The first few weeks of your first job are one of the most important days on the job. Your interaction with people on those few days will determine how great or bad your first work experience would be. It is, however, understandable that you, as a fresh graduate, are just getting initiated into the work environment. And, of course, you need to take your time to learn how to compose yourself. Well, don’t spend too much time learning.
Do a good job to make a good impression on your coworkers. However, don’t do too much to impress.
You have probably read several articles and essays on your composure for your first work experience. Several platforms have helped you through difficult times, such as essays, projects, and assignments. However, essay writer, for instance, has taken students through several itches. However, I can tell you that nothing prepares you for it better than your determination to do well.
It is okay to be nervous in the first few weeks of your job. But the quicker you get the nervousness out of you, the better. This article has a few tips you can hold on to as you start your new job.
Study the Office Environment
You should take time to study your new environment, and take in the office culture. Every office or job has a custom, rules, and regulations which each worker must follow. Your first few weeks at the job should be spent knowing this work culture and exhibiting them in no time. Trust me; everyone loves a quick learner.
Respect the office’s code of conduct duly. Adhere to the code of dressing, and never come late to work in your first few weeks. Most importantly, however absurd the work culture might seem, don’t try to demolish it. Remember that it is what has kept the firm going long before you arrived.
Acquaint Yourself with Other Employees
Your introduction to your new coworkers is important. As much as you want to appear professional, you should appear friendly as well. Give your colleagues a warm smile or a warm shake. However, in case of a work conversation, maintain the professionalism you need.
Stay focused on the subject of discussion and don’t sway away to a non-professional conversation.
However, during breaks, you can talk about things of other interests. Other interests like a favorite movie, complimenting your coworker’s outfit, shoe, or hair. You also need to be of relevance to your team. Make reasonable contributions, ask questions and listen when others talk.
Ask Questions
No doubt, your new work environment has people who were there before you. These people are there to direct you. Your first few days at the job are for you to get acquainted with the work tools and ethics. However, you cannot be familiar with everything without asking the right questions.
If you are intimidated by others, you can request a one-on-one meeting with your superior or anyone your question is directed to. Ask for permission as well. Permission to talk in a meeting, permission to. In case of tools operation, you can call on the technical guy in your office for the repairs of certain tools.
Don’t operate difficult machines by yourself. It might get damaged, or worse, you might hurt yourself.
Start developing relationships
Your first few weeks are often for work induction and relationship building. Many fresh graduates focus on work and ignore the need to build a relationship with their colleagues. You might want to start by meeting new employees like yourself.
Start a striking conversation and pay regular compliments to them. However, you might want to slow down on your compliments as they may find too many compliments fake. Also, there could be too much pressure to impress people. You then need to take it easy on yourself.
Let your colleagues know you for who you are. If you are an introvert, show it; if you are an extrovert, maintain being an extrovert.
Everyone makes mistakes in their first jobs. However, these mistakes can be lessons for you. No one requires you to be perfect on your first job. It is like learning to ride your first bicycle; you tend to fall a few times, then over the months, you become a perfect rider.Mistakes are bound to happen, allowing you to find solutions to them. However, whenever others are correcting your mistakes, you shouldn’t complain or grumble. You should learn from it and become better.