10 Most Dangerous Injection Attacks in 2023

What is an injection Attack?

A security vulnerability called an injection attack allows an attacker  to insert malicious code or commands into a system or application

1. Code injection 2. SQL injection 3.  Command injection 4.  Cross-site scripting 5.  XPath injection 6.  Mail command injection 7. CRLF injection 8. Host header injection 9.  LDAP injection 10. XXE Injection

10 Most Dangerous Injection  Attacks 2023

1. Code Injection

With the injection attacks where if the  attacker knows the programming language, database operating system, web  application, etc. Then it will become easy to inject the code via teinput and force that to the webserver

2. SQL injection

This is also a similar type of injection where attackers attack SQL scripts.This language is mostly used by the query operations in this text  input field. Scrip has to go to the application, which will directly  execute with the database.

3. Command Injection

If you do not put sufficient validation, then this type of attack is expected. Here these attackers insert the command into the system instead of programming code or script.

4. Cross-site scripting

The output will automatically get generated whenever anything is inserted without encoding or validating. This is the chance for an attacker to send the malicious code to a different end-user.

5. XPath Injection

This type of injection mainly gets affected when the user works with XPath Query for XML data. This attack exactly works like SQL injection where attackers send malformed information, they will attack your access data.

6. Mail command Injection

In this application, IAMP or SMTP statements are included, which improperly validated the user input. These two will not have strong protection against attack and most web servers can be exploitable.

7. CRLF Injection

Usually, this attack performs based on the vulnerable web  application, and it does not do the correct filtering for the user  point. Here vulnerability helps to open the web application which does not do the proper filtering.

8.  Host Header Injection

In this server, many websites or applications include where it  becomes necessary to determine the resident website or web application. Everyone has a virtual host which processes the incoming request. Here the server is the virtual host which can dispatch the request.

9. LDAP Injection

This is one of the best protocol designs which is facilitated with the other network. This is a very useful intranet where you can use a single-sign-on system and here user name and password will be stored.

10. XXE Injection

This type of injection gives the vulnerability in the compilation of XML external entity (XXE). It exploited the support where it provides DTDs with weak XML parser security.