PR Tactics For Positioning Cybersecurity Companies As Industry Leaders

PR Tactics For Positioning Cybersecurity Companies As Industry Leaders

According to statistics, there are 2,200 attacks every day, and there were 6.41 million data records leaked just last year alone. This increase in cyber risks makes it very important to show cybersecurity companies as...
4 Things to Know About User Authentication for a SaaS App

4 Things to Know About User Authentication for a SaaS App

There's no messing around when it comes to safeguarding your SaaS app—user authentication is the guardian at the gate. It’s essential for keeping those digital invaders at bay. But before diving headfirst into this security...
6 Good Reasons Why Photographers Should Consider VPN’s In 2023

6 Good Reasons Why Photographers Should Consider VPN’s In 2023

According to Statista, most people used virtual private networks (VPN) in the U.S. last year to protect their privacy. Photographers weren’t an exception to this rule. You might need to work with private data every...
IPv6 Security Best Practices: Recommended Security Measures for Organizations

IPv6 Security Best Practices: Recommended Security Measures for Organizations

The benefits of IPv6 are undeniable, offering improved performance and enhanced features for organizations embracing this new protocol. However, as with any technological advancement, security concerns arise, making it crucial to adopt a few...
The Main Challenges of Enterprise Browsers in 2023

The Main Challenges of Enterprise Browsers in 2023

Since browsers have become a major target for cybercriminals, organizations with a digital footprint must ensure their web security. Recently, cyber threats have become so advanced that only more sophisticated web security solutions can...
How to Create a Secure GitLab Backup

How to Create a Secure GitLab Backup

GitLab is one of the most widely used version control systems today and knowing how to properly backup repositories and metadata is essential for any user. In this article, we discuss the key steps...
4 simple ways to protect your website against cybersecurity threats

4 simple ways to protect your website against cybersecurity threats

With this world becoming more and more digital, the threats we have have changed. Cybersecurity is something that national governments put more and more resources into, and this is for good reason. The same...
Discover How To Protect Your Computer With These Simple Steps

Discover How To Protect Your Computer With These Simple Steps

It’s easy to keep your guard down online because it seems that nothing bad can happen to you out there. However, internet surfing is not as innocent as that. Obviously, you can’t get physically...

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