PoC Exploit Cisco IMC

Proof of Concept (PoC) exploit has been released for a critical vulnerability in Cisco’s Integrated Management Controller (IMC).

This flaw, identified as CVE-2024-20356, allows for command injection and could enable attackers to gain root access to affected systems.


Overview of the Vulnerability

The vulnerability resides in the web-based management interface of the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (IMC), a crucial component used for remotely managing Cisco hardware.

According to Cisco’s official security advisory, the flaw is due to insufficient user input validation in the IMC interface. This oversight allows an authenticated, remote attacker with administrative privileges to inject malicious commands.

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The affected products include a range of Cisco servers and computing systems, notably:

  • 5000 Series Enterprise Network Compute Systems (ENCS)
  • Catalyst 8300 Series Edge uCPE
  • UCS C-Series M5, M6, and M7 Rack Servers in standalone mode
  • UCS E-Series Servers
  • UCS S-Series Storage Servers

Technical Details of the Exploit

The exploit, as demonstrated by security researchers from Nettitude, involves several steps that manipulate the vulnerability to escalate privileges.

By sending crafted commands through the web interface, attackers can execute arbitrary code with root privileges on the Cisco hardware’s underlying operating system.

The PoC exploit, named “CISCown,” is part of a toolkit developed by Nettitude and is available on GitHub. It utilizes parameters such as target IP, username, and password to automate exploitation.

The toolkit tests for vulnerabilities and allows for deploying a telnetd root shell service on compromised devices.

The release of this PoC exploit signifies a critical threat level for organizations using affected Cisco products.

Gaining root access can give attackers full control over the hardware, potentially leading to data theft, system downtime, and further network compromise.

Cisco has responded by releasing software updates that address this vulnerability.

It is strongly recommended that all affected organizations apply these updates immediately. No known workaround mitigates this vulnerability, making the updates essential for securing the systems.

The release of the PoC exploit for CVE-2024-20356 highlights the ongoing challenges in securing complex network environments.

Users and administrators should visit Cisco’s official security advisory page and the Nettitude GitHub repository hosting the exploitation toolkit for more detailed information and access to the updates.

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Gurubaran is a co-founder of Cyber Security News and GBHackers On Security. He has 10+ years of experience as a Security Consultant, Editor, and Analyst in cybersecurity, technology, and communications.