Beware of Fake Microsoft Teams That Deliver macOS Malware

Beware of Fake Microsoft Teams That Deliver macOS Malware

Hackers often mimic popular tools like Microsoft Teams to exploit people's trust and familiarity with these applications.  This strategy increases the probability of users' subsequent downloading and installation of this malicious software, consequently permitting attackers...
Microsoft Employees Data Exposed

Microsoft Employees Data Exposed Via Third-Party Breach

A significant data breach involving Microsoft has come to light, exposing sensitive information of over 2,000 employees. The Cyber Press Research Team has uncovered a data leak file containing personal and professional details of...
Microsoft Patch Tuesday July 2024

Microsoft Patch Tuesday July 2024 : 4 Zero-days, 59 Code Execution & 75 Flaws...

Microsoft's July 2024 Patch Tuesday has brought a significant wave of updates, addressing a total of 139 vulnerabilities across various products and components. This release includes 139 new CVEs in Windows, Office, .NET, Azure,...
Critical zero-click RCE Vulnerability Impacts Microsoft Outlook Applications

Critical Zero-click RCE Vulnerability Impacts Microsoft Outlook Applications

Morphisec researchers have discovered a critical zero-click remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook, designated CVE-2024-38021. Unlike the previously disclosed CVE-2024-30103, this vulnerability does not require authentication, making it particularly dangerous. This zero-click remote...
Microsoft Bans Android Devices for China Employees, Mandates iPhones

Microsoft Bans Android Devices for China Employees, Mandates iPhones

Microsoft employees in China will be required to use iPhones, as the company plans to block Android devices from accessing its corporate resources. This decision, as outlined in an internal memo obtained by Bloomberg News,...
Hackers Actively Exploiting Microsoft SmartScreen Vulnerability To Deploy Stealer Malware

Hackers Actively Exploiting Microsoft SmartScreen Vulnerability To Deploy Stealer Malware

Hackers attack Microsoft SmartScreen as it's a cloud-based, anti-phishing, and anti-malware component that determines whether a website is potentially malicious, protecting users from downloading harmful viruses.  By exploiting vulnerabilities in SmartScreen, hackers can sneak past...
Hackers Using ProxyLogon And ProxyShell To Attack Microsoft Exchange Servers

Hackers Using ProxyLogon & ProxyShell To Attack Microsoft Exchange Servers

Hackers attack Microsoft Exchange servers because they often contain sensitive communication data that can be exploited for several illicit purposes. Besides this, the widespread use of Microsoft Exchange in enterprises makes it an attractive and...
Researchers Released PoC For Windows Bluetooth Service RCE Vulnerability

Researchers Released PoC For Windows Bluetooth Service RCE Vulnerability

Microsoft addressed a Remote code execution vulnerability on their Bluetooth service on March 2023 Patch Tuesday. This vulnerability could allow an unauthorized threat actor to run a certain function on the Windows Bluetooth driver,...
Hackers Use Windows XSS Flaw To Execute Arbitrary Command In MMC Console

Hackers Use Windows XSS Flaw To Execute Arbitrary Command In MMC Console

The shift in attack vectors includes JavaScript, MSI files, LNK objects, and ISOs, as Microsoft has disabled Office macros in documents downloaded from the Internet. Some sophisticated attackers are now using other undisclosed methods to...
New Security Vulnerability Let Attackers Microsoft Corporate Email Accounts

New Security Vulnerability Let Attackers Microsoft Corporate Email Accounts

A newly discovered security vulnerability allows attackers to impersonate Microsoft corporate email accounts, significantly increasing the risk of phishing attacks. Security researcher Vsevolod Kokorin, also known as Slonser, found this bug, which Microsoft has...

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