Cyber Security Trends

Cyber Security is vital for every business, it is import to protect your business against cyber attacks, a single cyber attack could cause serious damage. Cyber Security is the top priority for every organization to throttle cyber attacks. Here is the list of Cyber Security Trends.

As organizations move towards digital transformation to explore new business strategies, the risks associated with the digital business are evolving.


On the other hand, threat actors constantly improving their cyber weapons and adapt to new technologies to launch sophisticated attacks targeting organizations and individuals.

Nowadays cyber incidents such as malware attacks, data theft, and insider threat are the most prevalent risks that an organization should handle, in some cases, these incidents are caused by employees of companies themselves either intentionally or unknowingly.

Top Cyber Security Trends 2020

Here are the predictions for Cyber Security Trends for 2020

  • APT groups Expand Attack Vectors
  • Attacks Targeting Critical Infrastructure
  • Increase in IoT Attacks
  • Targeted Phishing Attacks
  • Mobile Attack vectors
  • A rise in Cybersecurity Automation
  • Changes in Privacy due to GDPR

APT Groups Expand Attack Vectors

APT stands for Advanced Persistent Threat, like other threat actors these advanced threat groups, focus on stealing information, involve in spying activities or destroying the services.

These APT groups launch large-scale attacks using advanced attack methods targeting financial services, industrial, government, defense, legal services and many more.

APT groups continue to Broaden the attacks geographically and also the frequency of its attacks, a recent example is the Silence group, which starts attacking banks in Russia and now expands the attack perimeter geographically.

Another infamous group is Turla APT, known for constantly renewing its arsenal with new hacking tools and attack techniques.

These APT groups penetrate networks and stay undetected, it is important to proactively defend against the APT attacks. According to Kaspersky APT trends report, new sophisticated APT groups are constantly evolving and a constant uptick in the number of attacks.

Attacks Targeting Critical Infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure becomes the prime targets for cyber attacks, the intensity, and frequency of attacks keeps growing. Cyber attacks on Critical Infrastructure cut off an efficient supply of resources and inference other services.

Recently U.S. Department of the Treasury’s declares section on three North Korean state-sponsored hacking responsible for launching cyberattacks targeting Critical Infrastructure in the U.S. and beyond.

The attacks on Critical Infrastructure keep evolving, operators should aware of the impacts and should implement a defense mechanism to prevent cyber attacks.

Increase in IoT Attacks

IoT attacks growing rapidly, according to SonicWall threat report the attacks grown by 217.5% in volume. The IoT devices evolve as a major target for cyber attacks.

According to Statista, more than 31 billion IoT devices will be deployed in the year 2020, this also gives advantages for an attacker to build massive botnets.

IoT devices lack built-in security measures which makes them easily accessible for threat actors.

Targeted Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are an infamous threat to organizations and individuals, the act of sending targeted phishing attacks known as spear phishing.

The spear-phishing is a directed approach and it involves several social engineering techniques to trick the victim in believing the email comes from a trusted source.

These spear-phishing attacks are on the rise, threat actors believe spear-phishing attack is the perfect way to gain privileged access to the organization network.

Mobile Attack vectors

Nowadays smartphones play an important role in the day to day activities, as the growth of smartphones increased it grabs cybercriminals attention.

Starting from 2019, a rapid growth recorded in threats focusing on mobile devices and other connected things, the number of malware families evolved to compromise users’ devices.

The mobile attacks are not new, but these attacks provide an easy gateway for cybercriminals to exfiltrate into an organization’s network.

A Rise in Cybersecurity Automation

Nowadays most of the cyber attacks are automated, to prevent automated attacks organizations also need to have an automated solution to protect against those attacks.

Automation is an effective way to beat the cybersecurity skill gap and an effective way to deal with security threats.

IBM cybersecurity survey reveals that companies with extensive use of automation heal cyber attacks better.They have ability to prevent (69% vs. 53%), detect (76% vs. 53%), respond (68% vs. 53%) and contain (74% vs. 49%).

Changes in Privacy due to GDPR

GDPR shifts the landscape of cybersecurity, it forces a business to overlook the data protection responsibilities. It expands the rights of individuals to control their data collected.

If the organization fails to implement data protection responsibilities they should face huge fines as well as reputational damage.

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Gurubaran is a co-founder of Cyber Security News and GBHackers On Security. He has 10+ years of experience as a Security Consultant, Editor, and Analyst in cybersecurity, technology, and communications.