Twitter Hacked – Biggest Twitter Hack in the History By Bitcoin Scammers

Recently, a massive Twitter hack was discovered that has exposed various leading verified Twitter accounts for a popular scam of Bitcoin. Here, hackers published several tweets on behalf of compromised accounts about the free distribution of cryptocurrency and promised to double all the bitcoins that will be sent to the specified address. 

There has been a post from Bill Gates’ account, where he stated that “Everyone is asking me to send $1,000, and then they will send me back $2,000. Only within 30 minutes.” But, Twitter has deleted all such tweets tweeted from the compromised accounts.


Some similar message like the above one was posted from numerous other famous accounts as well, defining that they are getting the double return proposal, and they claimed that this offer would last for 30 minutes. The tweets were shared in the Bitcoin address associated with an organization called CryptoForHealth.

Twitter has verified that it will take the extreme step to block new tweets from every verified user, whether they agreed or not, and they also locked all compromised accounts temporarily. Moreover, Twitter has also asserted that they will soon unblock them once they found a verified way to handle this matter.

Accounts Compromised

Twitter accounts were hacked in the Bitcoin scam; the hackers targeted the famous US twitter accounts. Twitter has confirmed this on Wednesday evening, and the company disclosed that its private employee tools were compromised and used in the hack.

Apart from this, the founder and CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, reacted to this hacking event by saying, “It’s a hard day for us.”

This situation clearly explains why even accounts that alleged to have two-factor authentication were still endeavoring to fool followers along with the bitcoin scam. In this hack, mainly popular US-based Twitter accounts were hacked, and here they are:-

  • Former President of US, Barack Obama
  • Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates
  • Famous musician, Kanye West
  • Former Vice President of the US, Joe Biden
  • CEO of SpaceX, Elon Musk
  • Former Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg
  • Apple
  • TechCrunch reporter, Sarah Perez
  • American rapper, Wiz Khalifa
  • American media personality, Kim Kardashian
  • Uber
  • CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett
  • Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos

This hack will generate more optics difficulties for Twitter, and it will get more challenging for Twitter to move ahead to check the authenticity of messages on the service. That’s why the cybersecurity experts have warned them regarding the same issue. The breach could have wide-reaching suggestions for politicians, famous personalities, and brands as they utilize Twitter as a primary channel for communication. 

Twitter has updated its position on restricting tweets at 7:18 PM ET, and twitter tweeted that they are proceeding to limit the capacity to Tweet, reset your password, and some additional account functionalities while they are investigating the whole matter.

They also tweeted that they will soon remove the limitations they applied on all the compromise accounts, so, that once again, they can start tweeting without any problem.

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BALAJI is an Ex-Security Researcher (Threat Research Labs) at Comodo Cybersecurity. Editor-in-Chief & Co-Founder - Cyber Security News & GBHackers On Security.