: Software compliant with GDPR usually includes strong security measures to prevent breaches of sensitive data and improve data security in general.
  • Data Access and Portability: In compliance with GDPR, the program streamlines the steps necessary to provide individuals access to their data and simplify data portability.
  • Adaptability to Regulatory Changes: Updating the software to conform to new GDPR requirements is a great way to stay compliant without manually redoing everything.
  • Audit Trails and Reporting: Transparency and accountability are essential during audits or inspections, and GDPR compliance software usually provides thorough reporting capabilities and audit trails to help with both.

Best GDPR Compliance Security Companies Features

Best GDPR Compliance Security CompaniesFeatures
1. Perimeter 81Access to a network without trust
Perimeter Set by Software
Management in the cloud
Safe access from afar
Connectivity from site to site
2FA, or two-factor authentication
2. LogicGateWorkflow Design Without Code
Managing risk and following the rules
Getting and analyzing data
Forms and surveys that can be changed
The ability to integrate
Automation of tasks
3. EgnyteBacking up and recovering data
Accessibility on Mobiles
Look for Content
How to Scale
How to Access a File
Auditing and writing reports
4. ExterroManagement of e-discovery
The mapping and sorting of data
Hold and Preservation by the Law
Getting and processing data
Early Evaluation of the Case
Review and Analysis of Documents
5. TranscendManagement of Data Subject Requests
Maps of data and inventories
Management of Consent
Automatic Fulfillment of Data Rights
Taking care of privacy policies and notices
Response to a Data Breach
6 . StandardFusionControl of Documents
Taking care of vendor risk
Keeping track of training and certification
Dashboards and Reporting Tools
Management of Tasks
Collaboration and automating work flow
7. SolarWindsKeeping an eye on cloud infrastructure
Reporting and sending alerts
Care for Patches
Keep track of logs
Automating the network
Management of Virtualization
8. Forcepoint DLPProtection for Email and Messages
Responding to and reporting incidents
Using Identity Management with it
Compliance with Regulations
Locking down content and encrypting it
Policies that can be changed
9. TrustArcTaking care of incidents and breaches
Getting Cookie Consent
Take care of policies and notices
Managing the risk of third-party vendors
Training and public education programs
Dashboards and Reporting Tools
10. EnactiaEvaluations of compliance
Computer request and data subject management.
Tickets and managing tasks.
Storage for documents.
integrated registry for risks.
Data breach and managing incidents.

10 Best GDPR Compliance Security Companies – 2024

  • Perimeter 81
  • LogicGate
  • Egnyte
  • Exterro
  • Transcend
  • StandardFusion
  • SolarWinds
  • Forcepoint DLP
  • TrustArc
  • Enactia

1. Perimeter 81

GDPR Compliance Security
Perimeter 81

Perimeter 81 provides organizations with robust security measures that meet industry standards and regulatory requirements.

In addition, it offers simplified GDPR Complaince security solutions. Discover how Perimeter 81 can enhance your data protection to ensure GDPR compliance in just 15 minutes.

While supporting your organization’s compliance objectives, Perimeter 81 ensures complete compliance adherence. The goal of Perimeter 81 is to reduce the attack surface, primarily by preventing unauthorized access.

Many cloud services are employed in the modern corporate landscape, with numerous eluding IT detection. Moreover, the proliferation of remote workers necessitates external network access to on-premises resources.

You can evaluate potential threats with the help of Perimeter 81 and learn how to develop security measures for sensitive data.

Achieve GDPR compliance by encrypting data, ensuring prompt access post-incident, and preserving data confidentiality, integrity, availability, and system resilience.

This is why we streamline network access enforcement for IT, integrating 2FA seamlessly within the same client employees utilize for critical corporate applications. 

Perimeter 81 helps organizations to achieve complete security and data protection for GDPR compliance.

When you choose our solution you can feel completely confident that you are using a service that exceeds GDPR standards.


  • Data Control: Gives people in the EU the right to be forgotten and a copy of their personal data that is stored in companies’ systems.
  • Security policies: It say that businesses need to keep track of information and actions and make sure that data is safe by signing contracts with providers in writing.
  • Notifying People About Data Breach: This law requires businesses to tell the authorities about data leaks and, in some cases, the people who were affected.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Businesses that profile or watch the behavior of EU citizens are now required to follow more rules.
  • Encryption of Data: All data sent on-site or offsite is encrypted to make sure it is compliant with GDPR.
  • Timely Access to Data: Gives users quick access to data after a technical or physical event.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Uninterrupted, secure connections for remote users.Limited customizable compliance reporting capabilities
Easy and instant gateway and client deployment.Complex integration with existing security infrastructure.
Centralized management for network control.
Improved connection speed and compliance.

Perimeter 81 – Trial / Demo

2. LogicGate

GDPR Compliance Security

Risk Cloud’s GDPR Application simplifies data management by offering a comprehensive solution to manage data processing activities, assess associated risks, and monitor mitigation tasks.

Effortlessly commence Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for data processing operations that surpass GDPR’s risk threshold, ensuring regulatory compliance.

Delegate responsibilities and supervise the progress of risk-mitigation tasks for data processing activities with elevated risk scores.

Optimize your team’s data processing workflows by consolidating DPIAs and GDPR compliance prerequisites within a unified platform.

A simple ten-question questionnaire makes monitoring all data processing activities easy and lets you determine which DPIA and GDPR rules apply.

Generate pre-defined and personalized reports to monitor and share the status and outcomes of your data processing activities and data protection evaluations.

Access many user-friendly reports and dashboards for an instant overview of your data processing operations, active risks, DPIA statuses, mitigation efforts, and more.


  • Notifies you automatically of important dates and events.
  • Partners and team members can work together in real time.
  • To protect private information, there are security measures and role-based access control that can be used.
  • Businesses can use it to make sure they follow the rules and laws that apply to their industry.
  • Gives you dashboards and data that you can change to keep an eye on and measure standards and danger.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Efficient tracking and assessment of data processing activities.Requires dedicated resources for continuous monitoring.
Centralized management and monitoring of data processing.Possible integration challenges with existing systems.
Automated periodic reviews for proactive risk management.
Assignment of mitigation tasks to relevant stakeholders.

LogicGateTrial / Demo

3. Egnyte

GDPR Compliance Security

By actively identifying, managing, and protecting the personally identifiable information (PII) of European Union citizens stored in both on-premises and cloud-based repositories, Egnyte facilitates GDPR compliance. 

It streamlines the processes associated with Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) made by individuals, encompassing notifications and requests for the right to be forgotten.

The platform lets you see everything going on, like when users log in when permissions are changed, when content is transferred, and more.

Users have the flexibility to create custom policies by defining search criteria and keyword lists, in addition to leveraging the pre-built GDPR policy.

Furthermore, Egnyte supports public cloud object stores such as Amazon S3, Azure Blob, and Google Cloud. You can also whitelist folders that contain GDPR data and put strict access controls on them.

It also seamlessly integrates with popular cloud collaboration tools like Egnyte Connect, One Drive for Business, SharePoint Online, Box, G Suite, and Dropbox.


  • It is safe to share and sync files between people and devices.
  • Controls who can access data and make sure rules are followed.
  • It keeps risks out by encrypting data, limiting access, and finding them.
  • Co-editing and comments in real time make working together easier.
  • Kinds of files are saved and found quickly.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Quick installation, saving time.Challenges in managing and scaling large datasets.
No need for hardware or special IT skills.Limited native support for specialized compliance frameworks
Intuitive interface, no professional services required.
Efficiently handles large data sets.

EgnyteTrial / Demo

4. Exterro

GDPR Compliance Security

The software from Exterro streamlines data management procedures to find and protect personal data inside your company. The GDPR solution from Exterro makes it easier to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

With the help of the Exterro Suite, teams can quickly identify data sources that contain personally identifiable information (PII) and other types of personal data. 

By enforcing storage, retention, and protection rules makes it easier to implement automated policies for data discovery throughout your IT infrastructure.

Efficiently manage data surveys, tracking, escalation, and responses with automation. Monitor survey actions in real time for transparency and defensibility.

Create customizable visual maps to display critical data source information across your IT infrastructure. This suite provides a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for your organization’s data protection and GDPR compliance security.

Access intuitive, data-rich dashboards highlighting key information attributes and automatically identifying data in breach of privacy and security policies. 


  • Makes it easier to gather, handle, review, and produce data for e-discovery.
  • It helps find and sort private information so that laws are followed and legal risks are lower.
  • Makes it easy to store ESI legally.
  • Gets email, files, and other info and processes it.
  • Law risks and costs are talked about.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Effortless creation of online questionnaires and survey templates.High setup and deployment costs.
Swift identification of sensitive and business-critical data.Requires significant training for effective utilization.
Automated processes for personal data management.
Enforced business rules for data storage and protection.

ExterroTrial / Demo

5. Transcend


The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) says that companies must respond to requests from data subjects for access, deletion, correction, and erasure, handle opt-in consent, and keep records of processing activities (ROPA).

Employ Transcend to ensure GDPR compliance, evade penalties, and streamline your privacy operations as it simplifies GDPR adherence effortlessly.

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) enforces GDPR obligations across all EU member states. It has imposed substantial fines, such as an $877 million penalty on Amazon, since GDPR’s.

Despite Brexit, the UK continues to uphold GDPR regulations and enforce them through the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

GDPR necessitates that companies establish an opt-in mechanism for collecting, selling, or sharing personal data. 

Transcend is the sole platform that manages this process comprehensively, overseeing client-side and backend data flows while enforcing user preferences across ad tech platforms.


  • lets you respond to requests from data subjects to do things like see or delete data.
  • Gives businesses tools to look for and map personal data.
  • Manages users’ permissions and choices for processing data.
  • Responding automatically to requests from data subjects saves time and makes sure that rules are followed.
  • Keeps privacy rules and warnings up to date and makes them easy to find.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
A fully automated system streamlines privacy requests.Potential latency issues for remote users.
Enhanced data security without human intervention.Scalability challenges for larger organizations.
Automated scans identify data silos and organize data.
Collaborative platform for task delegation and audit logs.

Transcend Trial / Demo

6 . StandardFusion


By automatically creating reports adapted to various standards, StandardFusion streamlines your compliance procedures while increasing efficiency.

Establish a definitive GDPR compliance reference point, encompassing all compliance-related activities, fostering clarity and cohesion.

The framework-independent StandardFusion intelligently connects your pre-documented controls to different compliance programs.

Gain comprehensive insight into your GDPR compliance journey, enabling early detection of potential deviations from established norms.

Consolidate and safeguard all your GDPR compliance records within a secure, centralized repository, enabling streamlined management.

Instill a culture of compliance across your organization, facilitating the delegation of tasks on a company-wide scale and shared accountability.

As a result of StandardFusion’s framework independence, documented controls can be seamlessly mapped to various frameworks, efficiently satisfying particular requirements.


  • Set up, keep up, and keep an eye on the policies and procedures of the business.
  • Find, evaluate, and reduce the company’s risks.
  • Ease up on the rules for business.
  • Plan, carry out, and keep track of checks to make sure compliance.
  • Report and handle incidents and breaches so that the right people are notified quickly.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Audit trail ensures meticulous data tracking.Limited support for specific industry compliance standards.
Seamless integration with diverse compliance frameworks.Scalability challenges come with growing compliance requirements.
Customizable compliance reporting for tailored insights.
User-friendly interface promotes ease of use

StandardFusionTrial / Demo

7. SolarWinds

GDPR Compliance Security

SolarWinds Access Rights Manager (ARM) is a user-friendly software program that carries out thorough user access analyses, automates user account creation, and supports GDPR compliance.

Instead of costly external risk assessments, leverage SolarWinds ARM to identify and alert insecure account configurations, granting clear visibility into each account’s access privileges across your organization.

By obtaining granular insights into account access, you can proactively identify and mitigate insider threats while demonstrating adherence to GDPR privacy requirements.

Ensuring GDPR data security often begins with securing Active Directory (AD) accounts. However, managing AD accounts effectively can be challenging. 

Understanding which users can access specific data types is crucial to GDPR Compliance Security. 

This task is easier for SolarWinds ARM because it automatically creates and deletes user accounts, enforces role-specific templates to keep configurations safe, and responds quickly to insider threats.


  • System and network problems are reported.
  • Patches for software and security are installed immediately.
  • Gets log data and looks it over for security and fixes.
  • Setting up and doing work on a network automatically.
  • In charge of Hyper-V and VMware.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Enhanced security through permission monitoring.May require significant training for effective use.
Comprehensive audit capabilities for critical services.Challenges in fine-tuning data loss prevention policies.
Real-time insights into user access activities.
Identify and address security vulnerabilities.

SolarWindsTrial / Demo

8. Forcepoint DLP

Forcepoint DLP

To ensure compliance, extending data classification beyond known information is crucial. Even unlabeled data can be identified, enhancing overall visibility.

Forcepoint GDPR Compliance Security make this possible by organizing personal data, monitoring access, and tracking data location.

Their predefined GDPR policies enable comprehensive personal data discovery across on-premises infrastructure, networks, and endpoint devices. 

You can pinpoint data in obscure places through OCR, identifying text within images as personal data. The tool allows extensive examination of your organization’s structured and unstructured data sets.

Incorporate personal data management effectively with tools for regulating data transfers between endpoints and cloud-based applications.

A comprehensive approach offers insight into event timelines during data breaches, analyzing activities and individuals posing risks to the organization.


  • It makes compliance reports and gives tools for looking into events.
  • It works with identity and access control tools to make things safer.
  • Businesses can follow the rules for data safety with its help.
  • Private information is encrypted and content that seems sketchy is kept safe.
  • Changes DLP rules to meet the goals of the company.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Enables data visibility in vast organizational datasets.Limited coverage for comprehensive GDPR compliance.
Tracks data across the supply chain and cloud.Complex and resource-intensive deployment process.
Improves GDPR-regulated data control.
Offers policy customization for dynamic environments.

Forcepoint DLPTrial / Demo

9. TrustArc


Strategic planning, process execution, and ongoing oversight are all areas in which TrustArc provides thorough support for GDPR compliance.

It starts with a full analysis of how well GDPR Compliance Security is followed in the European Union. Next, gaps are found, and a plan for ongoing compliance action is made.

Once risks have been identified and a plan for fixing them has been made, the next step is to make and use custom procedures and tools to meet specific compliance requirements.

TrustArc helps with third-party GDPR validation, making sure an unbiased evaluation so you can show that your GDPR program is compliant to customers, partners, internal stakeholders, and regulatory bodies.

Gain control over creating and managing your data inventory and data flow mapping, reinforcing adherence to privacy mandates.

Employ assessment management to streamline procedures, heighten visibility, and document privacy risks, enhancing the efficiency of privacy teams.


  • Checks that cookie deals on websites and apps are in line with GDPR and other rules.
  • It makes private rules and notices and keeps track of them.
  • Takes care of privacy and compliance problems for third-party sellers.
  • Gives workers tools for learning about privacy and safety.
  • Makes screens and records to check and keep an eye on compliance.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Data inventory creation for risk management.Potential vulnerabilities due to frequent updates.
Data flow mapping for improved compliance.Complex event correlation and reporting setup.
Cookie consent preferences for GDPR and CCPA.
Data Subject Requests (DSR) management for compliance.

TrustArcTrial / Demo

10. Enactia


Enabling privacy professionals, this tool facilitates the generation of compliance assessments through questionnaires, shedding light on the organization’s adherence level.

As a multi-user platform, Enactia allows internal stakeholders to log in and address assigned queries, promoting collaborative compliance efforts.

The dashboard is a comprehensive hub, providing a holistic view of assessment statuses. Detect and address any compliance gaps, or partial gaps, seamlessly.

Enhance operational efficiency and streamline workflows by leveraging Enactia’s GDPR and CCPA templates. These templates are easily transferable to new assessments or for future use.

Effortlessly duplicate and replicate previous assessments and their responses, making adjustments as needed.

Featuring an intuitive three-part interface, the assessment map, questions, and their respective details are visually organized.


  • IT, the Help Desk, the Call Center, and the Data Protection Team can all make DSRs (Customer Service Requests) with Enactia.
  • A lot of people mess up or miss dates because they lose track of their DSRs.
  • Enactia can sort DSRs by request type to make sure that everyone helps and knows when to give resources.
  • IT, the Help Desk, the Call Center, and the Data Protection Team can all make DSRs (Customer Service Requests) with Enactia.
  • A lot of people mess up or miss dates because they lose track of their DSRs.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
User-friendly GDPR compliance templates.Potential challenges in handling and analyzing large datasets
Intuitive dashboard for tracking assessments.Limited user support resources for troubleshooting.
Efficient workflow automation.
Easy data replication for assessments

EnactiaTrial / Demo


Finally, to navigate the complicated GDPR regulations, it is essential to have top-notch GDPR compliance management software.

It provides a complete and integrated solution to manage personal data, ensure compliance, and mitigate risks related to non-compliance.

These solutions significantly reduce the administrative workload and the possibility of human error by automating crucial activities such as data mapping, permission management, and data subject requests.

The software’s improved data security features align with GDPR regulations and enhance data protection measures worldwide.

These software solutions are essential for businesses of all sizes due to their adaptability to regulatory changes and powerful reporting and auditing capabilities.

In today’s data-driven world, customer trust and business reputation are improved by implementing the correct GDPR Compliance Management Software, which protects against heavy fines.

Purchasing this software is, in the end, a considered approach toward long-term success in data management and compliance.


Why do organizations need GDPR Compliance Security?

Companies require this software to manage GDPR compliance. It streamlines difficult procedures, decreases non-compliance and penalties, improves data security, and develops consumer trust through transparent data practices.

Can GDPR Compliance Software guarantee total compliance with GDPR?

The software helps with compliance, but organizational practices and policies determine total compliance. The software improves compliance, but it must be part of a strategy.

Can this software help with employee training on GDPR?

Employees can learn about GDPR principles and best practices and their part in keeping the company compliant with training modules and other resources included in many GDPR compliance software packages.

Work done by a Team Of Security Experts from Cyber Writes ( - World’s First Dedicated Content-as-a-Service (CaaS) Platform for Cybersecurity. For Exclusive Cyber Security Contents, Reach at: [email protected]