Data Security Providers for Finance

The best data security providers for financial services offer advanced, specialized features that cater to the unique needs of this industry. These providers ensure compliance with financial regulations and protect against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Data security is critical for financial services due to the sensitive nature of the information they handle, including personal financial data, transaction records, and proprietary business information.


Threat actors often like to go after banks and financial companies. These places have lots of valuable information, like your personal details.

They can use this information to pretend to be you, get fake credit cards, or sell it to others on the black market. So, banks and financial institutions have to keep your information safe and follow the rules about privacy and security.

In this article, we’ll explore data security providers for financial services and how they help protect your financial information, providing peace of mind in an increasingly connected world.

Table of Contents

What is Data Security?
Importance of Data Security
How Important is Data Security for the Financial Industry?
Data Security Providers for Finance Services: Best Practices
Best practices on Data Security platforms  for Finance Services

How to choose the best Data Security for Finance Services
Best Data Security Providers for Finance Services & Features
10 Best Data Security Providers for Finance Services
1. Perimeter81
2. Symantec
3. McAfee
4. Varonis
5. Forcepoint
6. Gen Digital
7. Palo Alto Networks
8. Trend Micro
9. Sophos
10. Qualys

What is Data Security?

The term “data security” describes the processes and protections put in place to prevent the loss, misuse, or destruction of data at any point in its existence.

Various methods, including encryption, strong user authentication, and authorization constraints, can protect data at rest and in transit.

Protecting against cyber risks, including hacking, data breaches, and malware, is essential for ensuring the integrity and privacy of information in various sectors.

A system of data security that is both precise and effective should only allow authorized individuals access to private information.

Importance of Data Security

  • Protection Against Breaches: With the rise of cybercrime, it is more important than ever to have safeguards to prevent data breaches that could result in financial loss or identity theft.
  • Maintaining Privacy: It prevents the unauthorized disclosure or use of private information such as names, addresses, Social Security numbers, medical information, and bank account numbers.
  • Business continuity: Implementing strict data security protocols can significantly aid a company’s ability to continue operating normally in the face of malicious attempts or unintentional data loss.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Data privacy laws apply to various businesses and organizations. Adhering to these regulatory standards helps prevent penalties and sanctions, and adequate data security is essential.
  • Trust and Reputation: Customers and business associates will have more faith in a company if they take measures to keep their information secure.
  • Preventing Economic Loss: Theft, ransom payments, and maintenance expenses after an attack are just a few ways data breaches can cause significant economic loss.

How Important is Data Security for the Financial Industry?

Financial organizations manage sensitive data, making data security crucial. Banking, investing, and other financial institutions keep massive volumes of personal and financial data, including account information, transaction history, and IDs.

This data must be protected to prevent identity theft, financial fraud, unlawful access to financial resources, consumer trust, and confidentiality. Cyber-attacks and data breaches have constantly expanded in an age of digital transactions, making strong data security measures essential in the financial sector.

Finance is one of the most strictly regulated industries, with strict data management and protection legislation. GDPR, PCI DSS, and Sarbanes-Oxley must be followed. Noncompliance can result in large fines, legal action, and reputational harm.

These laws and guidelines help institutions establish good data security policies. This compliance guarantees that financial institutions preserve sensitive data, enforce ethics, and maintain public confidence in the financial system.

Financial data security breaches affect more than regulatory compliance and consumer trust. Theft or fraud, legal bills, compensation payouts, and loss of revenue due to reputation harm can result in large financial losses.

Modern data security technology, continuous monitoring, and personnel training are essential to combating complex and ubiquitous cybersecurity threats in the digital age. Financial institutions’ operational integrity, reputation, and long-term performance depend on strong data security.

Data Security Providers for Finance Services: Best Practices

Financial services should address these data security components and strategies:

  • Data encryption: Encrypting data at rest and in transit keeps it unreadable and safe from unauthorized access.
  • Access Control: Limit sensitive data access to approved users. This includes robust authentication and thorough data access records.
  • Regular Audits and Compliance Checks: GDPR, HIPAA, and Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance and data security audits are essential. Regular vulnerability evaluations and penetration testing are required.
  • Employee Training: Employees should learn how to spot and avoid phishing attempts, handle sensitive data, and follow security rules.
  • DLP Tools: DLP tools monitor and manage network data access and transmission to avoid data breaches and leaks.
  • MFA requires numerous verifications before giving access to data or systems, adding security.
  • Endpoint Security: Securing and updating all firm network devices to prevent malware and other threats.
  • Secure Data Backups: Regularly backing up data in secure locations speeds recovery from cyber attacks, system failures, and natural catastrophes.
  • Network security: Using firewalls, IDSs, and IPSs to monitor and block illegal access.
  • Cloud Security: Use cloud providers with rigorous security standards and encrypted data.
  • A well-defined incident response strategy allows a timely and effective reaction to data breaches, reducing organizational damage.
  • Vendor Risk Management: Assessing and controlling third-party providers’ data access risk is critical.

Best Practices on Data Security platforms  for Finance Services

  • Risk Assessment: Perform in-depth risk assessments regularly to spot security flaws and identify the location of your most essential information.
  • Data Encryption: Secure information at rest and in motion. If data is encrypted sufficiently, it will remain unreadable and secure even if it is intercepted or accessed.
  • Access Controls: The idea of least privilege calls for strict access controls, which must be implemented. Workers should see only the information they need to do their jobs.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Utilize multi-factor authentication to increase the difficulty of hacking into your systems and data.
  • Employee Training: Human error is a common cause of data breaches. Thus, it’s important to regularly teach staff about data security best practices and phishing awareness.
  • Regular Updates and Patch Management: Update your hardware and software frequently to avoid being vulnerable to exploits.
  • Incident Response Plan: Establish clear protocols for handling data breaches, containing the damage to a minimum, and retrieving lost information.
  • End-to-End Testing: The efficiency of security controls can be assessed by conducting regular penetration tests, security assessments, and audits.
  • Backup and Recovery: Keep regular backups and testing recovery mechanisms to restore data after a loss event.

How to choose the Best Data Security for Finance Services

  • Understand Your Data: Find out what sensitive information you have, where it is kept, and how it is used. This is useful for determining how much security is required.
  • Regulatory Requirements: The financial industry is highly regulated. Verify that any data security solution you implement satisfies all requirements set forth by GDPR and other applicable regulations and standards, such as PCI-DSS.
  • Evaluate Security Features: Secure encryption, access controls, intrusion detection, and multiple-factor authentication are all features you should look for in a solution. Having security measures like this in place is essential when dealing with money.
  • Assess Vendor Reputation: Select a provider with a solid reputation for dependability and customer assistance, focusing on financial data protection.
  • Integration: If you want to avoid making significant adjustments to your IT infrastructure, it should be easier to integrate with the systems you already have.
  • Scalability: The solution you choose should be able to adapt to your business’s needs and handle more info without slowing down.
  • User-Friendly: Make sure the solution is practical and won’t force your employees to undergo a lengthy learning curve.
  • Cost: Make sure the solution is cost-effective for your business by calculating initial and ongoing expenses.

Best Data Security Providers for Finance Services Features

Best Data Security Providers for Finance ServicesFeatures
1. Perimeter81Secure Network Access
Trustless Network Access
Software-Defined Zone
Multi-factor authentication
Secure Web Gateway
Cloud security
2. Symantec Safe access and identification
Keeping track of security information and events
Encryption and keeping data safe
Information about threats
Checking for security and compliance
Mobile Device Safety
3. McAfeeProtection from viruses and bugs
Firewalls and stopping intrusions
Guarding the web
Email Safety
Protection for Endpoints
Stopping Data Loss
4. VaronisManaging access to data and permissions
Classification and Protection of Data
Finding threats and responding to them
Analytics of how users and entities act
Analysis and Auditing of Files
In charge of data
5. ForcepointFirewalls and stopping intrusions
Analytics of how users and entities act
Safe Web Gateway
Isolation of a remote browser
Safety of the Network
6. Gen DigitalFirewall of the Future
Stopping Threats
Cleaning up URLs
In charge of applications
Finding and stopping intrusions
Partitioning the network
7. Palo Alto NetworksFirewall of the Future
Stopping Threats
Cleaning up URLs
In charge of applications
Finding and stopping intrusions
Partitioning the network
8. Trend MicroStopping Data Loss
Application Safety
Taking care of vulnerabilities
Keeping track of security information and events
Safely store your files
9. SophosSafe access and identification
Unified Management of Threats
Keeping track of security information and events
Protection for the Remote Desktop Protocol
Protect Against Ransomware
Safety for wireless
10. QualysMonitoring All the Time
The search for and classification of assets
Checking for Security Risks
Information about threats
Taking care of SSL/TLS certificates.

10 Best Data Security Providers for Finance Services 2024

  • Perimeter81
  • Symantec
  • McAfee
  • Varonis
  • Forcepoint
  • Gen Digital
  • Palo Alto Networks
  • Trend Micro
  • Sophos
  • Qualys

1. Perimeter81


Financial services companies can implement more thorough user- and device-centric access policies with the data security provider for finance services named Perimeter 81, which combines the networking and security tools required by IT onto a single cloud platform.

The business’s networking and security tools are unified and put in the cloud as a SASE solution (Secure Access Service Edge), giving IT a solitary option for safeguarding vital company assets and customer data.

By deploying VPN gateways, facilitating simple access management, and applying zero-trust security principles, the provider provides a robust data security solution for financial services. 

These features optimize networking while guaranteeing total compliance and network visibility, effectively protecting private financial information.

Financial service providers can easily exceed Perimeter 81 compliance requirements by enhancing security significantly. 


  • With Perimeter 81, workers who aren’t in the office can safely access company resources from anywhere.
  • It makes things safer by requiring multiple checks before entry is granted.
  • Sets up segments in networks to protect important data and stop people from moving around in case of a breach.
  • People in charge only need one console to keep track of users, devices, and rules for entry.
  • With well-known cloud services and tools, it’s safe to connect to the cloud.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
worldwide server network for low latencyLimited pricing transparency.
Real-time monitoring and alertsIntegration options need expansion.
High availability infrastructure
Updated threat intelligence

Perimeter81 – Free Demo

2. Symantec

Data Security Providers for Finance

Symantec, now a part of Broadcom, is a data security provider for finance services that helps keep data safe for banks and financial services.

Banks and other financial institutions can use the company’s specific solutions. They help them make significant changes, run their work better, use computers more, and ensure everything is safe and works well. 

Broadcom works closely with these companies and uses genius software and hardware to help them get the most out of their computer investments.

Their technology and knowledge help you study new trends, find chances, and make intelligent choices. This helps your bank do well in today’s world.

Users of Broadcom are transforming their financial institutions to become more dependable, secure, and inclusive in the future.


  • Blocks dangerous websites and web risks to keep you safe while you surf the web.
  • It is encrypted by Symantec both when the data is being sent and when it is being stored.
  • People who are allowed to can only get into systems and data with MFA.
  • Cloud security tools are used to keep data and apps in the cloud safe.
  • Finding and stopping security risks in real time with the help of advanced tools.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Expertise in financial data protectionIt May require specialized IT expertise to implement.
Advanced tools for cybersecurityUpdates and maintenance can be time-consuming.
Trusted by banks and financial institutions
Safeguarding your money and personal information

SymantecTrial / Demo

3. McAfee

Data Security Providers for Finance

McAfee is a top choice for data security solutions for finance services because of their years of technical experience.

Their solutions are built on a foundation of advanced technology, ensuring that your data is protected using the latest security advancements.

They provide reliable data encryption services that guard your financial information at rest while it is being transmitted. McAfee’s data security solutions are built around granular access control.

Using their access control mechanisms, you can specify who has access to what data within your organization. Their vulnerability management tools support financial institutions in locating and fixing security flaws in their applications and systems.

Computers, smartphones, and other devices used by your company are all protected by endpoint security solutions from McAfee.


  • It stops spam, phishing, and bugs from getting into your emails.
  • Keeps you safe while you browse the web by blocking harmful websites and other threats.
  • McAfee keeps important data safe.
  • Using MFA makes getting in safer.
  • Safeguards cloud data and apps.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Expertise in safeguarding sensitive financial informationSome users report performance slowdowns..
Helps prevent cyberattacks and data breachesNot always effective against the latest threats.
User-friendly interface for easy management
Keeps your financial information safe and secure.

McAfeeTrial / Demo

4. Varonis

Data Security Providers for Finance

The data security company Varonis is aware of the particular difficulties that financial services organizations face. They provide unmatched visibility, access control, automated threat detection, and compliance readiness through their all-inclusive solutions.

Varonis can assist you in locating and organizing crucial financial data, such as PCI and SOX information, and ensuring its security in both your cloud and on-premises storage. 

To stop breaches, identify security issues, and satisfy audit and breach notification requirements, financial data (GLBA, CSSF, and NYS DFS) must be monitored.

Varonis uses intelligent threat detection to spot ransomware early. Alerts can start automatic processes like ending user sessions, changing passwords, and more to stop attacks.

Varonis, a leading data security provider for financial services, addresses critical concerns. On average, employees can access 11 million files, with 64% having open access to over 1,000 sensitive files.


  • As a safety measure and to follow the rules, it records and sends tips about who accesses data and what they do.
  • The changes that are made to folders and files are saved so that security problems and illegal access can be found.
  • It is safe to store files and use SaaS apps like Office 365 and SharePoint.
  • With the help of data security and compliance features, businesses can follow privacy laws like GDPR, CCPA, and more.
  • AI and machine learning are used to find threats more accurately and cut down on false alarms.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Offers detailed reports for better data security insights.A complex setup process can be difficult for some organizations.
Assists in preventing data breaches and unauthorized access.High costs may not fit smaller financial institutions’ budgets.
Facilitates secure sharing of information within the organization.
Enhances data access control and permission management.

Varonis: Trial / Demo

5. Forcepoint


Forcepoint offers a wide range of products to help financial service providers deal with various challenges, like phishing, system weaknesses, online threats, and malicious advertising.

The High-Speed Verifier (HSV) and Forcepoint Zero Trust CDR collaborate to deliver malware-free data covertly. Across physical, virtual, and cloud systems, Forcepoint NGFW provides consistent security, performance, and operations. 

Security teams can manage a single set of policies across all apps with Forcepoint ONE from a single cloud-based console using a single endpoint agent, with agentless support for unmanaged devices.

Forcepoint Data Guard enables the automated, bidirectional transfer of highly complex data across separate networks, including real-time streaming video. 


  • The information is not shared or leaked, and it does not get into the wrong hands.
  • To keep the internet safe by blocking dangerous sites, web data is screened and watched.
  • Guards and DLP make sure that cloud data and apps are safe.
  • Guards links with filters and VPNs.
  • People use behavior analysis to find danger and strange behavior that are hard to see.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Secure remote access and mobile device management capabilities.Frequent software updates cause disruptions to financial operations.
AI-driven insights for predictive security analyticsVulnerability to zero-day attacks and evolving cyber threats.
Multi-factor authentication for enhanced user identity verification
Centralized control over data access and sharing.

ForcepointTrial / Demo

6. Gen Digital

Gen Digital

Gen Digital is a leading data security provider specializing in safeguarding financial services institutions from cyber threats and protecting sensitive financial data.

Their unique technology constantly checks for indications that someone might be trying to apply for credit or obtain services using your name, address, Social Security number, or date of birth. 

Its unique system will notify you of potential threats via text, phone call, email, or our mobile app. Ensuring the security of your customers’ finances involves understanding the threat landscape and providing an innovative cybersecurity solution. 

They are given the ability to engage with the digital world in a secure, private, and confident manner with the help of this solution, ultimately protecting their financial assets.

Last year, Norton Technology stopped 90 million phishing attempts, 250 thousand ransomware attacks, 3.5 billion cyber threats, and 1.6 million malware attacks on mobile devices.


  • Gen Digital people use technology and social media all the time without giving it much thought.
  • Their ability to quickly understand things is very good.
  • A lot of the time and very public on many social media sites.
  • Like real content and events that are made just for you.
  • Take a broad, open-minded view of the world and understand how other countries feel.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Comprehensive disaster recovery planning safeguards against data loss.High service costs strain small finance businesses’ budgets.
Smooth integration with existing IT infrastructure for reduced downtimeComplex pricing structure confuses potential clients.
Objective security recommendations devoid of conflicts of interest
Solid service guarantees instill client confidence in data protection.

Gen DigitalTrial / Demo

7. Palo Alto Networks

Palo Alto Networks

Palo Alto Networks is a well-known data security solution for finance services that helps safeguard client information, ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and maintain efficiency.

It also gives you the power to accelerate digital transformation, enhance the financial customer experience, manage compliance and risk, and adjust to workforce changes.

Prisma Access from Palo Alto Networks ensures a secure and smooth user experience, meeting customer and remote workforce needs.

Automate threat analysis using Palo Alto Networks Unit 42-powered cloud security. Easily manage compliance from Zero Trust to authentication.

The Prisma Cloud offers multi-cloud security, assisting financial institutions in switching to hybrid models and modernizing their trading and banking platforms.


  • Next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) protect against advanced threats, make network data more visible, and let you control it.
  • Protects against threats: stops attacks, malware, and infections.
  • URL filtering makes your internet safety better by blocking dangerous websites.
  • WildFire Malware Analysis: Finding and stopping malware in the cloud.
  • GlobalProtect offers VPN services for safe entry to networks from far away.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Robust firewall protection for network security.Complex interfaces hinder user-friendliness.
Comprehensive cloud security solutions are available.Scalability issues limit growth potential.
High-performance and low-latency security services.
User-friendly interface for easy management.

Palo Alto NetworksTrial / Demo

8. Trend Micro

Data Security Providers for Finance
Trend Micro

Regarding data security for financial services, TrendMicro offers a suite of products and services designed to protect sensitive financial information and infrastructure from various threats. 

TrendMicro’s advanced threat detection and prevention mechanisms protect financial institutions from evolving cyber threats. With TrendMicro’s DLP solutions, businesses can monitor, manage, and safeguard sensitive data to stop leaks and unauthorized access. 

TrendMicro’s web and email security solutions filter out phishing emails, malicious attachments, and risky websites. The endpoint security solutions offer network-connected devices continuous security. 


  • Malware, viruses, and ransomware are kept safe by real-time screening and new technologies.
  • Intrusion prevention stops strikes on networks and other bad things from happening.
  • Email security stops viruses, scams, and spam.
  • Web Security stops harmful websites so you can browse safely.
  • You can’t get sensitive info out of the company or to people outside of it with DLP.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Strong focus on data privacy and compliance.Limited parental control features for families.
Comprehensive email and web security features.Some users find the dashboard cluttered.
Multi-layered defense for added security depth.
Cloud-based options for flexibility and accessibility.

Trend MicroTrial / Demo

9. Sophos

Data Security Providers for Finance

Sophos, a data security provider for finance services, uses advanced technologies like HIPS, deep learning, anti-exploit, and malicious traffic detection to find and stop malicious activities on your devices while protecting financial data with rigid DLP rules.

Sophos Endpoint Protection safeguards your Windows, Mac, Linux, and virtual machine data. 

Attacks are prevented from reaching your sensitive customer data, financial transactions, and other components of your ecosystem by Sophos Firewall’s AI-powered threat detection. 

DLP features in Sophos products can identify sensitive information and stop data leaks through email, uploads, and local copying. Sophos Email encrypts your PII and other sensitive corporate data to prevent malicious and unintentional data breaches.

You can visualize your network activity and security with the help of flexible reporting tools from Sophos Central. It provides built-in compliance reports and simple tools to make your reports.


  • Strong firewall protection that lets you manage both users and apps.
  • Helps keep devices safe from malware, attacks, and data leaks.
  • Looks for junk and fake texts.
  • Content and site blocking on the web stops people from seeing dangerous content and websites.
  • Guards your phone’s information and safety.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
user-friendly dashboard simplifies security managementEnhance real-time threat detection capabilities.
protection to cloud environmentsFaster response times to customer support inquiries
Multi-layered security for comprehensive data protection.
Advanced encryption and data loss prevention

SophosTrial / Demo

10. Qualys

Data Security Providers for Finance

Qualys, a pioneer in cloud-based security solutions, now supports the Reserve Bank of India’s Cyber Security Guidelines. This makes it easier for Indian financial institutions to meet their needs efficiently.

Qualys provides a wide range of products and services that address all facets of data security, from locating system flaws to defending against online dangers.

Organizations can patch vulnerabilities with Qualys Vulnerability Management (VM) before cybercriminals can exploit them. VM offers real-time insights into potential risks.

The use of threat intelligence and machine learning by Qualys Threat Protection makes it possible to identify suspicious activity and potential security breaches in real time.

CSPM assists financial institutions in securing their cloud computing infrastructure. Financial institutions can assess and keep track of the security posture of partners and third-party vendors with SAQ. 


  • This tool looks for and ranks network and application failures.
  • It keeps your area safe by showing you all of its good points.
  • By looking for defects in web programs, it helps keep them safe.
  • Looks through the info on the network for issues and threats.
  • Helps make sure people follow the law and the rules.
What is Good?What Could Be Better?
Provides many security and compliance capabilities on one platform.It can be costly for tiny businesses.
Easy deployment and management without on-premises infrastructure.The platform’s richness can overwhelm new users.
Scales for small to large businesses.
Real-time threat data for proactive security.

Qualys – Trial / Demo


The conclusion is that the importance of data security for financial services is based on the sensitivity of financial data and the serious consequences of data breaches.

It’s essential to retain clients’ confidence, stay in line with rules and regulations, and safeguard the international monetary system.

Encryption, access limits, intrusion detection, and constant monitoring are just a few of the many security measures that financial institutions should implement.

Strong regulations, thorough personnel training, and a proactive response to new risks are all necessary additions to these methods. Technology, affordability, usability, and scalability are just a few factors that must be considered when settling on a data security solution.

Financial services must prioritize innovative, flexible data security measures to protect their operations and clients’ assets in the context of the quickly changing financial landscape and the increasing sophistication of cyber attacks.


How do financial data providers secure data?

Financial information can be protected against theft and unauthorized access during network transmission using encryption techniques such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

What are the 3 types of data security?

Hardware, software, and legal security are all ways to keep information safe. Hardware devices may only allow people with a particular device to read data, while software security may detect and remove threats.

How do we update security to evolving threats?

To anticipate and prevent cyber threats, we have to monitor the cyber threat landscape, update our systems with security updates, and invest in R&D.

Work done by a Team Of Security Experts from Cyber Writes ( - World’s First Dedicated Content-as-a-Service (CaaS) Platform for Cybersecurity. For Exclusive Cyber Security Contents, Reach at: [email protected]