“Cybercrime Index” Ranks: Russia, Ukraine, and China at the Top

A new “Cybercrime Index” has been introduced, ranking countries based on the threat level posed by cybercriminals.

The Index reveals that many countries, led by Russia, Ukraine, and China, are the primary hubs for cybercriminal activities globally.

Key Findings from the Study

The World Cybercrime Index, developed through a partnership between the University of Oxford, and UNSW, and funded by the European Union-supported CRIMGOV project, provides a detailed ranking of countries based on their cybercrime capabilities and activities.

The top ten nations identified as the most threats are Russia, Ukraine, China, the USA, Nigeria, Romania, North Korea, the UK, Brazil, and India.

This comprehensive index is based on surveys from 92 leading global experts in cybercrime intelligence and investigations.

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The “World Cybercrime Index” ranks countries based on the impact, professionalism, and technical skill of their cybercriminals across five major categories of cybercrime:

  1. Technical products/services
  2. Attacks and extortion
  3. Data/identity theft
  4. Scams
  5. Cashing out/money laundering
Mapping the global geography of cybercrime with the World Cybercrime Index (Source: PLOS ONE)
Mapping the global geography of cybercrime with the World Cybercrime Index (Source: PLOS ONE)

These experts assessed five major cybercrime categories: technical products/services, attacks and extortion, data/identity theft, scams, and cashing out/money laundering.

Implications and Future Research

The study maps the current landscape of global cybercrime and sets the stage for future research into the causes behind why certain countries emerge as cybercrime hotspots.

The ongoing collection of data will assist in identifying new hotspots and potentially enable early interventions in at-risk countries before a significant cybercrime problem develops.

This pioneering research offers a new tool in the global fight against cybercrime, providing valuable insights into the geographical and contextual factors that foster cybercriminal activities.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, such indices will be crucial for international cybersecurity efforts, helping to pinpoint where resources and interventions are most needed.

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Divya is a Senior Journalist at Cyber Security news covering Cyber Attacks, Threats, Breaches, Vulnerabilities and other happenings in the cyber world.