Hackers Use Weaponized PDF Files to Deliver Byakugan Malware on Windows

Due to their high level of trust and popularity, hackers frequently use weaponized PDF files as attack vectors.

Even PDFs can contain harmful codes or exploits that abuse the flaws in PDF readers.


Once this malicious PDF is opened by a user unaware of it, the payload runs and infiltrates the system.

Cybersecurity researchers at Fortinet recently identified that hackers have been actively using weaponized PDF files to deliver Byakugan malware.

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Technical analysis

FortiGuard Labs discovered a Portuguese PDF file distributing the multi-functional Byakugan malware in January 2024.

The malicious PDF tricks people into clicking a link by presenting a blurred table.

This in turn activates a downloader that puts a copy (requires.exe) and takes down DLL for DLL-hijacking.

This runs require.exe to retrieve the main module (chrome.exe). In particular, the downloader behaves differently when called require.exe in temp because malware evasion is evident.

Infection flow (Source - Fortinet)
Infection flow (Source – Fortinet)

A blurred table is displayed on the victims’ screens, prompting them to click a link that enables them to download a DLL for DLL-hijacking and drop a copy (require.exe) that starts a downloader. 

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To fetch the main module (chrome.exe), require.exe is run.

However, its behavior slightly varies depending on whether it has been renamed or not while being placed in the temp folder, which signifies its evasiveness.

The login page (Source - Fortinet)
The login page (Source – Fortinet)

This is a node.js malware package that can be executed using pkg. It contains the main script and a few feature libraries.

According to a Fortnet report shared with Cyber Security News, downloading additional files from the %APPDATA%ChromeApplication folder, which is malware-generated data, also demonstrates its adaptability and persistence.

Byakugan features

Here below, we have mentioned all the features of Byakugan:-

  • Screen monitor
  • Screen capture
  • Miner
  • Keylogger
  • File manipulation
  • Browser information stealer
  • Anti-analysis
  • Persistence

It is part of an increasing trend to merge malicious components in malware, making it hard for them to be accurately identified due to increased noise. 

The downloaded files, though, showed some important things about how Byakugan works inside, making it easier to analyze the harmful modules of the Trojan.

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Git repository

  • github[.]com/thomasdev33k
  • github[.]com/fefifojs
  • github[.]com/wonderreader

C2 Server

  • blamefade.com[.]br
  • thinkforce.com[.]be


  • PDF




  • exe




BALAJI is an Ex-Security Researcher (Threat Research Labs) at Comodo Cybersecurity. Editor-in-Chief & Co-Founder - Cyber Security News & GBHackers On Security.