Network Security Solutions

Introduction :

Network security solutions are essential for safeguarding client data and information, maintaining the security of shared data, ensuring dependable network performance, and defending against online threats.

Your network and data are protected from hacks, intrusions, and other threats by network security.


Access control, firewalls, antivirus software, application security, network analytics, various forms of network-related security (endpoint security, web, wireless), types of network-related security, and more are all part of network security.

What are the Types of Network Security?

Technology has advanced significantly over the years, as it has enabled businesses to increase their security and implement other improvements.

To ensure the security of data and networks, several elements in the field of network security collaborate. 

This leads to the following various types of network security:


  • It serves as a barrier between two networks or between two devices.
  • To prevent unauthorized access to the network, it essentially consists of a set of pre-established rules.

Access control

  • In order to prevent unauthorized access and potential threats, access control defines the individuals, groups, and devices that have access to network applications and systems. 

Virtual private networks (VPNs)

Intrusion prevention systems

  • You can easily identify threats and stop them by adhering to the rules contained in the network security solutions.


  • A cybersecurity technique called “sandboxing” involves running programs or opening files on a host computer in a secure, isolated environment that resembles an end-user operating system.

Application security

  • Application security is the combination of hardware, software, and industry best practices you employ to keep an eye on problems and fill in security coverage gaps.

Behavioral analytics

  • Software for behavioral analytics is made to help spot typical signs of abnormal behavior, which is frequently an indication that a security breach has taken place.

What are the Three Elements of Network Security?

The three primary components of a network security model known as the CIA triad are confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Following are discussions of the three CIA triad elements:

1- Confidentiality:

  • The keeping of information or assets secret is known as confidentiality. In order to ensure that only the right people have access to information, it must also be kept hidden from other third parties who might want to see it.

2- Integrity:

  • Data integrity is the assurance that the data hasn’t been altered or degraded before, during, or after submission. It is the assurance that the data has not been subject to unauthorized modification, either intentionally or unintentionally.

3- Availability:

  • Data is frequently useless unless it is made available to those within the organization and the clients they serve, even if confidentiality and integrity are upheld. This requires that all systems, networks, and applications operate properly and at the appropriate times.

How can we Improve network Security?

Many sensitive and private data sets are now stored online and made available through networks. 

Maintaining the integrity of your company’s data and preventing system intrusions are both made possible by securing your network. 

Therefore, it’s crucial to have strong network security solutions that enables businesses to protect their data and restrict access to only authorized individuals and entities.

1. Train Your Employees

  • An essential component of a comprehensive security strategy is to regularly update and remind employees to protect themselves from potential breaches.

2. Keep an Eye on Software Vulnerabilities

  • Basically, The most crucial action you can take to improve the overall cybersecurity posture of your home and office networks and systems is to upgrade your software on a regular basis.

3. Be Careful When Responding to Emails

  • Training employees to spot phishing attempts is advantageous as phishing attacks remain one of the most serious cybersecurity risks.

4. Physically Protect Your Network

  • Protecting your hardware from unauthorized access is the most fundamental step you can take to increase network security.

5. Use VLAN

  • A local area network (LAN) is just a collection of connected computers that are all located in the same area.

6. Improve Your Password

  • For each account, create a challenging and one-of-a-kind password with a secure password generator, then manage them with a password management program like LastPass.

7. Watch for Anomalies in Network Traffic

  • Observe any unusual network traffic, especially if it originates from locations where critical information is kept.

Why do we Need Network Security?

In order to safeguard client data and information, maintain the security of shared data, guarantee dependable network performance, and guard against cyber threats, network security is essential.

By defending systems against malware/ransomware, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, network intrusions, and other threats, network security solutions create a safe environment for users, computers, and software to operate in an IT environment.

Business operations and the provision of services and goods to customers are made possible by ensuring legitimate access to systems, applications, and data.

Network security is crucial for both personal and professional networks.

One or more wireless routers are typically present in homes with high-speed internet access, and if they are not properly secured, they could be used for malicious purposes.  

A strong network security system lowers the risk of data loss, theft, and sabotage.

Table of Contents

What are the Types of Network Security?
What are the Three Elements of Network Security?
How can we Improve network Security?
Why do we Need Network Security?
11 Best Network Security Solutions & Companies 2024
2.ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus
3.Palo Alto Networks
5. AppTrana
9.Trend Micro, Inc
11 Best Network Security Services 2024 Features

11 Best Network Security Services 2024

  • Perimeter81
  • ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus
  • Palo Alto Networks
  • Proofpoint
  • AppTrana
  • Symantec
  • CheckPoint
  • IBM
  • Trend Micro, Inc
  • Microsoft
  • Rapid7

11 Best Network Security Services 2024 Features

Network Security Solution ProvidersKey Features
1. Perimeter811. Simple integration of cloud network security solutions across the hybrid network of your company.
2. Web filtering protects your business from web-based threats as a crucial part of your Secure Web Gateway.
3. Defend your business from harmful online content by protecting your staff, devices, and network.
4. View through reports on what members are doing online and export this information for auditing and analysis.
5. You have more control over employee productivity and their use of unauthorized applications with web filtering rules.
2. ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus1. Patch management and deployment
2. Vulnerability prioritization and risk assessment
3. Configuration assessment and compliance checks
4. Remediation tracking and reporting
5. Asset discovery and inventory management
6. Integration with third-party vulnerability databases
7. Workflow automation and ticketing system integration
8. Executive dashboards and customizable reports
3. Palo Alto Networks1. Any IoT device can be quickly and accurately profiled to reveal its type, vendor, model, and firmware.
2. Users can connect to data and applications anywhere due to integrated capabilities that secure both their internal assets and external ones.
3. With the same level of security as on-premises data centers, secure numerous public cloud environments.
4. To simplify security for thousands of branch offices, enable Zero Trust Network Security.
5. Safeguard east-west, north-south, and intra-container traffic between other workload types and container trust zones.
4. Proofpoint1. Through the use of Proofpoint, businesses will be able to restrict access to certain cloud-based files, stop data loss, and archive communications.
2. Regardless of the location of the users or the network they are a part of, Web Security employs a people-centric approach to protection.
3. Microsoft Office 365 is compatible with and integrated with Proofpoint.
4. In order to provide multi-layered security, Proofpoint developed its protection software from the ground up.
5. The program generates intelligence reports that enable users to generate critical insights for advancement and the efficient use of security resources.
5. AppTrana1. Customers can ask specialists to check your website for false positives and adjust the site’s rules to guarantee there are none.
2. AppTrana works with Tata Communications to provide an integrated CDN, which improves the website’s functionality.
3. It finds application vulnerabilities by combining manual pen testing with automated scanning.
4. Layer 7 attacks are immediately protected by AppTrana, which also blocks Layer 3 & Layer 7 DDoS attacks. 
5. A set of security rules that take into account the HTTP footprint, client behavior, and reputation form the basis of its DDoS filtering process.
6. Symantec Enterprise-Grade Cyber Security1. Symantec provides options for any deployment, whether it be on-premises, in the cloud, or as a hybrid of the two.
2. Symantec Security Analytics makes it simple to understand what’s going on in your environment.
3. It delivers enriched, full-packet capture for complete network and cloud workload visibility.
4. In order to combat sophisticated persistent threats and remove persistent malware, it can be activated remotely.
5. By enforcing policies and spotting unauthorized changes, ensures that endpoints are secure and compliant. 
7. Check Point Software Technologies Ltd1. In a virtual sandbox, files are quickly quarantined and examined to find a malicious activity before it enters your network.
2. By combining several Check Point security gateways, you can build your own virtualized private cloud on-premises.
3. The most complete safeguards and data center-grade security are combined by Check Point Quantum 16200 Security Gateways.
4. When a power source fails, redundant power supplies guarantee ongoing operation. 
5. Denial of Service attacks are quickly stopped by Check Point DDoS Protector Appliances, which offer multi-layered security and performance speeds of up to 400 Gbps.
8. IBM1. Uses deep visibility, wide visibility, and advanced analytics to find hidden threats on your networks.
2. The solution contributes to better network protection by utilizing behavioral analysis and the newest threat intelligence.
3. Examine the most recent developments in global security, gather information for use, and improve cooperation.
4. In order to prevent malware intrusion, increase control over application and user behavior.
5. Allow for the management of device policies and configurations, managed firewall device updates, and device troubleshooting.
9. Trend Micro, Inc1. Manage the Home Network Security station and keep an eye on the usage of your connected devices.
2. When a new device joins your network, the New Device Approval feature notifies you.
3. Before files are downloaded to the requesting device, Dangerous File Blocking dynamically scans the cloud for potentially dangerous files.
4. For unknown or unwanted devices, disconnect the device from the internet.
5. With the help of content filtering, websites and content for various ages are blocked according to rules.
10. Microsoft1. Utilize the multi-layered security offered by Microsoft for Azure operations, infrastructure, and physical data centers.
2. You can connect Azure virtual machines (VMs) and appliances to other networked devices by placing them on Azure virtual networks.
3. Azure’s built-in controls and services for identity, data, networking, and apps will help you quickly protect your workloads.
4. Integration of network security management and development using DevSecOps will speed up development.
5. Access your virtual machines seamlessly from a distance without being seen using public IP addresses.
11. Rapid71. An extensive list of known vulnerabilities and configuration errors is used to inform thorough scanning.
2. Prioritization and risk assessment to better inform your approach to patching security holes and updating stakeholders on progress
3. Schedule your scans so that they don’t affect your network’s performance or availability.
4. Without having to perform a scan, Attack Replay enables your developers to independently verify a vulnerability.
5. Business and development stakeholders have a powerful and simple way to navigate and review scan results due to the interactive report.

1. Perimeter81

Network Security Solutions

Among Perimeter 81’s user-friendly features are two-factor authentication, built-in support for mobile devices, and integrated single sign-on.

Perimeter81, which blocks access to harmful websites while allowing access to trusted ones, guarantees the security of your company.

Determine whether websites should be allowed, discouraged, or forbidden based on user or group-specific restrictions.

Additionally, you can filter data to focus on specific staff members, websites, or web categories with Perimeter81. You can also see who tried to access prohibited or warned sites.

With full administrative control over Internet access, employees may surf the web securely and avoid online threats.

Blocking programs that can compromise your company’s data is an easy way to prevent shadow IT and limit access to websites that lower workplace productivity.


  • Requires identity verification for access, regardless of location or device.
  • Offers scalable and adaptable cloud-based security management.
  • Hides network resources from unauthorized access.
  • Increases authentication procedures to verify users.
  • Easy to monitor, set up, and manage security rules from one interface.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
Block exposure to risky or suspicious websites to prevent data breaches.The platform still doesn’t have any useful dashboards or a way for us to alter them to suit our needs.
Having complete insight into user web activity will help you secure your network.To make the application feel more user-friendly, the UI could be updated and improved overall.
Utilize thorough reports to monitor unusual web activity throughout your organization.
Enable sites that demand privacy to circumvent rules in order to comply with legal regulations.

You can also Download Free Network Security Checklist PDF Here.

2. ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus

ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus

With Vulnerability Manager Plus, a solution for managing vulnerabilities that works across many operating systems, your enterprise network will be protected from exploits in an instant.

Using a centralized console, it provides full visibility, evaluation, correction, and reporting of security gaps throughout the company network.


  • Find and rank exploitable and dangerous security flaws across different platforms, third-party apps, and network devices with a risk-based vulnerability review.
  • Automate Windows, macOS, and Linux modifications.
  • Get around zero-day issues before patches arrive.
  • With security configuration management, you can always fix improper settings.
  • CIS requirements are supported out of the box, ensuring compliance.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
Easy-to-use designOccasionally poor large-scale deployment performance
Full testing for vulnerabilitiesAdvanced customisation may require scripting or configuration.
Managing patches is possible
Dashboards and data that can be changed

3. Palo Alto Networks

Network Security Solutions
Palo Alto Networks

Your team will be able to thwart successful cyber assaults with the help of Palo Alto’s automated technique that guarantees consistent protection across clouds.

Thanks to the Zero Trust Network Security Platform, users are no longer restricted in their work location.

The most effective network security solutions are brought to any cloud-based or virtualized environment so that it can achieve the optimal combination of security, speed, and customization.

The next-generation firewalls from Palo Alto Networks are able to identify threats, both known and unknown, even those lurking in encrypted traffic, thanks to intelligence collected from thousands of client deployments.

A combination of APIs and Dynamic Address Groups allows you to automate policy operations that may respond to changes like server addition, relocation, or deletion.

Integrating ZTNA 2.0, Cloud SWG, NG-CASB, FWaaS, SD-WAN, and ADEM, among others, into a unified service improves organizational agility and simplifies network and security.


  • Fully protects against threats with sophisticated firewall features and application-level inspection.
  • employs a cloud-based technology to gather global threat information to prevent new threats.
  • Protects and manages attacks on a variety of hardware and software with endpoint security technologies.
  • Maintains consistent security policies across numerous cloud environments, ensuring secure cloud adoption and workload protection.
  • Allows full content assessment and URL filtering to block hazardous websites and information.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
Each time a new attack is discovered, it updates the signature database of all firewalls.It is possible to significantly simplify the user interface.
Operating system executable files and a variety of other potentially harmful files are also detectable.Load balancer configuration can be challenging and complicated.
By enabling on-site sandboxing of files, the tool helps to resolve compliance issues.
This platform fully supports the network infrastructure and operational systems that we have in place.

4. Proofpoint


Among the top network security solutions, Proofpoint protects users, data, and brands from modern threats and regulatory concerns.

Proofpoint offers a tried-and-true method that changes people’s behavior and gets real security results by using a comprehensive approach to teach people about cybersecurity.

Proofpoint allows companies to limit who can access what information stored in the cloud, prevent data loss, and preserve historical conversations.

That program can identify dangers and malware and protect users from them; it is not malicious software, though.

By analyzing each assault and searching for possible patterns and behaviors, Proofpoint’s TAP feature does more than just block threats; it also makes it easier and faster to stop future threats.

Organizations often conduct risk assessments to identify the most vulnerable employees and take measures to safeguard them.


  • Improves email security against spam, phishing, and viruses.
  • Finds and stops targeted assaults and other sophisticated threats with advanced threat intelligence and research.
  • Stops data breaches and protects private data across channels.
  • Enhances cloud application security to protect against attackers.
  • helps users recognize and avoid social engineering attempts with training modules.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
Enhanced security against malicious URLs and attachmentsNot easily deployable in Google Workspace
User management is very easy to understand and use.Does not prevent highly targeted attacks, such as spear-phishing
Businesses don’t have to worry about paying for legacy data protection when they use Proofpoint.
It is much simpler to understand detailed reports, which is crucial for businesses to generate useful insights and solutions.

5. AppTrana


It provides a SaaS solution for web application security that is completely managed, very reliable, and quite affordable.

It allows you to improve website performance, identify and immediately fix vulnerabilities, establish the application’s risk posture, and guarantee proactive repair against DDOS and emerging threats through centralized, continuous monitoring.

As part of their comprehensive solution, AppTrana offers a web application scanner (WAS), a fully managed web application firewall (WAF), integrated DDOS protection, and a content delivery network (CDN).

Web application scanning is one way that AppTrana, a completely managed application security solution, finds application-layer vulnerabilities.

It takes a novel tack on application security by promoting risk assessment and the identification and mitigation of weak spots.

With the use of visual analytics, users may see how many attacks have been prevented and identify patterns.


  • Secures against OWASP Top 10 threats, SQL injection, and XSS.
  • Protects websites from DDoS attacks to provide uninterrupted access.
  • Stops malware to prevent infections and secure websites.
  • Gets rid of malicious bots to ensure the website gets actual visitors.
  • Regularly examines web apps for security vulnerabilities.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
Since it offers a generic solution and defers management to the customer, its methodology differs from that of the majority WAF solutions.Additional features may be included in firewall custom rules.
By way of its managed offering, it offers thorough protection.It is challenging to integrate other devices, like SOC.
Through sophisticated DDOS protection, it guarantees site availability. 
Distributed Global Edge Locations allow users to monitor website performance.

6. Symantec Enterprise-Grade Cyber Security

Symantec Enterprise-Grade Cyber Security

Symantec Web Security protects critical company data and provides top-notch protection against complex threats thanks to its advanced proxy architecture.

Available in the cloud, on-premises, or as a hybrid proxy deployment, Symantec Secure Web Gateway may be tailored to your specific requirements while maintaining a balance between security, performance, complexity, and cost.

Symantec Content Analysis protects your business from both known and undiscovered threats with its multi-layer file analysis feature.

Everything that goes into or out of your network or the cloud can be analyzed in real-time, and it also has advanced forensics and anomaly detection capabilities.

Assuming compliance with data privacy rules, laws, and regulations, SSL Visibility Appliance and Symantec proxies may decrypt traffic and supply data for numerous security tools.

With Symantec’s platform, all of Symantec’s clients may exchange threat intelligence, ensuring that your company’s assets are protected.


  • ranks and repairs network, system, and app vulnerabilities.
  • Provides risk information and advanced analytics to detect and stop threats.
  • Allows quick security event detection and reaction, reducing breach impact.
  • Threat simulations examine system and network security and detect weaknesses.
  • Tracks and monitors cloud environments for safety and compliance.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
A leading provider of security technologies with distinctive and robust core capabilities.Usage outside of just end-user computers in other environments
Ensures that the cloud and web are used in a secure and compliant manner. Resources are used up significantly by scheduled scans.
The capacity to intelligently quarantine potentially infected machines.
Provides effective defense against cybersecurity threats

7. Check Point Software Technologies Ltd

Network Security Solutions
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd

When it comes to cyber security solutions, Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. is a leading global supplier.

Check Point Infinity protects against Gen VI mega-cyberattacks on all networks, endpoints, clouds, and mobile devices—the only fully integrated cyber security architecture.

Protecting clients from 5th generation cyberattacks, its technologies offer industry-leading detection rates for malware, ransomware, and other types of threats.

Complete threat prevention is another benefit, as is the elimination of security holes and the facilitation of the instantaneous, automated exchange of threat intelligence across all security settings.

For optimal security management, go no farther than Check Point’s one-point-of-control solution. It is easy to use and covers all the bases.

With Check Point Threat Prevention, you get robust security capabilities including an IPS, anti-bot, antivirus, application control, and URL.


  • Strong firewall solutions from industry leaders safeguard networks from attacks and unwanted infiltration.
  • Modern technologies like antivirus, anti-bot, and IPS prevent cyberattacks.
  • secures external user access to business networks, protecting data.
  • provides scalable and effective cloud system and workload security.
  • A central control console helps you create, monitor, and enforce network-wide policies.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
connecting to a VPN for secure data transmission between different vendorsDuring periods of high usage, network latency can be decreased.
Check Point offers the most recent data and network security solutions to clients of all sizes. The firewall struggles to repackage the packet in a way that some websites can correctly understand.
Low latency should be provided for frequent financial transactions.
There is a simple, user-friendly web-based local management interface available. 

8. IBM


To keep your networks safe from any potential danger, IBM provides state-of-the-art network security solutions that can detect and adapt to new threats in real time.

A simple set of edge network services can help customers safeguard their internet-facing apps from threats like bot attacks, data theft, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

The X-Force Red team of veteran hackers at Security can help prioritize testing, identify and fix the most vulnerable networks (both internal and external), and more.

Your attack surface can be decreased, unnecessary traffic can be blocked from accessing your servers, and resources can be allocated as planned.

By integrating past and present security data, teams can see the bigger picture of the danger more clearly, as events related to the same threat are immediately linked.

The security policies and monitoring of all network firewalls, both current and prospective, are handled by IBM Security.


  • combines AI, sophisticated analytics, and threat intelligence to detect and respond to security threats.
  • secure organization-wide user name, access privileges, and authentication management.
  • Cloud environments, applications, and data are protected by strong security and monitoring.
  • Encrypts, tokenizes, and uses DLP to protect private data.
  • Offers comprehensive security to protect endpoints from malware, security flaws, and cyberattacks.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
For better network visibility management, use firewall management to block access from unauthorized users.Updates are made less frequently, but they must always be made for security tools.
It identifies threats and guards against unauthorized access to the network.For higher management, create specialized automatic reports.
extremely effective at defending against frequent malware attacks
Simple security rules can be defined for firewall defense.

9. Trend Micro, Inc.

Trend Micro, Inc.

Trend Micro Home Network Security safeguards your entire home network against cybercriminals.

This includes all of your Internet-connected gadgets, smart TVs, game consoles, and more.

If you have a connected device, Trend Micro Network Protection can prevent hackers from gaining control and altering important settings.

Most importantly, it offers application programming interfaces (APIs) that facilitate the integration of one company with another and with third-party services.

To prevent data breaches and protect customers from fraudulent websites, Malicious Website Blocking utilizes Trend Micro’s Smart Protection Network.

With its constantly monitored design and limitless scalability, this solution gets rid of the expenses and hassles of physical infrastructure.


  • Threats like malware and ransomware are completely blocked on endpoints.
  • Safeguards cloud environments and apps against sophisticated attacks and ensures compliance.
  • Firewalls and intrusion prevention secure networks.
  • Advanced threat prevention blocks phishing, spam, and targeted attacks on email.
  • Analyzes security data to identify and defeat attacks.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
Devices can be grouped by family members using the Family Profile, and the family can also set its own rules. Officescan is inconsistent and occasionally fails to update when users have their items blocked.
To keep your children safe online wherever they go, it also has robust parental controls.It would be nice to have a better view and visibility into some of the available standard reports.
Settings for extremely fine-grained control, such as URL filtering and blocking, and separate workstation and server policies
Simple and easy to use administration tools are available.

10. Microsoft


Protect your apps and cloud workloads from cyberattacks that target networks using Microsoft’s network security services.

Azure has a robust networking infrastructure to support your application and service connectivity demands.

It all starts with a cloud that was designed with dedicated hardware, which had built-in security controls in the firmware and hardware, and extra protections against things like distributed denial of service attacks.

Connecting Azure resources to on-premises resources, the internet, and Azure itself is feasible, as is connecting Azure to other sites.

Use services built on real-time global cybersecurity intelligence provided by the cloud to identify new threats and respond quickly.


  • Threat protection, EDR, and automatic security checks provide high-level computer security.
  • Protects Azure cloud services and hybrid processes from modern threats and centralizes security.
  • Cloud-native SIEM with smart security analytics and business-wide threat response.
  • Secure email, communication tools, and apps with Microsoft 365 advanced threat protection.
  • Azure Active Directory secures identities and access in on-premises and cloud environments.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
Integrating platforms and applications securelyA lot of internet bandwidth and money is needed for services like cognitive services.
An effective analysis’s use of memory, bandwidth, and computing powerTo make it easier to create resources, the documentation must be improved.
Simple administration through a browser and internet access from any location.
The new server can be set up fairly easily and scaled to handle more or less traffic.

11. Rapid7

Network Security Solutions

Working with Rapid7 ensures that you receive trustworthy solutions, intuitive controls, and the strategic guidance necessary to evade attacks.

Tools for security, IT, and DevOps, including vulnerability management, application security, detection and response, orchestration and automation, and outside threat intelligence, are now easily accessible.

“Network vulnerability scanning” describes the steps used to identify security holes in a system, network, or other information technology asset that could be exploited by malicious actors.

The Insight Platform also helps in uniting your staff, which means you may quit putting out minor fires and focus on the major dangers.

By scanning your environment for vulnerabilities, you can gain valuable insights into your present risk posture, the effectiveness of your security measures, and chances to enhance your defenses through the resolution of these weaknesses.


  • ranks and repairs network, system, and app vulnerabilities.
  • Provides risk information and advanced analytics to detect and stop threats.
  • Allows quick security event detection and reaction, reducing breach impact.
  • Threat simulations examine system and network security and detect weaknesses.
  • Tracks and monitors cloud environments for safety and compliance.
What is Good ?What Could Be Better?
It keeps an eye out for malicious activity on all of our systems so that we can proactively stop any viruses from spreading.It can be challenging to configure at first when there are problems with Rapid7’s discovery scan.
It automatically quarantines and reduces vulnerabilities based on threats as they emerge, enabling quick and effective response.Users from multiple teams must frequently collaborate on different tools as part of workflows.
Find malware-infected devices and isolate them.
Capabilities for scanning, such as specific vulnerabilities and compliance, are beneficial.


Network security solutions are playing a major role in fighting against the sophisticated cyberattack by examining the traffic and detecting the cyber threat to protect the enterprise infrastructure.

Network security involves several software and hardware along with security practices.

We picked up the above-listed Network security solutions based on their performances, detection accuracy, speed, deployment time, and prevention technologies used in respective products.

We pick Perimerter81 as the top of the tool since it meets all our validation rules.

Work done by a Team Of Security Experts from Cyber Writes ( - World’s First Dedicated Content-as-a-Service (CaaS) Platform for Cybersecurity. For Exclusive Cyber Security Contents, Reach at: [email protected]